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About Leo-zd

  • Birthday 02/13/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Zadar, Croatia
  • Interests
    modeling, mountaineering, sailing, diving and photography

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  1. How big fingers You have !?!?! 😆 Fantastic micro works !!!
  2. the trouble is that i had a "few" photos (only this year something as 400 ... from 12 regatas ) here is the link to my space on photobucklet which I often use for posting images on nautical forum. Most of folders are from sailing. http://s364.photobucket.com/user/GRINGO_ZD/library/?sort=9&page=1
  3. you knew all (about wifes ) For the 1:1 , fortunately I'm not a owner (so I only have to sail not to take care ) but I have two friends with interesting models first is First 30 and when I am not on it I go with one Ufo 22 I don't want to spam your post so only few picks as I have a plenty of picks on my FB profile
  4. Thk Patrick In fact last half year or something more I was intensively engaged with a bit greater scale (1:1) and non-static recent models Simply I had the fortune and the possibility to go on many sailing regattas, so in few weekends that I wasn't on deck was very politically correct to remember that I had also the best wife on the world (doesn't someone have OR could says that !? ) so the models are on stand by.
  5. Fantastic work...!! It's unbelievable that is so small scale
  6. Nothing new but as I made this photos for another purpose (macro theme on one forum) and as this is a interesting indication of scale I decided to put it here.
  7. Great solution that was behind all but we didn't seen it :im Not Worthy: And that give me a perfect idea for small scale (we both have a same feeling for soldering ), I will do it in styrene as in my scales it is to small even for plywood I use - 0,4mm aero , great :im Not Worthy: for idea and realization !!!
  8. The ropes are fantastic also because are slightly different so looks realistic Fantastic work overall
  9. Nice work! The mast is very nice, You can fill it, as it will be painted it will be OK. About using the drill and sanding, one precaution, maybe You knew it yet, don't wrap the paper completely around the wood because the friction will be to high and something will be broken... Use the paper only bent for a half profile.
  10. Thk Patrick External ladders are a bit outdimensioned, I used the 0,6 mm plywood but seems to bee too big. Probably I'll pass darker tone on it to made slimmer
  11. Hi, it was printed by Shapeways with material Frosted Ultra Detail because this was the test print, probably the friends will order with Frosted Extreme Detail which have better resolution. anyway the limit is 0,1 mm as the smallest dimension.
  12. same painting (very roughly) just to emphasize the volumes
  13. Today the captain decided to visit the yard so it was necessary to mount the ladders
  14. Today's visit to tailor's shop But the tailor, instead of calk, used the marker so the signs remained. In fact the marker was too big so at the end used it as a base and scribes the division on the hull. In the middle it is 14 sections of 2,85mm (in fact 3,5mm for the overlapping of the klinker) at the ends it is 2,5 and 2,7 mm without klinker.
  15. THk Elijah It's 18cm overall, it's slightly bigger than Lady Nelson (16,7cm) but the photo is taken with wide angle lens (low light so is easier to work with large angle and slow speed)
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