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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. I use this one from Lee Valley http://www.leevalley.com/en/wood/page.aspx?p=70138&cat=1,230,41182,70138 Works great on small planks.
  2. I used quite a bit of the PE but a lot of it doesn't show in the photos; camera can't pick it all up and some of it gets lost in the forest so to speak. All the vertical ladders on the crane towers are PE, all the railings around the foreward and aft guns and stern are PE, also the railings around the main structure amid-ships are PE - the points on the tower where the lines attach are PE. My next ship probably will not have as much gray as this one.
  3. Danny, when I click on the PLASTIC/RESIN link I get the Card PDF file; likewise when I click on the CARD link, I get the Card PDF ....... Looks like a couple links got broken/overlaid.
  4. Danny, my 2 plastic kits, The Sullivans and Liberty Ship John W Brown, are now finished
  5. Well, first I need to finish this diversionary project I started while awaiting a re-supply. Have to finish the camo paint, weather it, and some extra detailing, then on to ???????? Maybe another destroyer, or destroyer escort, maybe even the sister Liberty Ship O'Brien ???? Not sure yet ? Pictures of the "diversionary project" (USMC LVTP 7A1 in winter camo)
  6. Well after pouring over the diagrams and various other photos/drawings I found on the Internet. I decided to keep the rigging simple. After obtaining a roll of EZ-Line ( I thought I was ordering BLACK Fine Rope according to the picture but got Brownish/Red Fine Rope instead) - I chose FINE over HEAVy because the documentation stated that FINE was appropriate for N scale (1:160) or Z scale (1:220) and the model is 1:350, so the FINE would be slightly large for the scale. I cut some pulley blocks from the PE strip for the kit and attached a few to the rigging, didn't paint them because I wanted them to stand out somewhat rather than disappear. The EZ-Line instructions called for using a pin-drop of Thin CA to attach the EZ-Line; well the CA reacted with the rubber in the EZ-Line thread and the fumes gave me a wicked sinus issue. Switched over to Gator Grip for the rest of the installation. Did some "weathering" with chalk dust and some dry brushing with paint over the hull, deck, funnel. Here's the photos of the finished model
  7. Yes, I will be there. I plan on bringing/displaying the ice yacht model. See you there.
  8. We're expecting the same here. Just hope it doesn't melt the ice tho - almost good enough to go ice boating in a week or two . A little surface melt and refreeze will give us a nice smooth sailing surface. See the 1888 Gaff rigged ice yacht build log in my signature for photos.
  9. Reed, that's a heat wave you're having compared to my -6 F here in the Hudson Valley - USCG Ice Breakers making daily passes up the Hudson River to keep the oil heating barges moving heating oil to Albany....... Boat is coming along nicely !
  10. Have you tried using Microscale Micro Sol/Set solutions on those decals ? I've had success using them to rescue old decals.
  11. Yes the alligator has him tight in his jaws - good place for him too. Makes him stand still for awhile.
  12. Can't speak to the MK1 but the Trumpeter are most definitely waterslide decals. I'm not familiar with anyone who includes dry transfer in a kit but I could be wrong. Most dry transfer I've seen are after-market decals.
  13. I'm going to try and do the camo as winter camo. I've got too many other tanks in jungle and/or desert camo, but only one in winter camo. Yea, that figure stands atop the tank !
  14. As a diversion while I await delivery of additional supplies, I decided to work on this Tamiya LVTP 7A1 amphibious tank (USMC)
  15. Nice find Lou, thanks! But talk about intimidating ! Will see what I can do. Or wait for Greg's group build
  16. Thanks Reed. At least the Willie L Bennett and Marie Jeanne came with rigging plans/diagrams, this kit has none and all the photos I can find do not show the lines end to end. Still trying to find diagrams. But I have to wait for a re-supply of EZ line and some other items first.
  17. Added the cranes to the model: Some of the PE railings look like they've been beaten on with a sledge hammer to knock off the ice build up from a North Atlantic transit to Murmansk If you are wondering what the wrinkle background is, it's the portable nylon spray "booth/shield" I picked up thru the Woodcraft catalog. Works quite well. I haven't decided whether to call it a "wrap" at this point. I haven't figured out if there are pulleys included in the PE sheet and how to assemble them or where to attach them as I don't have a clear rigging diagram for the cranes. In addition, I would have to order some EZ Line if I am going to rig it further. Decisions ! Decisions ! Decisions !
  18. Go one level deeper - there's a sub-category under Shore Leave - Non-ship/categorized builds
  19. Wefalck, you can use a fictitious email address, it does not validate it. You can use "santaclaus@northpole.com" for example and it will work.
  20. Installed all the subassemblies to the main deck. Only thing left is the cranes and the crane rigging.
  21. It wasn't any of these as I was able to spray clear water thru the brush from the same/similar bottle. It was the paint itself, not diluted enough.
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