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Everything posted by Clark

  1. Hi Dave, hi wefalk Using the vice of proxxon makes drilling and even sanding really easy but I would agree that fixing to the drilling table is a bit challenging in that you have to be sure to adjust it rectangular. I put a long strip (100cm) in the vice (MS4), adjusted the drilling table (KT70) rectangular to the edge of the work disk and measured and adjusted the deviation of the strip of the edge of the working disk. When no deviation was visible, screws were tightened. Clark
  2. Thanks, the Reale is a great challenge in general. Good luck with your build. Clark
  3. I have started preparing the foremast. As always this takes sone time. Progress is not immediately visible. Upper end of the mast is quadratic. I used the table saw to get it in shape. After making it quadratic I bevelled the mast using the “lathe” described above. Lower end of the mast has to be shaped octogonal and bevelled. I glued a wooden trim on a base with 3° deviation to form a guide bar and adjusted it to a disc sander. To get the mast rotated by 45° and in agreement with the quadratic end, I fixed the quadratic end of the mast in a small vice. Before adjusting the masts, I prepared all the lines of shrouds and back stays. I found it difficult to fix the toggles. Thus, I drilled holes with smaller diameter than the middle of the toggles to put ~1/3 of the toggles in it. Upper end of the toggles end was fixed by a trim. It made handling of the toggles much easier. All lines were pulled through bee wax. Racks were also added before gluing the masts in place at this stage.
  4. Happened to me even when I was younger and fingers more flexible.
  5. I have installed the midway planks. Just behind the main mast, the lines of the haleyard of the main yard run through the planks. To place the holes in the midway planks correctly, I mounted a preliminary main mast and attached the lines of the haleyard to it. I also installed most of the lines later needed for handling the yards (tackles etc.). I thought it would be difficult to attach them when masts and shrouds are added. The lines were pulled through bee wax (to get a slight stiffness) and carefully flamed (to remove the “hairs”). Next step will be preparing the masts.
  6. Hi Frank, good idea to simulate the holding wire of the davits which is surely more realistic. I am also in the process of attaching the cleats and rigging lines. It will be probably more difficult when masts and shrouds are installed. Clark
  7. Frank, glad you are prooceeding. I am not sure if you are running into the same problem as I did. Are you aware that there should be enough space between the swivel guns and the lower railing? Clark
  8. After mounting the swivel guns, I adapted the spars later necessary to support the stern drape (I still hesitate whether to put on the drape or not, it will cover a lot). The cross bar was made out of a tapered 3mm spar. I used my old “lathe” made out of a drill machine on one side and a ball bearing on the other side. Opening of the ball bearing was minimized by a small spar. It is not very sophisticated but I have used it very often before to taper masts and yards. It worked. Tapered bar was glued on a carved support put on the arch construction.
  9. Just browsed through the offers. There are some remarks that the cuts are not very precise. I would also be interested in any answers. Is it possible to design and print ornaments on thin (~0.5mm) wooden planks?
  10. Pinnace kit arrived yesterday (ordered 10 d ago). Looks perfect. Recommendation to all not only to those who like details. Clark
  11. Hi Frank, I have sent the manual to Ogun already. Clark
  12. May be I can help. Both is with me. Please send me a short note. However, manual description does not help a lot. Better to follow the blogs. Clark
  13. I did not want to start a discussion about Brexit. I only wanted to express my hope thant we can rely on you, Chris, in the near and distant future. Pinnace was ordered yesterday. I am eager to start. Clark
  14. Cooking box is now ready. I added some ash and wood remnants from our fireplace. Since I was also wondering how the soup may be distributed, I put a bucket rack aside. Furthermore, I could not imagine how soup and fire could be handled. Therfore, I glued a walking plank on one side of the cooking box. A further question still bothers me: Are two pots with a diameter of ~60 cm really enough for ~500 hungry man working hard. While the glued ash of the cooking box was drying, I started to think about the swivel guns and I have noticed that the supports I have already mounted were much to high for an adequate handling. Thus I started to dismount them and to shorten them. Fortunately, wood is very patient. Picture shows a support already shortened.
  15. Thats what was also reported to me but I hope that this will not affect the interrelationsuip between the modellers like Pablo, Paul or Pov. Clark
  16. Hi Chris, Thanks for the rapid anser. I took a wrong conversion factor foot into m. Again Thanks, Clark
  17. Hi Chris, I noticed you are very busy. Thus, only a short question. Maybe a silly question, but is my calculation correct?: 28 feet = 9, 2 m /scale 1:64= 14 cm? I am asking because I would like to order one and hesitating about the correct size for my ship 1:64 scale. Moreover, there are a lot of reports in the German radio and TV declare that British products are very difficult or even impossible to deliver to the continent not because of Corona but because of Brexit. I hope you are not affected. Clark
  18. Hi Glenn, Do you want to rig the cannons as beeing in figth or as beeing on trip? Picture below explains what I mean. Regarding the Duchess, cannons in fight might probably look better (onyl my opinion). Clark
  19. Thanks Frank, you are right. I spent a lot of time working on the ship during the last weeks. It relaxes me really. I am happy that my 5 year old granddaughter stayed in your house for some days and even "helped" me in sanding, cutting and gluing. Im not so good in playing with dolls. Hope to find some news from your ship soon. Clark
  20. Forecastle handrails were prepared and added. I put balls usually used for ball bearings on the top. Might be kitschy, but I thought there should be an end at the top. Clark
  21. Excellent idea to construct a spacer. I used a triangle placed on the midline which led to a lot of repeated measurements. Clark
  22. According to the Corel plans, there should be a decoration plate at the stern similar to the one at the bow showing lily ornaments. Since I run out of the ornaments, I replaced the decoration plate by pillar rows.
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