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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Stunning work Matti You should feel duly proud for what you have achieved.More than worth the care time and effort and dare I say the odd slightly warm finger. Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Thank you very much Ersin and Ercan,I have submitted my request to join your group Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Glad both you and the model made it safe and sound,especially regarding the storms down south at the weekend. Kind Regards Nigel
  4. That's a great site Kevin,thanks for posting.There are some wonderful models from what I have seen,but will probably need a couple of evenings to go through them all Kind Regards Nigel
  5. That's a nice reply Bill.Building a modelship is all about the journey and you sound like you are going to really enjoy it!I wish you all the best with your build and shall no doubt pop in if you start a build log. Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Hi Bill Welcome to the forum.I agree with a few points you have raised.There are so many factors to take in to consideration as to one's own ability.What you have done in your day job,what you have done as hobbies in the past and above all for this hobby,how much patience you have.Because of this,there really is no golden rule as to what anyone who is taking up the hobby,should start with first.Everyone is the best judge of their own strengths and weaknesses so if you feel confident in yourself to give the Confederacy a go then why not.The most important thing is that you feel passion for what you are building because otherwise you will loose interest part way.The big advantage new starters to this hobby has over a lot of us when we started,is the internet and this great forum.If you are unsure of something there is a wealth of information at your fingertips and if still unsure,don't be afraid to ask,we are only too glad to help. Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Hi Michael What I was thinking was that the drilling 'guide' incorporated the angle in order that the holes were perpendicular to the waterline.You could take the angle off the model using a piece of card clipped to the railing that is in place now and use a spirit level to draw the vertical line on the card.This would give the angle between dowel and rail,it would just be a case of notching the guide to suit this angle.I have included a sketch,this isn't my finest draughting work,but should give you an idea. Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Excellent work Michael on your modification.With regard your drilling dilema,it might be helpful to make a drilling guide that slips over the rail.This only needs to be a scrap piece of wood notched to slide over with a predrilled hole in it to guide the drill.Possibly another piece of scrap to wedge under the rail to offer some support and prevent breakout as the drill goes through.This is of course assuming you are drilling down through the rail. Kind Regards Nigel
  9. I would treasure the mug Michael,because that may become a collectors item.Most of the museum was an interative multimedia setup.I whole heartedly agree with the need to get children engaged in history.However it has come at the expense of the big kids interests .It has been mentioned on this forum that the maritime display including the builders model of Prince 1670 in the Science museum in London has been replaced with a display of mobile phones I guess it is a sign of how times are changing,arguable though as to whether this is for the better. Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Hi Brian The lack of prefabrication and complexity of this kit is what makes it so attractive.I have yet to build a ship with the precut plywood gunport patterns,so the measuring is straightforward.I want something that challenges me,but I think I would like a break from woodcarving with the many hours ahead doing this on my Sovereign build.The only modification I may consider is altering the castings so I can produce the window frames in boxwood. Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Thank you very much Ferit and Kevin for your kind words That's a kind offer Kevin,but she is going to take pride of place in the spare room in a rather large cabinet,just haven't mentioned that to my wife yet Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Unfortunately,as far as I am aware the answer is no.Have you contacted them regarding what you are after?I for one cannot believe they don't stock the Confederacy.I think they are missing a trick and a lot of sales. Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Thank you very much indeed Admiral.The deck levels at the stern did take a lot of thought as did planning the upcoming deck structure.Having no drawings as none exist means having to think probably four steps ahead of the one I am actually working on. Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Thank you very much indeed Michael.As you know yourself,it is the little details that all add up to the complete picture.Some can be monotonous and very boring(faced with drilling a thousand holes using a drill bit and bamboo skewer,but no pun intended),but I don't think any project so far has got me quite so fired up as this one.Sometimes I look at the model and think'is there any point posting some pictures'as despite maybe 50 hours work it doesn't look any different.Then I think 'yes I will' as this is a journey and whilst some days big differences will occur,then weeks of work can go by with little difference immediately apparent. I visited the NMM a couple of years ago and was a little disappointed having seen so many articles in the past.From what I can gather it has changed alot in recent years and my main motivation for going was to view the models,there was maybe 8 on display in a pokey little sideroom. Portsmouth historic dockyard was a different matter altogether,Victory,Warrior and particularly Mary Rose left a massive impression.Mary Rose so much so,that my wife has insisted I make a model of her.This will probably be the model that gets a place in the living room.I hope to revisit her now that she is no longer being sprayed with polyethylene glycol and has a new enclosure. Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Wonderful work Matti,your skill with colours and shading is outstanding,your build is so life like. Kind Regards Nigel
  16. Thank you very much indeed Matti.It is a bit early to say regarding the storm.The winds getting up,but the sun is still shining.It is supposed to reach us later today/tomorrow. Kind Regards Nigel
  17. As I mentioned earlier,these next few stages are really slow.I have fitted the deck beam shelves and planked the inside of the hull on the starboard side,including lining the gunports.The framework of the entry port is in place,but this will have the carvings added at a later date,probably when I fit the channels as they sit on the middle channel.I had to reverse engineer the gunports to ascertain the deck levels which involved a great deal of headscratching,but it did 'prove' my gunports were correct.The internal planking has had several coats of poly applied in preparation for treenailing.I am using Dafi's(thank you Dafi) idea for drilling the holes inside.I have glued a drill into the end of a bamboo skewer so I can poke it through the gunports to drill the holes on the opposite internal face.I have given it a try and it works great,but it ain't no Dremel so I may be at it some time Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Thank you Brian,yes I have been hankering for one for a long time.I think they must have read my mind.All being well in the new year I shall treat myself. They do stock the plans as well,but I think it will be nice to do an out of the box build for a change,apart from changing the walnut planking. Kind Regards Nigel
  19. I am pleased to say I have just discovered that Cornwall Model Boats have become the UK agent for Euromodels.As some of you may be aware it has been about 14 years since westbourne model centre stopped importing their kits.I best get saving for the Royal William Kind Regards Nigel
  20. If you want a varnish with a yellow tint.Try an exterior grade polyurethane.This contains an ultra violet filter which has a yellowy brown tint to it,even though it is called clear. Kind Regards Nigel
  21. An alternative to bandage gauze,is fibreglass plasterers scrim tape.This is self adhesive so you can in effect stick the tape in place then cover with PVA.You need to leave the tape in place overnight to let the adhesive set before applying the glue though.The last coat of PVA nends to be almost unthinned,but you will end up with rock hard planking. Kind Regards Nigel
  22. Fantastic work!This template system is one of those ideas,that once you have seen it makes so much sense.The white material that you refer to as Forex Ersin,is this the same material that is used for making signs?As you can appreciate different products,have different names in various countries.If you don't mind this is one system.I am definitely going to 'borrow'.I have already located and priced the Makita trimmer Kind Regards Nigel
  23. I fully understand Alex.You have some wonderful master classes on the Russian forum,but unfortunately it nearly kills google translator on my computer. Kind Regards Nigel
  24. I know it is a lot to ask Alex,but do you fancy doing a small tutorial on this?This technique is employed by quite a few builders in Eastern Europe,but as yet,has not really been employed in the western world.I think there may be many builders on here that would find this most interesting.I do however fully understand if you would rather keep the secret to yourself.it is a bit like asking for the recipe for kentucky fried chicken. Kind Regards Nigel
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