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Everything posted by Clark

  1. Thanks for the excellent description and the ideas you are putting in your model. I will probably copy some of them if you dont mind. Regarding the length of the ship, I had already a discussion with my my wife were to place it. Discussion is not ready. Again thanks for the detailed description. Clark
  2. Thanks, I will probably proceed with the mahogany planking. Clark
  3. Forecastle with upper platform is ready. I used mahogany planks to get a contrast to the gangway of the oarsman und the lilies ornament. Unfortunately, it also makes the sander dust more visible.
  4. Thanks also for the inspiration. Is the Coureur you are building, the one of CAF/Tom? I am thinking about the next project. Clark
  5. I read the build log of Gimo who built the Reale back in 2013. He showed a nice suggestion to pep up the stern (kings?) platform. I also thought about planking the stern platform and decided to put a compass symbol on it, remaining planking has to be done in a diagonal shape. Template was drawn using Power Point.
  6. The outer platform is now glued. I had a discussion with Frank some time ago about the holes in the platform. He drew my attention to the fact that the shroud chains are led through the holes. Shroud chains contacting wood are probably not doing well on the long run. Thus, I simulated an enforcement of the holes. The outmost fixation of the outer platform is covered by a small brown/white strip 1mm thick and a walnut strip on the top. I put small “pyramids” on the stern and bow ends to cover the different types of wood. In the corel plans there is a suggestion to fix the blocks for slackening the fore lateen yard in the middle near the main cannon. This would not work since it would hinder managing the main cannon. Thus, I fixed it behind the main cannon.
  7. When do you start with Coureur? I have noticed that you are currently working on other projects. Clark
  8. Hi Udo, glad to see that everthing was o.k. Via CAF Ad, I also got notice of the kit which seems to be very sophisticated. However, I was a bit puzzled by the CAF Webite which looked a bit semiprofessional. Nevertheless, the coureur is on my list. I am eager to read your report and critics. Clark
  9. You will enjoy it
  10. Regarding the gun deck, I had to regard some points. First, I want to show the ship on trip and not in battle. Thus, the carriages have to be tightly fixed and everything has to be cleaned up. Unfortunately, I could not find a plan how to fix the carriages. Frank (fmodair) shows one in his blog from the fleur de Lis but I am not sure if the fixation shown really worked when the ship was on trip. I created a solution of how I would fix them if I were the 1st officer or anybody else responsible.
  11. Congrats. Did you even keep the music in mind (radio on the shelf?). Like Nils I am also wondering about heating, which might be a more severe problem in Germany despite climate change. Clark
  12. Frank, looks great (as expected). Regarding the center decking planks: I have browsed through the plans and have noticed that some rigging runs through the midway. Thus I decided to make the center planks immediately before starting the rigging when all the other stuff is mounted. Do you have any idea how to handle the rigging, when the midway is coverd by planks? Clark
  13. The footboards had to be glued overlapping on the benches. To get a 1mm overlapping, I made a small rectangle with 1 mm strip on it. Hope the pictures explains it.
  14. To arrange the benches, I wanted to use the template of the outer platform (named arbalester base by corel). However, the plywood pieces were very slovenly cut by corel. Thus I had to put some effort in sanding them or extending by gluing additional wood strips. May be it would have been much easier to make them new as Frank (fmodair) did. For arranging the benches in line with the outer platform I used a wood piece to keep the angle.
  15. Frank, the advantage (at least to me) is that you are ahead. But I was also reflecting about the two holes for the foremast. I could also not realize why there are two. Following the Fluer de Lis may be an option. But it also may have been a sense of symmetry since it was a ship of pomp. Clark
  16. No problem. The point is that you have to think about the next 10 steps when building the Reale.
  17. Thanks Frank, the photo and my description my have led to errors but I have just drilled the water outlets, the slots for the shrouds are probably led through holes in the outer gangway. I will keep your hint in mind. Clark
  18. Lower planks are glued now and I have started to drill the holes for water outlet. I made some help lines. One line 3 mm distance to the hull to mark the middle of the holes. Rectangular ones to mark the location of the supports. Distance between the rectangular lines was 9.5 mm. Thus, I made a small metal template, outer width 9.5 mm with an inner opening of 6 mm to mark the limits of the holes. For drilling the holes, a driller 0.8 mm was used, wood between the holes was cut and sanded. 6 mm width was marked on the sander (sanding paper glued on wood piece). To arrange supports for the lower planks, I started with the first one arranged by a metal strip clamped to the yolks. Gap between the following supports was kept by using a wood block with 7.3 mm thickness
  19. Supports of port side and starboard side are now all fixed. Outer ends of supports had to be corrected in height.
  20. Frank, it is a pleasure to see your progress and the effort you are putting into the details. I noticed that you did not install the cannons yet. This because you wanted to finish the front deck first? Clark
  21. Thanks Frank, when I first read your blog I was astonished that only a limited number of supports can be adapted per day. Now I know what you meant. Hope to read further inspiring news in your blog. Clark
  22. All supports of port side are now fixed. It really took some time.
  23. With every new ship fun and effort in rigging increased. Doing the same knots again and again can be very relaxing after a hard day. When I began to build mediterrian ships, the task increased further since the plans and books showing the rigging are limited. Looking in the old paintings is sometimes not helpful. Comparing the rigging plans of Corel and Amatis Xebecs let me suppose that there is still a lot of variation possible. Clark
  24. Hi Chuck I was happy to find your blog. Klaus Störtebecker is still a hero in Germany at least at the coast line. As far as I know, the ship is originally named "Toller Hund" : "Toll" has two meanings: mad and great. Klaus Störtebecker was both. Clark
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