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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. I think you can use the same technique shown in this video Even tho he is using a horizontal bandsaw I think the same technique can be used with a vertical bandsaw, especially since your logs are only 12 inches long and 3 inches in diameter.
  2. Now that is a nice looking load of fresh seasoned firewood, Denis. Nice job.
  3. John, @jbelwood, it looks like the Saybrook Breakwater Lighthouse at Fenwick Point near mouth of Connecticut River in Old Saybrook. <old lighthouse buff here > Assuming they picked a CT lighthouse.
  4. Denis, Sven says you did a pretty good job cutting and splitting that firewood for the locomotive
  5. Bill, it comes in two sizes. One is big enough to do furniture in.
  6. It also is good backdrop for photo shoot of model, Kurt.. I do it all the time. Set the light(s) on either side of tent and you get nice diffuse lighting thru the tent sides (place lights outside the tent)
  7. For spray painting I use this inexpensive collapsible spray shelter from Woodcraft . It is big enough for most all models
  8. You can also try Tower Hobbies, they carry the full kits and some parts
  9. JCT, They aren't "oil" but rather water base artist acrylics. I prepped the plastic with Tamiya Fine Surface Primer in a rattle can. I then applied the paint with a brush. I dip the brush in water then take a dab of paint on the brush, then a little more water, then mix it around till it thins out then apply it to the model. Same mixing/blending technique an artist uses to put acrylic on canvas. I use a plastic egg carton style palette I get in Michaels. There is probably 4 maybe 5 thin coats of paint on the model when I am done I overspray with Testors Dullcoat to seal the paint and decals.. Winsor Newton produces both oil and water base artist paints.
  10. Fantastic layout Michael. Loved the video as did my wife. Beautiful garden.
  11. Nighty night ! Don't let the Blue Gerrit or Zeedijk Ghost get you !
  12. Ah but Carl he still has to worry about the Megaladon lurking in the waters offshore.
  13. I have never used "the Cloud" for anything, never will either, Denis.
  14. I'm using a Canon PIXMA MG7520 with a DPI of 9600 (horizontal) x 2400 (vertical) and 6 individual ink cartridges (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Grey, Black and a double black for plain printing) for both my photos and decals. (Also has a Scan, Copy, and "Cloud" feature)
  15. Thanks Carl ! Yes, my Security Chief, Dr. Gundam, did tell me he encountered a group of your spies trying to penetrate the StealthWorks, but he chased them off. But, Carl, you really must teach your spies to be more discrete; they left a very large and obvious trail of Hollandaise. <pun intended> But they did not succeed in discovering our next Stealthy project.
  16. Thanks Vossie, I tried to match the colors in the box art side panel. Not having any typical model brand paints available I decided to use Artist colors instead . I think they matched pretty well. Now for the finishing touches - adding the wire cross bracing to the wings - tried several different materials from fly fishing tying line to sewing thread but none of it worked too well. Switched to solid 26 gauge black coated wire, rigid enough to stay in place until I could CA glue it. Since it was spooled I had some trouble getting the curve out of it but got it pretty straight after several attempts. Model is now finished. Before attaching the cross bracing to the wings: With the cross bracing installed and FINISHED : This was a fun and easy kit to build. What took the longest was painting and then waiting overnight for the paint to completely set before continuing. All the parts fit together nicely and will little to no flash. Thanks for following along .
  17. He's the spy annihilator, Ken ! Keeps Carl's spies from seeing what we are doing ! The stern looking sourpuss is the yard foreman!
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