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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Congratulations Spyglass,Schliesen it is Over to you Rgds Nigel
  2. Excellent Matti,glad it all worked to plan and glad I could be of help. Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Hi Matti You will probably find the iron shaft is cooler the closer you get to the handle.I have one of those fancy temperature controlled soldering stations,but that wouldn't work as everything is ceramic coated apart from a few mm's at the tip.Good luck mate,I have every confidence in you! Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Closer but not Schlieswig-Holstein Rgds Nigel
  5. No,not San Diego Rgds Nigel
  6. Ok here we go,best of luck Rgds Nigel
  7. Hi Kooky The item highlighted is the cradle that the plane sits in Kind regards Nigel
  8. Thanks Cristiano,I did have Atropo and Zoea written down for the next answers I will post something a little later,going to think on this as my ships always end up being easy. Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Foca? Rgds Nigel
  10. How about the Bragadin? Rgds Nigel
  11. Hi Ferit Thank you,it was a nice break.We only went to the Lake District(Cumbria)in England.No wonderful pics like yours as I spent a lot of the time walking with our two Jack Russell Terriers in the hills.Your pictures are fantastic and the places look gorgeous.I also tried to follow MSW on my iphone using the hotel wifi as there is no signal where I was.It is ok,but like you say,rather awkward compared to using a computer. Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Pietro Micca Rgds Nigel
  13. Thank you very much for your kind comments Eddie Sorry for the delayed reply,I have just returned from a few days holiday. Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Glad to see you back on the build Eddie Nice clean paintwork,looking good Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Absolutely wonderful work on the gratings Michael A lot of work,but well worthwhile.It's the sum of small details like these that really make the difference to the final result. Kind Regards Nigel
  16. More excellent paintwork Matti This has got to be one of the,if not the, most realistic looking stern representations of Wasa I have seen(and yes i have seen Clayton Johnson's model).I wish you the best of luck with the soldering iron,i hope all goes well. Kind Regards Nigel
  17. Wonderful job Matti You are right BB made a good job,but you perfected it! Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Thank you very much Matti Yes it has been bit of a hard slog,but the bottom was far to high to be able to fit full carriages.I have gone further than need be so I can fit lower deck beams correct in relation to the gunports. Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Thank you very much indeed for your kind comments Michael I am looking forward to working on the interior detail,it will be many more hours work,but I feel it will add so much to the build. Kind Regards Nigel
  20. After considerable deliberation,I felt my build was missing something,an interior.I haven't posted for a bit,but I have been busy beavering away.I wanted to utilise full cannons and carriages throughout.In order to do this I had to remove 20mm of solid birch ply infill at the bottom and smooth off the inner walls of the hull.I then shaped pieces of lime to the inside profile on the scroll saw to build up the hull thickness to nearer scale.The sections were left overthickness to allow for interior profiling.These were bonded in two at a time and allowed to dry before continuing to avoid hull distortion.It has meant that I get to cut the gunports all over again .I have started work around the top of the hull completing the railings as I go in the hope of avoiding breaking anymore railing uprights.The plan is to fully plank the interior and other than the lower gundeck that will be fully planked,the rest will have sections of planking missing to be able to see the insides,navy board style.
  21. Happy birthday mate,have a good one Kind Regards Nigel
  22. Hi Ferit Have a good holiday buddy,as it happens I go on holiday next week as well Kind Regards Nigel
  23. More fabulous painting Matti!!! I take it you have had success with the bending,or did those figures come with the curve moulded in? Kind Regards Nigel
  24. Hi Matti For what I have in mind and in solid oak,I dread to think how much it would be.It would have to be specially made as there is nothing on the market.For your table,your best bet maybe antiques fairs or such like,even if it is scruffy you could save a packet.I think you are more than capable of refinishing the woodwork. Kind Regards Nigel
  25. Hi Matti, You think on similar lines to me.I have a book on navy board models 1650-1750 by john Franklin.In this is a chapter devoted to the original stands and cases. I am planing on making a 17th style case which has individual glass panes and two opening doors at the front.I also plan on carving the stand with four Dolphins with the initials CR (Charles rules).I am planning on making this myself and just buying the toughened glass.Perspex too prone to scratches for my liking. Kind Regards Nigel
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