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  1. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Copyright - beware   
    I love that analogy cathead.
  2. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from dgbot in Copyright - beware   
    I love that analogy cathead.
  3. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Yeah I was surprised at how well the pieces went together. I just had to file down a couple of those tabs on the sides to get them to slide in. But other than that a nice fit in deed.
  4. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to Cathead in Copyright - beware   
    Here's another reason to be careful reposting pictures: those photos are still hosted on the original server. That means, whenever someone loads a MSW (or any internet) page with a linked photo, the computer goes and grabs it from the original server, creating traffic for that site. Sometimes, reposting a photo that a whole bunch of people see means really elevated traffic for the original site. Great, right? No. Because some sites, especially smaller or personal ones, have bandwidth restrictions based on what they pay for hosting. If a photo on that site suddenly starts getting a ton of traffic, it can bump that site out of its paid bandwidth, and either shut the site down for overuse, or cause the site's owner to get a bill from the hosting company for extra service provided. As someone who manages his own site for business purposes, and has a lot of photography there, this is a real potential problem.
    The internet is often compared to a plumbing system. In this case reposting photos is a bit like tapping into someone's water line to taste their water. In small doses it often doesn't matter, but 1. it's still stealing, 2. if you add that straw and lots of other people start using it, you're really stealing and driving up their water bill, and 3. it doesn't benefit them because the other drinkers don't realize whose awesome water they're drinking.
    We all do this from time to time, it's too easy not to. And sometimes it's from a site that really is public domain or otherwise not a problem. But thanks to Chuck for helping us all think about how and why we do it.
  5. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Copyright - beware   
    There should always be a banner posted on any open forum regarding copyrighted or protected material. People tend to think just because something is posted on the internet, it makes it open season, but it does not, especially when you start quoting people copying and pasting articles and so forth. We like it here and don't want any trouble so's you's guys need to knock it off and either create your own or don't bother.
  6. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from coxswain in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I put the stern castle section together this afternoon but I haven't glued it down just yet because I wanted to check fit and finish before committing. Now on to planking that upper deck.

  7. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to Chuck in Copyright - beware   
    Thank You....
    Also keep in mind that "borrowing" photos from Flickr or facebook is never a good idea.   See this link.  
    Link removed because topic was deleted as planned...
    Slowly scroll down the page.  You can see how many that are now broken and not doing anything positive for MSW.   You were a busy beaver Crackers.
    Remember also that this is how photographers make their money.  Its no different than any other business.  Respect the copyrights of others!  Just ask for permission.  99% of the time they will be fine with it.  Just dont be afraid to spend the time to get permission.  
    Thanks again 
  8. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Copyright - beware   
    There should always be a banner posted on any open forum regarding copyrighted or protected material. People tend to think just because something is posted on the internet, it makes it open season, but it does not, especially when you start quoting people copying and pasting articles and so forth. We like it here and don't want any trouble so's you's guys need to knock it off and either create your own or don't bother.
  9. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Your right Craig, this kit is not an easy kit to find in the US. I was fortunate to have been able to pick it up on the Classifieds forum here on MSW for like $300.00 and it usually retails for around $800.00. So when I saw it posted, I couldn't resist especially since this will be a donation project to possibly a local hospital or something when completed and with the funds coming out of pocket for me, the cheaper the better.
  10. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I know what you mean. The bulkheads are so thin on this kit compared to others that I have built at this size. So I figure it wouldn't hurt give myself some added planking area.
  11. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from coxswain in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I'm going to plank the upper deck while it's mounted to the model as I did the lower deck rather than doing it off the model like suggested in the instruction booklet. I know, I'm a rebel hahahahahaha.
    Now I knew there was a use for those dumb bells besides door stops.

  12. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from coxswain in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I made a little bit of progress on the Monte.

  13. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Your right Craig, this kit is not an easy kit to find in the US. I was fortunate to have been able to pick it up on the Classifieds forum here on MSW for like $300.00 and it usually retails for around $800.00. So when I saw it posted, I couldn't resist especially since this will be a donation project to possibly a local hospital or something when completed and with the funds coming out of pocket for me, the cheaper the better.
  14. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I know what you mean. The bulkheads are so thin on this kit compared to others that I have built at this size. So I figure it wouldn't hurt give myself some added planking area.
  15. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to GLakie in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Yup - A rebel that goes where Angels fear to tread Mike!      As long as it keeps getting good results, following the "guide book" to the letter is optional. 
  16. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I'm going to plank the upper deck while it's mounted to the model as I did the lower deck rather than doing it off the model like suggested in the instruction booklet. I know, I'm a rebel hahahahahaha.
    Now I knew there was a use for those dumb bells besides door stops.

  17. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from marktiedens in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I'm going to plank the upper deck while it's mounted to the model as I did the lower deck rather than doing it off the model like suggested in the instruction booklet. I know, I'm a rebel hahahahahaha.
    Now I knew there was a use for those dumb bells besides door stops.

  18. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from CDW in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I'm going to plank the upper deck while it's mounted to the model as I did the lower deck rather than doing it off the model like suggested in the instruction booklet. I know, I'm a rebel hahahahahaha.
    Now I knew there was a use for those dumb bells besides door stops.

  19. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I made a little bit of progress on the Monte.

  20. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from marktiedens in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I made a little bit of progress on the Monte.

  21. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from GLakie in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I made a little bit of progress on the Monte.

  22. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from GConiglio in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    I have no fear as far as scratch building, I just prefer a faster pace when building. I don't want to invest in a bunch of tools to maybe build one or two ship models in 10 years and by the time you factor in all that scratch building material extra tools and such, you have far surpassed the cost of even the most expensive kit. To me, there is nothing like getting that package in the mail, cracking open that crisp new box and see all those nice trinkets inside and smell that nice cut wood. It makes me smile just thinking about it. I just can't seem to get that worked up over a scratch build project. But then again, I never tout any of the models that I have built as being museum quality because I know without a doubt that anyone else who buys that kit can build just as nice a model or nicer than the one I build even if I change a few things on it, it's still a decrative display. Now to me most any scratch built model would be considered museum quality. But this is just my opinion and my opinion alone so don't go a hating.
  23. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Piet in Wappen von Hamburg by andy - Corel   
    Andy, I checked the link you posted at the beginning of your build and I would have to question the 8000 hours of building time. If he kept a build log, I would want to see this for myself because unless he's anal when it comes to perfection or built quite a bit of the ship by scratch building or doing quite a bit to the model that is not required by the kit, I find that an awfully long amount of hours. Now I don't doubt the 13 years, I have seen models take that long and longer to build. It depends on how much time is spent on the model.
    Great work on yours, by the way.
  24. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    Mark nailed it. I'm the Bob Ross of ship modeling. You have the right way of doing it and then you have my way of doing it, which is usually the path of least resistance.
  25. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    hahahahahahaha, I know what you mean George, I have been trying to tighten a few things back up, but they keep saggin, kind of like sloppy rigging.  
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