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    NMBROOK got a reaction from tarbrush in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Ok then,I thought I would take the opportunity of waiting for glue to dry and upload some more pics.
    I was not happy with my original strategy for the topsides as I thought in the long run it would be more work.The tops of the bulkheads have been replaced with solid Pear to a more authentic profile.These can be integrated in the topside framing detail,whereas the ply would have needed replacing later.The ply deck beams were inconsequential,I only left them in place as temporary braces.An authentic deck construction will be used gun deck upwards when I get to that stage.These pear extensions have been fitted with brass dowels epoxied in.The extensions have also been tweeked to allow for single planking.The remaining section of the bulkheads have been 'banded' with 1.5mm lime strip to compensate for single planking.I have incorporated a small section of orlop deck in front of the mizzen step as a ladder runs down here.There is also one right at the bow which will result in a significant amount of work in this area.I am leaving this until the 'donkey' work is complete on the rest of the hull as it will involve removing considerable amounts of material from the false keel.As you may have noticed the lower hull is filled with limewood.This is to provide substantial support to the single planking and is a good aid as this is one of the most complex shaped hulls I have worked on.The area where the pear frames meet the deck is a crucial point.The sheer on the outer edge has to be perfect as everything will be measured from here.This is the reason for setting 6mm lime sections in around the perimeter.It ensures the ply subdeck will conform to exactly the right profile.One section is clamped in place while the glue dries.I have clamps ranging from 20p up to £95 but sometimes the easiest solutions are the best    
    Kind Regards Nigel

  2. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from JPett in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I am going to try and get technical now and provide text with each picture  
    The first step is to copy the drawings regarding the bulkheads.This is due to the between deck areas not be cut out from the factory.These were pasted to the relevant bulkheads to allow cutting out with the scrollsaw.Some areas were not shown,mainly the first and last bulkhead which will require some drafting to get the cutouts.

    The design of the kit intends for a 3mm by 7mm stringer to be fitted each side of the hull.This stringer does not coincide with anything and to a certain extent will be in my way,so the bulkhead notches were filled with scrap timber.

    These are pictures of the skeleton so far.You will notice I have cut my own notches out on the lower deck.These are for 5mm square stringers supplied by me.These provide support for the lower gundeck,which is the only deck that will have a plywood subdeck.The plywood additions to the structure are to incorporate dimensional stability and resistance to twisting.The triangle design makes the skeleton rigid,it is impossible to twist it for and aft.The lower hull will be infilled with lime wood.This triangular structure reduces the wood required and also prevents any distortion that can occur due to the moisture from the glue when fitting the infill.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
    That brings things up to date for the time being.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from tarbrush in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Decoyman in HMS Isis and Model Engineer no. 4487   
    In case anyone is interested Model Engineer is starting a series of articles by Patrick Puttock about his model of the 50-gun ship HMS Isis. The first instalment is now out.
    Patrick's model won a gold medal at last year's Model Engineer Exhibition as well as The Earl Mountbatten of Burma Trophy.
  5. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Brian the extraordinaire in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Thank you Nils It is good to be back doing a few jobs on her and moving the build on a little
    Kind Regards
  6. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from themadchemist in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

