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Everything posted by kirill4

  1. But one moment , There is another buitiful reconstruction of elizabethian galleon by Peter Kirsch, and He used the same type of kevel as You did... so probably You did acceptable choise !:)))
  2. Good day, Tomasz, Steering wheel!!!???😁 on 16 th centure galleon ??? looks very strange... I think may be better discard this replica details as quidance and better follow information from Anderson book? I know there are two GH replicas exist ... one is just tourist atraction and another one much more hystoric accurste... posted foto of which one ? Is this foto of this replica? If Yes , I don't know why they choose this type of kevels
  3. Good day, Your kevels Looks nice , much better than original ! however acording to R.C.Anderson this is Dutch type of kevel, english type should be more "round" shape such as shape of the kit's kevels...
  4. treads sizes could be find in Anderson book as well, if You need digital copy of this book for private use let me know by email there are some examples of rigging done by RC Anderson for famous private collection
  5. seems You need to find or make your self thinner trad for ratlines as You use now... on the foto it looks too thick in diameter compare to deadeyes lanyards and shrouds
  6. Good day, Dear Jonathan I used CA gel ... applied toch drop by tooth pick ,just to fix knot but need to be applied in such way that it doesn't cover hitch appears/configure itself... strange, should 't be shine here,why..?. but if it happened it could be recovered by paint affected area and applied matt varnish if shining after CA occured... Just Private opinion- if You will stain ratlines more intensive , almost same color as shrouds it would look much,much better!!! by the way, deadeyes lanyards need to be "tared" color as well :))) all, ratlines,shrouds and deadeyes lanyards need to be more or less same dark color... *too bright colors could destroy in some grade visual model appearance *as I know, this parts of the riggind used to be tared in reality,so couldn't be too bright color as some of the modern ship models demonstrate
  7. Good Day Marc!:) Oh! Thank You very much for detailed answer! Now I fully understood You choice and it seems to me You ' ve made very stable and solid foundation for such color scheme !!!:) As seems to me , no seems, I belive I will follow Your choice and findings in this area when I will reach my SR kit somewhere in the future. I like very much how it looks like in this color and consider it doesn't contrudict barocco style of that period!... Agree with opinion to be "bored" with seeing the same only blue-gold paint job over and over... :)))!!!
  8. Good day Marc, Your job Looks very impressive!!! And in some aspects is unusual for me, I meant this colors combination and in my imagination it should be more suitable for...vessel of Vasa period for example... Before I thought for SR period was used less palitra? Lets say blue and " gold" or red and "gold"... Marc , please remind me where / when in your build You mentioned or start discussed the reasons for choosing such painting scheme but not plain two colors ? Sorry ,it looks like I missed this moment
  9. Good day Mark, as I understood he used some kind of ?silk ? name PONGE 5 https://www.silkcraft.co.uk/ponge-5-white-silk-90cm-wide and special thermoactivating japanise paper which used for restorations purposes https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00LM7H9WC/?tag=phpprogramme this silk layer placed between termoplast R layers - in this case we have still very very thin material (like paper) which combines advantagies of modelspan tissue paper and fabrick material... as I understood from Blue Ensign article about ModelSpan tissue, it is very fragile material and easily could be damaged by accident during assembling ... Did You try site's "built in " option for automatic translation from German to English ? this special button for choosing language is in the extreme left lower corner of the main site screen... this option available in PC mode
  10. Dear Bill, I'm sorry for my English again ... Have some suggestions ... We could try to look at this forum from different point of vew , make it more interesting !:))) one of it - try to find it as a great sources of informations right here .. and there is exists realy Great Man and Great Expert in 17 th centure ships rigging - it is Mr. Ab Hoving !!! And this resource give us great opportunities to talk to this Man strait/directly!! Just strait - You could ask him whatever You 'd like to know about 16-17th rigging and You will have very interesting and full answers in return! At least ,it will 100% cover of Dutch 17 th rigging details !!! :))) But, And, consider that in this period Dutch rules over the shipbuildings World ...it will be quite intersting even we would like to talk about English 17th galleon rigging :))) A few years ago I even couldn/t imagine that such things could be posiible , but now they are!!!.. just look at his works of various models and ask him directly if You have questions !!! :))) everything You would like to know about 17th rigging !!! Oh my god!!! :))) We already missed to do same to ask /or talk to Mr. Anderson (sure 100%)amd Markquart as well ... :((( but Ab , Ab Hoving, He is still with us and active and modelling buildings and He si ready to talk to us ! Try! :)))
  11. Franckly speaking it is a little bit enigma for me > why we first don't need to read the solid source , as R.C.Anderson book and than start making discussion/// but instead of need first to start discussions and trhan found that easiest way to find unswers will be spent same time spent for discussions to read proper books??
  12. or fore mast tie halliards knight / same Duyfken replica rigging
  13. look at this..than read Anderson book ... and You will see and understood how das it work ... this case , mizzen tie halliyard knight\ Duyfken replica
  14. I said that because I've the same problem in the beginiing of my galleon build and rigging...but later on when I found this book ,almoust 90 % of my questions were settled and explained ...and answers were given by professional but not amateures like me and you
  15. Bill, Good day, Unfortunatelly English is not my native language... that why I always reccomend to read first R.C.Anderson book and after that, when You read and understood did You read ,start making any kind of rigging... If You really interestng in 17 century rigging , this book will be ultimate guide how to make rigging...I mean each time I will be need to try to say in worst and simplified what Mr. Anderson already said and explained carefully. Otherwise it could happend that just low level repeating information given by Anderson again abd again... please find a time ,a few hrs, and read this book ... You will be amaising how it is simple,logical and interesting !
  16. Mark, Did You see that? I thought I saw You somewhere talking about sails?😄but now can't find where I saw it I used to thiniest percal for making my galleons sails ... but what Dafi found and developed is amaising!!! , it is much, much great suitable for scale sails!! Will be Great and interesting if Your Tell us what is Your r opinion? ^)))https://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/t7592f815-Laminatsegel-fuer-Modelle-im-kleinen-Massstab.html https://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/t125f165-to-Victory-and-beyond-130.html#msg115827
  17. Yes, there is a plan to do this with bonaventure ... and I want try to change scale from 72 to 100, than model will represent a bigger ship than GHind and to rearrange location and to add some guns ports...
  18. Thanks Marc, It is not yet completed ... need good final push /kick to me to complete - remaining flags,anchors ,swivel guns ,braces lower sails and think how to manage stands... some minor things remains but I feel no power to fix them :))) looks like much easy to press buttons on pc :))) next project most probably english elizabethian galleon - want to make some conversion of airfix GH ... will try to transform it to the size and shape of "Revenge" or "Elizabeth Jonas" galleon ... I think this kit is the most accurate kit represents elizabethian galleon , almost exactly reproducing famous Baker 's picture of galleon
  19. consider pictures I posted above there some thoughts regarding correct position of main stay ( probabbly fore stay as well) :)))
  20. Good day Bill, It looks nice! more correctly than kit offers :))) just for information and inspiration some fotos of Mayflower II , GH and Dufken replica I found in the book and @ flickr @ resource
  21. it looks good and accurate, is it like N170 knot from the page posted above? if I not mistaken,for big,heavy anchor often used knot N169 from the same illustration as example VICTORY anchor
  22. Thank You very much Tomasz for your attention to my project and remarks
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