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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Kevin, go look at Mahuna's build log of his skipjack Kathryn. He used a gel that acted like a heat synch to protect already done solder joints while he did the next one. Or send him a PM . It seemed to work well for him
  2. Is she serving "hot tongue and cold shoulder " ?
  3. I took my granddaughter to see these models 5 years ago, age 7-8, she found it fascinating, even the "mannequins". Great photos! Thanks for posting.
  4. But isn't that "a cold day in February" for Florida ? <evil grin>
  5. Sig, the USS England is a Buckley class DE, so you could use it to build the Ruben James.
  6. Nice ! BTW who did the crow/raven and moose woodcarvings in the background ? You ?
  7. USS Reuben James (DD-245) Clemsen class destroyer, USS Reuben James (FFG-57) Oliver Hazzard Perry class guided missile frigate or USS Reuben James (DE-153) Buckley class destroyer escort ???
  8. My ice boat club sailed our club's 50 ft ice yacht Jack Frost 16 miles down that lake at 90 MPH back in the mid 1990s?
  9. Is that last photo lake Winnepawsakee? Been to Conway, drove a 68 Mustang up Mt Washington road to summit. Scary drive ! Also been to Nubble lighthouse both by land and by sea. Great photos CDW.
  10. Not that I am aware of. The keel on my finished model measures about 10 inches, the bow to stern measurement at the gunwale is about 16 inches. (Sorry I'm not metric literate ) The box my kit came in gives the dimensions as length 565 mm (22 1/4 inches), height 495 mm (19 1/2 "), beam 115 mm (4 1/2 "), which matches your model kit..
  11. Thanks Steve. The white lettering are the water slide decals supplied in the kit. Very thin clear backing. I used Microscale Solvaset to get the to lay down tight.
  12. Steve, try the heavy duty Ziploc freezer bags, sandwich size. Might be strong enough.
  13. Mike, Fortunately I did not toss out my original kit plans for Mare Jeanne. The hull planking is 1.5 x 5 x 400 mm (quantity 40); deck planking is 0.6 x 5 x 400 mm (quantity 22). Plank sheer is 1.5 x 5 x 230 mm. The kit comes with Ramin wood for these pieces. Hope this helps. Jack
  14. If I remember mine correctly the 2nd planking is a .5 mm thin veneer walnut. Since I painted mine I left off the 2nd planking, kept the wood for another project. Link to my build log is in my signature below. It is a nice kit to build and comes out nice looking
  15. 2.54 cm equals 1 inch or 25.4 mm equals 1 inch 60 mph equals 88 ft per sec. Just a couple of math formula I did remember from high school physics classes.
  16. I thought as much. I have been considering them myself for a future model.
  17. LOL Greg, our 3rd Corgi Fini was actually of New Zealand blood line, bred to NZ/UK breeding standards. She was shipped to a breeder on US west coast then to another breeder (partner) on east coast. She was much smaller than those bred to US standard. She never got past 20 lbs US in weight, whereas the others were 25-30 lbs US in weight. We got her from the east coast breeder at age 6.
  18. Very nice, Carl. I like the camo colors, that blue-green ish color contrasts nicely with the other colors.
  19. Hi Allen, off topic is okay! Yes, the photo in my Avatar is a Corgi. She is female, age 13, classic Corgi coloring red and white. We got her as a 6 month old puppy directly from a breeder. At the time we got her she joined our 2 other Corgis, a 6 year old male and 6 year old female, bringing the pack to 3 . The older two were semi rescues, we got them from 2 different breeders who stop breeding them at age 6. Both were black headed tri-colors with predominately black bodies, a rare coloring. So we had a male and two females, all neutered of course. The male lived to age 16, the female to age 14. We had another red and white female, a "true" rescue at age 6 but she died after 2 years of a rare muscle cancer, so we got 2 more. We have had 4 in total. The male came first, then the female rescue who died, then the 2 females. It was great fun having 3 at one time, especially when we went to Corgi gatherings with 2 black headed tri-colors in tow, both from different breeders and blood lines. Made a lot of the breeders a little jealous that we had two black headed tri- colors, a male and a female. [For the non-breeders, to get a tri-color Corgi takes a recessive gene in one parent ; to get a black headed tri-color takes a double recessive gene in both parents. As I recall from talking to the breeders who sired our dogs] Here's photos of the 4 Corgis Derby (male) Pepper (female - died of cancer 2 years after we got her) Fini (female) Sunny (last of our Corgis - still with us) That's her 7 inch cloth frisbee by her front feet
  20. WOW ! Really nice looking cannon. Nice job. And I agree, Chuck's rope really makes the whole thing stand out.
  21. Maybe it is $25 US for the kit and $75 US for postage to ship it to OZ.
  22. Do these photos help ? It is a gaff rigged ice yacht, not a cutter, but I think the rigging is similar if not the same.
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