  7. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Bill Hime in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Thanks Nigel and Robert, I tidied up the Doghouse paint-work today, it looks much cleaner, some of the marks visible in the photos from earlier are a result of the 'Noooooooooooooooo' moment :o
    Will put the doors in place next week (I have a BBQ to go to tomorrow) then look at doing the rudder !
    Thanks for stopping by folks
    Be Well
    Hey there B.E. .. we must have posted at exactly the same time.. Thanks for the kind words .  We don't want to have tooo many of those moments though !  
  9. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from mtaylor in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Thanks Buddy All was going fine on two wheels until middle of this week when I got struck down with a stomach bug     On the mend now .Looking forward to watch team Confidis put my bike through it's paces in tomorrow's T de France TT Ok well,not my bike,but the same model  
    Kind Regards
  10. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Excellent work mate,the doghouse looks great   I am very familiar with the said moments    
    Kind Regards
  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to le débutant in Santa Ana by AL. - moved by moderator   
    Tanks for the good word.
  12. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from le débutant in Santa Ana by AL. - moved by moderator   
    Congratulations on your purchase.In my opinion the Santa Ana is a beautiful ship and probably my favourite in Artesenia's collection.I did stumble on one build on the net that was mildly modified and was stunning.I regret I didn't save the address or I would have given you the link.From memory,very little was changed other than the gratings,but the colour scheme was changed to reflect Spanish ships of the period.All I can suggest is having a hunt on Google.
    Kind Regards
  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Again Folks... It's Photo Time Again.
    The wee doghouse is almost finished, just a little tidying up to be done, oh and attach the doors of course (not forgetting the various handles too)
    The rope hand rail ring (where it attaches to the sides of the doghouse will be painted black.. they were painted black to begin with but it seems to have rubbed off in the fitting process !!
    The steps are glued in place but no other deck fitting is permanently in place as yet (I threw in a close up photo of the 'L' shaped Anchor Rope reinforcing brackets on the forward hatch coaming)
    By The Way I had one of those slow motion 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' moments earlier as I was gluing the roof arrangement onto the Doghouse.. Clamps were being used to secure the whole affair when suddenly a clamp slipped causing the near total collapse of the doghouse.. there were doghouse sides, sliding roofs, rope hand rails & coamings flying through the air just like Cirque du Soleil !! How I kept my cool I'll never know ^_^ I just calmly reassembled the whole thing.. very Zen moment
    Stay Well Folks
    Eamonn a.k.a. Mr. Keep Calm & Carry On..

  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Cracking good stuff mate.. tis great to see her moving along !
    Stay Well
    PS how goes the cycling ?
  15. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Jean-Pierre in mary rose partwork by hachette - moved by moderator   
    while excellent kit manufacturers announce kits that never seem to come on the market (Caldercraft HMS Surprise, Amati Revenge), one tends to think about the costs involved with new designs.
    On the other hand, they could easily score with updates of their existing kits, and Jotika's Mary Rose certainly would deserve the treatment.  I think not only the foredeck could be modified, but I suspect when I look at pictures of the time, that the rear decks too should be significantly higher.  And then there is the colouring that makes ships of that period such desirable modelling subjects, and which is rather absent from the original Jotika offering (flags, painting scheme...).  
    I suppose this could all be scratch built with the Jotika kit as a base, but that would be a tricky business without plans.
  16. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from dafi in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to le débutant in Santa Ana by AL. - moved by moderator   
    i am so glad,today a made the jump,
    i by this kit as the next build.
    My creole queen is moving forward and i was looking for my next build for the last few month,
    and now the kit is home with me.
    I was unable to resist to open the box.
    My first impression is,watt a kit,my last 3 kit were badly cut on the wood,this one the wood is 
    very thick and just playing with the piece by pressure those one release from the wood.
    I will take time to check all parts and see if everything are included.
  18. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from hexnut in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

  19. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Ferit in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

  20. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Stockholm tar in Statsraad Lehmkuhl by Stockholm tar – 1/8th" = 1'   
    Hello Nigel,
    Well, I do hope so, and thanks for the compliment. As you say this will be an extra special one, and it will be interesting to see how she turns out.
    Pull up a chair by all means.
  21. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Mirabell61 in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Thank you Nils It is good to be back doing a few jobs on her and moving the build on a little
    Kind Regards
  22. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Aussie048 in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

  23. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from NAZGÛL in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Mirabell61 in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Those lovely curves are back on stage Nigel,
    I was missing your Mordaunt quite some time...
  25. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Kevin in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I thought it was about time I blew the dust off this log  
    Work has been 'hopping' about a little on the hull.I have been concentrating on sorting the exposed areas of framing.Because of the line of the main deck,various knees,beams and a black ebony waterway would appear in this window between the frames.Although this would be historically correct,I decided it would add a 'ramshackle' appearance to the build and looked for an answer.I decided that an intermediate layer of thin Pear planking from the deck clamp upwards would alleviate the untidy appearance.The basis of this layer has been added on the portside but will be completed when the deck clamp has been installed.On the starboard side are temporary ABS plastic strips tack glued with CA.These guide the fitting of the pear cappings between the open frames.These ensure a nice flow along the top and bottom of the cutout to match the edges of the upper wales.When overlong caps have been fitted and the aliphatic glue has dried,these strips are removed and the cappings sanded flush inside and out.The Aliphatic wood glue does not stick to the plastic.
    The three rectangular holes in the hull are to receive the deck beams.There are many more to cut,I have just done these as they were so close to the cappings and also provide a reference point as these three beams delineate the hatchway opening and capstan.
    Kind Regards

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