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    Jazz Drummer

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  1. The painting on the metal looks great! What kind of paint are you using? Thanks!
  2. I used the walnut there. I might be able to find some scraps to complete it. So close lol. Like one strip off!
  3. Man What a disappointment. My Fifie kit was lacking enough 1x4mm deck planking to finish. Anybody else have this problem?
  4. Thanks! I am going to copy you and do the same. I love your take on this build! I should be paying you!
  5. Looks Awesome! The trim going around the super structure.. What size is that? I didn't notice it in plans. Thank you!
  6. Looks Great! Did you hand brush hull with acrylic? I am doing the timberheads just like you did and Love the results! Lol I am actually referring to Your pictures more than the actual instructions!!! Thanks!!!
  7. Thanks! I am also doing a single layer of hull planking too. I will cut the walnut as well. Great tip! Thanks And Happy New Year!!
  8. I have a question! The spacers you used between the timberheads. Did you use extra you had or trim the kit supplied wood? Thanks!!
  9. Excellent work!! I ordered the Fifie a few days ago and looking forward to the build! I am getting some great ideas and tips from your build, so thank you for posting the great pictures! Now I have a mentor for my build!!!
  10. Pictures are a bit fuzzy. I will post better ones in the next day or so. Thanks! Steve
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