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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Hi Gaetan Good work find that.I found a section on the Russian forum,but google translator made a bit of a mess of it.It is definitely worth experimenting,because when done properly it looks incredible. Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Hi Gary If you click on the accessories link at the top of the page then download the moulding pdf which is top left of the next page.Everything is listed with sizes and prices in Euros.Be warned some seriously nice kit and I know I for one could spend a fortune on there.Look out for the trunnion caps unbelievable detail! Kind Regards Nigel
  3. I used to use one daily where I used to work.It was used for cleaning edges on steel plates!!!!Personally I think the large belt may be a bit overkill for modelling as I wouldn't describe it as an accurate tool.Whenever I shaped wood on ours,even just reshafting a hammer,it had a bad habit of burning the wood.The disc sander yes,but I would only use the belt for the roughest of jobs. Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Hi Gary,the clenchbolts are castings,they are available to purchase on Alex's Shipmodels.ru site.I know because I was looking at them myself the other night. Kind Regards Nigel
  5. Hi Michael I popped back in following your post,to comment and you changed it I shall wait to see your idea Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Hi Kobus I don't know of any such drawing,however I work on between 50 and 75mm maximum hole size.Any bigger and it is a foot trap.50mm is the preferred but at some scales this can be nigh on impossible to achieve.In reality the ledges and battens are quite often wider than the holes. Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Don't be silly mate,that's what we are here for.I know who to see should I want any advice on paint washes Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Hi Matti Out of necessity,i am replacing all the cannons on my Sovereign build.I am using Amati decorative cannons.These can be obtained either with or without a machined walnut carriage assembly.They come in various lengths but the lengths listed are actually different from the true length.I bought a sample of each size to determine what I required.I didn't want plain cannons as that wasn't was fitted on the original,and I feel Wasa is the same.I include a picture so you get an idea (I thought there was one on my build log,but after checking,there isn't).If you like the look of them,I will give you the part numbers and exact lengths. Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Looking great Matti What are you planning on doing for cannons as presumably the kit ones will be too short as you have modified the gunports? Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Hi Sandy nice to hear from you.I made a jig so the deck beam shelves remain a consistent height down from the gunport cills.I plan on making the deck beams from plain 3.4mm square boxwood cambered in a jig.The combination of support columns and hanging knees should ensure they keep their curve. Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Lol,no Royal Caroline,a new build log,the first post explains everything so I won't waffle on your log.Been having much fun bending ebony wales,only finished half an hour ago . Kind Regards Nigel
  12. That's a very nice prezzie,congratulations Michael.I am sure you will put it to good use Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Well done David that didn't take long,over to you Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Here we go,I think I have managed to find something nice and nondescript Good luck Kind regards Nigel
  15. As I have yet to go to Scarborough pleasure beach with my camera,I will have to see what I can find on the net,so no pedalos just yet Kind Regards Nigel
  16. I should have known better Is it the Irish Maple by any chance? Regds N
  17. Beaverbrea II ? Rgds N
  18. No luck yet,but I have found a cargo ship called 'Maple-Beaverdell' Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Simply wonderful Matti,fabulous work buddy! I am glad your are rising to the challenge of the thingy Kind Regards Nigel
  20. I can't even begin to imagine how you got that Eamonn I am getting my answer in first The Arklow pedalo Kind Regards Nigel ps I was right though,no Maple Syrup,you wouldn't have got it without my help
  21. Funnily enough I did wonder whether someone would call a trawler 'babe magnet' as it fits with the clues.Unfortunately my search revealed nothing,some rather unusual pics but no trawler.My brain has reached meltdown looking at pics,I will have another look tomorrow Kind Regards Nigel P.S. Eamonn,I might be wrong,but I have a feeling you won't find maple syrup in the name,just a hunch
  22. The gunports are identical on the Deagostini version as the occre Kind Regards Nigel
  23. I concur Eamonn Kind Regards Nigel
  24. I don't see any problem myself,as it is dimensionally stable providing you don't get it wet.There are however moisture resistant versions on the market now. Kind Regards Nigel
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