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Everything posted by schnu

  1. Some real improvement to the kit, is the whole chain custom maid? The last thing on number 3 looks real complicated to make. Will you change the nails to copper nails or just work with the ones in the kit?
  2. This is amazing; you even put the handle decoration (a lion). And I see you have fixed the back, you are really talented. how long did it take to make the sword? Did you make it with blender?
  3. This is just amazing, those details, I don`t even know what to write, just impressive.
  4. Nice model, did the pirate come with the kit? Did you scratch build the lantern, she looks great.
  5. I really enjoyed the build log, the colours seem darker (blue) on the last pictures, is this the true colour now? I think I already told it, I like how you exposed the small boats around the ship. The canon rigging is also quite original, I have never seen the small cannons like this before (well I am a beginner...). Your craftsmanship is amazing, have you already got a slight Idea what your next model will be?
  6. The ship looks big in the angle you took the photo, what is the size of the model? The hole looks difficult to hide, can`t wait to see how you fix it. What is your solution for turning on and off the led? And the batteries?
  7. looks good, Its interesting how the planking isn t done in whole strips, as with other models, is it a double planking or single planking kit?
  8. Let`s hope your wife`s friend dosen`t like to eat wood.
  9. I am sorry for the lack of progress, I have vaccations and have to take a little brake. On the good side I am going to visit the Vasa museum, , and I am exited about it.
  10. Thats amazing, I love the detail of the clothes how they get tiny bend while moving. Although it seems that the back of the bottom left of thejacket has a slight problem, it seems that the loop isn t done perfectly. The jacket `jumps in and out of place.
  11. Gracias Karl, I wasn't sure which paint you used, this will make it easier
  12. I finished the forward part of the handrails; I just have to do some sanding and slight adjustments. Like said befor I had to use nails, as I saw no posibility of using clamps (should I remove the nails, blacken them or let them be?), the tips really helped thank you all. The handrail on the bottom of the pictured was bent with steam iron (I have no iron bar, but I am thinking of getting one for my next build) and hot water, while the one on top only with boiling water. On the image there is no real difference, but I had to use less force with the iron. First I was a little unsure if it would dammage the woood, but it seems that was not the case. Now I am proceeding with some outer planks on the hull. Those were painted with acrilic colour (not sure if it was the right choice, but now it is too late to change that). I am asking myself if the acrilic colour will be damaged by the heat of the iron, has anyone tryed it? Otherwise I will just use hot water + the clapms which do little cuts in the wood (I forgot their name, sorry). Finally I have noticed that the ship has some issues with the scale. The doors are about 1.3 meters high, which seems very small, the mortar deck is about 1.2m below the main deck, yet there are no stairs/ladder which leads to it (that is not so high, but still if you have to climb down that with mortar amunition...). Is it possible that it was that way? I shall take more measurements to see if something other seems out of scale.
  13. I would use wood glue and clamps or other rubbers /tape (carefull what tape you use tho), as Ca hardens a lot faster, which lets a very small marge for error.
  14. Thank you for the advices,I followed them by putting boiling water on the wood strips, it worked out okay and I was able to nail them in place, for the second one I will also try the iron bar, will hopefully post results soon (probably a day or two)
  15. Ah that explains it, thank you for the information. Surely the model will be more unique in blue, I find it an interesting colour scheme. After all a model must not only be historical accurate, it must also please the owner.
  16. Welcome on MSW, you started big, the Vasa is a real beauty, and no easy task (at least from what I can tell). You have some real nice pictures, the GIFs are quite neat, it shows the progress in a unique way. The Planking looks well done at least to my eyes. I do have one question tho, do you know why some Vasa ships models are blue and others red? I didn`t find out an answer on google.
  17. Good luck, don`t underestimate the low number of parts tho, it may still hold some surprises
  18. Exams are finally over, now I have more time for the ship. I finished the sweep ports, they aren`t perfect, but I guess they will have to do, except if someone has an idea to improve them. The ramin wood splintered on the first few ports I made, so I had to rip off some planking and replace it. On this photo one can see that the precut holes were muvh too high, as the ones I made were measured from the plan. I also started to cut out the stern. Now I am moving to the ships `handrails`. I have some difficulties on bending the wood, as the curve is quite pronounced on the front and the wood is quite thick… any suggestions? The brown plank is the one to be bended, i thought of cutting it in two, but iI am not sure if thats the right thing to do.
  19. It`s nice to see that you can finally continue your build. I hope you get better soon. Even tho the others already said it,the wood work/colours is fantastic
  20. It`s a real beauty, but I do have one question, will you find the time to place the rudder at the correct posistion? Even tho one would not notice thats its in the wrong place until you tell them or they know the boat.
  21. I am sorry for your loss. It must have been difficult. I can`t even imagine loosing somone that important...
  22. I saw that you posted pics of the finished model in the galery, congratulations
  23. I know almost nothing of the subject, but maybe to not expose the fish at the sun to long, the only thing I know is that fish stinks when it is hours in the sun.
  24. =/ Well I hope you weren`t using the wrong one, but otherwise you can just buy some more wood, which isn`t even bad, as it is always good to have spare wood.
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