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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. Oooooooo, nice looking kit and contents. Yep, the MDF would have to go, god bless them for trying though. It looks like they have included a lot of rigging line, which is a plus, most kits don't include enough. So before completion of a model, I'm stuck scrounging around trying to find appropriate rigging line to supplement what was sent with the kit. mike
  2. Yes I will post some finished pics as well as hopefully get some pictures of the donation ceremony at the Library. mike
  3. Thank you for the kind words J and G. I'm getting down to just a few more hours left on her. Mainly attaching the lifeboats and the tidying up a few loose ends and then giving it a good dusting and cleaning. I also have to make up a release and waiver form turning over ownership of the model & case to the City Library. I'm also including the book "Anatomy of The Ship 100 Gun Ship Victory", which I used as research for the model, which will give anyone who wished to learn more about this majestic ship the ease and opportunity to do so. mike
  4. Thanks George, now, I hope to get it to the Library in one piece
  5. Well, I'm figuring about 5-6 more hours on the Vic and she'll be ready for her maiden voyage to the local Library. mike
  6. Well, lets get to refreshing and start that building. I'm waiting. It would be nice to see the box and contents mike
  7. I'm back from vacation and ready to get back to the Vic! mike
  8. A little tease of a picture from the bow towards the stern. I'm still plugging away at the rigging, taking a break for a day or two in between. Rigging is something that I love and hate to do at the same time and can be a REAL headache. So I need a lot of breaks in between especially when I have days like yesterday when I was rigging only to realize I had a couple of lines twisted and wrapped around some other lines and while redoing them, I popped a couple of other lines. So I spent about 3 out of 4 hours doing and then redoing rigging lines. I was like two steps forward and three steps back. Thank you for the kind words Paul and Jp, that does help with keeping the momentum going. Yes, this could very well be my last build depending on how my health holds out. But if the good lords willing and the creek don't rise, I might, just might mind you build one more model. I have an OcCre Montanes waiting in the wings That I would really like to build and donate to a childrens hospital or some other type of charity for display or to auction off for funds. But, we'll have to wait and see. mike
  9. Absolutely stunning work. She is looking like the prettiest girl at the ball already mike
  10. No, no billows to speak of. I have tried in the past to billow sails from using molds to placing in front of large fans and spraying them with hair spray, which gave a hint of a billow, but also turned the sails a brown tinge after a year. I have in the past sewn into the sails a thin wire, which helped to hold the billow once the sail was molded, but that was during the sail making process. These sails came pre-made and a sight better than I could have done with a needle and thread. mike
  11. By the by, the sails on the Foremast hav not been tied down to their belaying points yet. I'm in the process of rigging them first before I start belaying them. Yep I know, confusing isn't it? It looks like a pile of spagetti. mike
  12. Heres a few pictures of the rigging and where I'm at right now. mike
  13. Hey Paul, your right, but that is one BIG piece of plexi to try and manuver into place. The way to probably avoid it would have been to place the plexi into the grooves of the top and then place the wood framed top onto the cabinet and then screw it down. But, the only way that will work, is you would have to use some type of strap and wrap it completely around the entire cabinet length ways in order to keep the corners from spreading out towards the top of the cabinet and the side plexi from coming out of the grooves. It's one of those where the more hands the better when assembling it. mike
  14. Thanks George, I usually hang all the sails in one section like on the Foremast, I will hang all three sails and run the rigging, before tying anything off. It can get a bit confusing, but it seems to keep me from belaying lines, only to have to go back and rebelay them because they are criscrossed or binding on another line. I hate the looks of binded lines.
  15. Bit more work on the Vic the last two days. The Sprits are just about mounted and tied down, then off to the fore's. Have my reference material laid out just in case
  16. Spent a little time on the Vic over the weekend and yep, I cleaned off my work table.
  17. OK, I had to do a slight modification to the display case. I found that while placing the top plexiglass panel in, it twisted slightly enough that it fell into the display case. Fortunately, it was a dry run and no model was inside the display case at the time. I decided to drill a few holes just below the rabbit that was routed by the factory for the glass panel and then I glued in a few dowels which will act to catch the glass panel if it happens again and keep it from falling on top of the model, which would be devastating and would require a good cry and a slew of expletives. I believe in an ounce of prevention versus a pound of cure. mike
  18. I spent a few more hours on the Vic today. As you can see all the strings hanging from the stay sails, which the rear ones still ned to be ran to their belaying points. It can get a bit confusing with all those lines laying around, but I found it easier to attach all the lines first then start belaying them off one at a time. mike
  19. Thanks for the encouragement George, I needed that because I'm starting to flounder a bit. It usually happens to me when I get to this stage of the build and I wind up needed a little kick in the seat of the pants to continue on. The Library is really anxious to get the model and would really like to get it before the end of the year and would like to plan a big doings before the Christmas Holidays. I will be gone around the middle of Sept to October when we will take a trip to the USVI to visit family there. So the time restraints are closing in hahahahaha.
  20. I agree with George, when he told me you are the Captain and when it came to belaying, it was mostly the Captains choice. Like I have posted before, I'm a realist and not a purist, I take the easiest path of resistance, which means exstrapolattion. Which works out great for most ship models that don't have such an honorable history like the Victory and the Constitution. I try my best to do it the right way when possible, but I'm also not above cutting a few corners or fudging or like I prefer to call it artistic license hahahahahahaha. Now, when it comes to most ship models no problem, but when there is shining examples like the Vic or Connie, artistic license can come back and bite you when someone comes up and says "well that is not the way it's done on the real ship" But I think I will add a few more belaying points especially to the rear of the ship to accomodate more belaying points and to minimize having to load up 3 lines to a pin. mike
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