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Everything posted by mrcc

  1. My favorable first impressions faded fast as I assembled the keel and added the frame supports at the bow and stern...
  2. This kit is perhaps 20 years old and no such luck with regards to laser cut parts... I have started a Caldercraft kit, finished a Billings Boat kit, and this now my 3rd, having started a Mamoli kit. First impressions were excellent with regards to the plans and documentation and supplied parts, especially with regards to the planking strip wood - beautifully milled wood with tight dimensions and excellent wood grain and colour.
  3. So here I start another Build Log... This being my 3rd wooden model ship started, and only one being completed (the first perhaps a little bit over my head), I purchased this model kit on Ebay for a very good price about 20 months ago and actually only began this kit in the late fall last year. At first I was not going to do a build log as I always find my time limited with regards to posting progress and updates but given the lack of build logs for this particular Mamoli kit (another one, the first on this forum, just recently started this last month), I thought I would start one. I have always found the age of Exploration of the most interest, and especially with regards to Christopher Columbus... and that being said here is the token picture of the opened box.
  4. Hi Jon, I love the scale you are working in and of course the work you are doing on this Bluenose. PS I am originally from Edmonton myself.
  5. Hi Jon, Just reviewed your log and I am very impressed! What a great job and very cool that you are able to get it into the water... Cheers! Julian
  6. Thanks Jon for the kind compliments... Sorry for getting back to you so late as I unfortunately do not for whatever reason get notifications when people post on my build log. Yes of course any questions, please "ask away"! Cheers, Julian
  7. Thanks Jan-Willem for the compliments and of course being around for the "entire journey" with me.
  8. Thanks Popeye, thanks Bob for following along and providing guidance and of course flattery. Also thanks to all for the "likes". I just have a few more pictures of the model in its case that I have just recently built and finished... Will post them soon!
  9. Sorry for no recent updates as just limited with time these days... I have completed the model yet in August but only now posting an update with respect to the little details on the making of the flags. Yes, I could have done better... but the paper flags will have to do. I cut the supplied paper flags and sandwiched a piece of tin foil between the two halves. I used simple white glue to affix the tin foil, folded the flags back over the other half, and trimmed off the margins accordingly. At least with the tin foil, I could create a more realistic look to them.
  10. Thanks for the compliments and likes everyone... And yes, Bob you are absolutely right... my mistake. Bit more work that switching them out as the lights are set in epoxy and I know the box shelf they sit it has to be forward facing with respect to the inside corner. I will try to switch them out tonight and just hopefully I don't thrash any of the rigging lines... Cheers!
  11. My absolute last items to make / do on this model are the flags... Such a good feeling to be almost done!
  12. Here is some extra detail on the bowsprit as well... Of note is I cut out the original wire lines that I did for the standing rigging and replaced them with 1mm black rigging thread. I could not get the wire tied taut and the wire lines just looked sloppy at the bow... much better now!
  13. Finally an update... Spring and summertime is always busy with outdoor activities and of course the last 0.05% of work on this model has been the most difficult to get done. In this post I have created the light beacons and tied them to the lower shrouds... The light itself was created with the stock kit supplied plastic base and the brass light fixture with a small tube of red plastic in one and green tube in the other. I made these probably 12 months ago and remember painting a plastic tube both red and green, which was the end of an applicator stick for glue, and stuffed them into the brass piece replicating the fixture..
  14. Hi Jan-Willem, I love your methodical approach... all in the goal of attaining historical accuracy! I think it is worth the work and effort. With regards to all the builds and kits on this forum, I think only the Model Shipways kit would get an "A" grade in that respect. Take care!
  15. And with this posting, I am showing some of the details that I added with respect to the standing/running rigging. Again most of the details are gleaned from the Model Shipway plans... I have a few more lines to add and then I can add the lower shrouds (which I have been procrastinating doing...)
  16. Thanks Rick for your kind comment and sorry for getting back to you so late. I have taken a bit of a break and with me now not able to get email notifications about comments, I find that I am even further "out of the loop". With this posting, I have shown some of my efforts in creating ropes and hanging them.
  17. Thanks Jan-Willem... I think it is all about adding the extra details. PS. Looking forward to seeing your progress on your build.
  18. Thanks Popeye for the feedback, and my instinct was to do the shrouds absolutely last. This was my first attempt at rigging and I must say that I actually enjoyed the process and quite proud of how my Bluenose looks. ... mind you it is quite a simple rigging setup compared to the big frigates that you see on others' build logs.
  19. Thanks for all the likes! CKNavy, I used Tamiya paints which are in my opinion, great. My experience in the past, has been with Admiralty paints, and I find them very thick compared to Tamiya. The colors were Sea Blue and Flat Red.
  20. I must say that as I get closer to completing this, yes though my second model started, this is my first completed and it is a very nice sense of accomplishment with lots of pride for me when looking at my "almost finished" Bluenose. I have certainly enjoyed the rigging more than I thought I would, perhaps because this kit was easier and more manageable compared to perhaps the rigging plans of more complex and larger models. And as I look at it at this stage, I certainly feel that the Billing Boats kit is decent as long as you take the time to add the "extra details" and that the plans and instructions provided are not all the bad... and of course it certainly does not hurt to look at such a beautiful and handsome ship as the Bluenose! Cheers,
  21. More progress to report... My approach to rigging has been to study the plans and add all the details prior to attaching the sails and here I have added the blocks and bridles to the main gaff. For this particular model, I then attached all the running rigging details to the sail and then attach the sails to the respective booms and gaffs, in these pictures, to the main boom and gaff. I always made sure that the running rigging lines had more than enough length to the line to anchor to the blocks on the masts and then let the lines fall so as at a later time (in the next few days) anchor them to the pins and blocks on the deck.
  22. Thanks Popeye... I have been through all your logs and love your work and narrative that you write!
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