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Everything posted by mrcc

  1. I also completed the lower and upper cheeks with the headrails. The work always looked better to my 50 year old eyes until you see the imperfections on the photo. Needless to say I have some detail and touch-up painting to do.
  2. Finally some time to provide some posts. I have been doing some work on the model but only when time permits and on sporadic weekends. I have also been jumping around in the manual, procrastinating on rigging the cannons (I guess). Here are some images of the fenders, anchor linings, and side steps. I noticed upon posting, some fine detailing (sanding) that I have to yet do on the side steps.
  3. Hi Timmo, Wonderful job on your headrail. I just finished mine as well. Nothing like yours... I am watching and learning. Beautiful work! Cheers, Julian
  4. Perfect Alistair! Thank-you! I thought as much... I noticed on all the forums that there is no specific information on how to best do it. It seems everyone's cannons' magically rig themselves and set themselves on the deck. I wish mine would do so...
  5. Thanks Alistair... much appreciated information! So do you do all the rigging off the deck before you mount and glue everything down?
  6. Thanks for the comments Timmo / Craig... I have to "tackle" the rigging on the cannons but I have been procrastinating on this. I am actually skipping ahead in the manual bypassing the gun rigging for now as I am worried whether I am up to the task. Just doing some research and I am a little worried about the fine detail work given the blocks are all 2.5 mm and not sure how it all fits together when putting it down on the deck. PS Quick question on gluing the cannons down given the deck surface has already been varnished? I have been gluing down the smaller fittings and deck furniture with CA and they all seem to be strong bonds but I am not sure about the cannons and all the riggings? Also, should I assemble the cannons to completion and just tuck them into and onto the deck? Thanks, Julian
  7. Got a few other thinks out of the way last weekend... Got my ladders done with a simple jig using the kids' lego. Painted and installed the barricade assembly and rough tree rail.
  8. Thanks Craig for your kind words... I actually ended up gently sanding the brass rail surface and tried again with CA glue and it seems quite solid now. I think it was a matter of prepping the surfaces better - ie sanding the brass rail backside.
  9. Lastly, completed the assembly of the jeer bits and topsail sheet bits... all easy work. I found a great purpose of my wife's foot file as it is able to provide a really solid surface to sand those small wooden pieces prior to their assembly. In the past I was using a sanding sponge and at times was losing some of the definition of the wood due to it's soft surface. The final image I included gives an idea of the deck now in a more advance stage of finish. Still lots of work to do though...
  10. In another weekend, worked on the elm tree pumps... always a bit delicate and difficult when working on small parts and using CA glue. I have since primed and painted the parts but forgot to take pictures of the finished state.
  11. Finally some time to give an update as only able to get work done on "some" weekends... here we go, the windlass and belfry... I have some mottling after the staining as a result of CA glue on some of the faces of the windlass. I think it just adds a bit of realism (if anything). I have to paint the bell yet or leave it a silver tone to the original casting supplied in the kit.
  12. Thanks Alistair... Yes, the upward sweep is a bit extreme as you can see when it popped off, it went back to its "natural" position. Yes, I will try to reattach the brass rail with CA, cleaning up the surface prior to its bonding. Thanks for your input! Julian
  13. Now with the sheer rail... I used the supplied brass extrusion and used CA glue in stages and thought things were going well... I bent the rail into shape using the gun pattern shape as a reference. I clamped and glued the rail in two stages with good results but because the rail towards the stern began to need a bend in a new plane, the rail actually snapped off its initial hold after finishing and painting the capping and sheer rails. Not sure how to fix this this problem so it does not happen again. I presume I have to clean up both surfaces, sanding them, so I can reattempt the bond?
  14. I have finally had the opportunity to post some notes and progress... I filled the quarterdeck bulwark with a scrap and then finished the inside with planks and sanding flush to the top to accommodate the capping rails. The one problem was that I remember, once sanding the forecastle capping rails, was that I forgot to line the inner forecastle with a sliver of a plank. On the photo 5, it is evident of this, as when I was sanding from the outside, because I lost the 1mm plank width from the inside, I sanded into the cut outs in the capping rail. (instead of gaining that extra 1mm should I have remembered to put the bulwark plank in the forecastle) Oops. Not sure how to fix it?
  15. Thanks again Alistair, Timmo, Jack, Craig for your great advice and words of encouragment! I know that when I was starting my planking, it was in the midst of the "crash" of Model Ship World 1.0, and there was very little resources for me to look at with respect to planking at that time. Sometimes the mistakes need to be made in order to learn from them. The input is so much more relevant only on the reflection of what I have done in the past with regards to those mistakes. My problem is I am a detailed and perfectionistic personality and it is surprising how this build process can really "wear" on you when mistakes arise. Nevertheless, I am enjoying my time and efforts immensely. PS Timmo - your build log is my primary reference and inspiration. Thanks again for the support. Much appreciated! Julian
  16. Thanks for your reply... I appreciate your reply and of course critique and input. Your instructions for the planking is absolutely great, I wish I would have learned your technique earlier. I was actually putting CA on the full length of the plank and then rushing the job. Thanks for your words of encouragement! Cheers, Julian
  17. Once the decals were applied to the screen, the color seemed to even out but unfortunately I go some CA glue on some of the margins of the decal screens when applying the 0.5mm by 3mm maple strip to the front of the screen dividers and got some whitening. I will touch up with the blue paint and hope that the blemishes are eliminated. I also noted that the door outlines on the screen with the door decal was noticeable diminished once the decal was applied to the screen. I will try to touch that up as well.
  18. I achieved some additional progress but again ran into a bit of trouble... the painted finish of the screens were not optimal. The painted finished was thick and the color seemed dark by comparison of some of the other build logs. I used the Admiralty brand - French Blue color and when painting the backside of the decal screens, also found the paint to go on thicker than my liking with some mottling of the decal screen.
  19. It seems that my skill level is well below other builds on this forum. It is so impressive to see the workmanship and high skill levels on the similar builds of the Granado that are present on this forum. I think I may have tackled a project above and beyond my current capabilities, especially when I go back and review in my log some of the work done to date ie: for example the planking job - "OMG" - what a disaster and thank goodness for the white paint. Anyways... to correct the present error, I diluted some walnut stain and experimented with coating the exposed first layer of planking (the maple) to get a close as possible match to the walnut planks. It looks like a hack job to me and if anyone as any other suggestions, it would be much appreciated. Thx!
  20. Some more progress to note and some problems to note.. .a big problem in that after I affixed the stern fascia and when working the stern counter, I sanded down the second layer of planking right through and down into the first planking layer, the goal of course was to blend nicely the counter into the stern planking.
  21. Here is some of the progress I have made with the cannons and carriages. Of course the cannons are primed and then painted metal black. (I gave up on blackening the metal with solution).
  22. One of the reasons that my work was stalled was that I was missing a strip of 1x7mm walnut from the kit. So in order to complete the spirkeeting, I had to wait for the part to be shipped to me. I thus put in the sheer rail first and worked on the cannon carriages in the mean time. The sheer rail went in fine with just some minor trimming in the superior margins of the first 2 gun port openings. Once the strip was received and once installed, I was able to complete the spirkeeting. And with a priming and painting, the deck is starting to look great.
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