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Greg the peg leg sailor

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About Greg the peg leg sailor

  • Birthday 12/14/1957

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  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
  • Interests
    Currently building a revamped model of the HMS Endeavour by Artesania Latina with over 200 changes to make it close as possible to the HMB ENDEAVOUR in Sydney. But with a few alterations to the replica.

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  1. Bloody marvelous Mark. You must have been a shipwrite in your past life. So clean, tidy and amazing mate. You also must have been a bit 'knotty' to hava break from the rats. Havagooday Greg
  2. Jay is almost right. Instead of INCREDIBLE it should be IMPOSSIBLE. I don't know how you can do it! Bloody fantastic mate Greg
  3. G'day Toni Amazing work. My jaw is still open with your incredible work. Happymodelling Greg
  4. G'day Mark. Bloody amazing work on the rats. I bet they turned you 'knotty'. Havagooday mate Greg
  5. Havta agree 100%. All I want to know is when will Gulliver turn up in Lilliput? Bloody marvelous Marsalv. Happymodelling Greg
  6. G'day Ken Your work and log is bloody marvelous mate. You must spend every waking hours on the RW. The speed that your are going is 'warp 9.97'. Slow down a bit, you're are making me to ' look like I'm in reverse'. Havagooday my English mate. Greg
  7. G'day Dave Every time I look at your post, I say to myself 'how can he do that and he can't improve on this'. But the next time you have upstage your self again and again! I find it hard to point out what I like the best, I'm shaking my head all the time. Havagooday my friend Greg
  8. G'day Mark Your eyes for details would be the death of you my mate. 😁😆 But I can see now that you are correct, but I must admit that it takes a very brave, or a person whom like punishment, to redo those rats. The result shows that you are 110% correct. Bloody brilliant job mate Greg
  9. G'day Ken Bloody marvelous job. You should be very proud and happy at your incredible job. Those drawings are very interesting, to say the least. It appears that the columns are on the outer edge all the way up. It would make more sense having that way than the other plans. Pete and I have been discussing that matter in detail and I think you have the missing link. Bloody interesting Ken! Havagooday my pommy mate 😆 Greg
  10. G'day nils Eine unglaubliche Leistung mein lieber Freund. Blutiger fantastischer Kumpel und jeder Ort, den du sie stellst, ist viel reicher, um dieses Modell dort zu haben. Gib ihr einen Preis in deinem Wohnzimmer, nicht dein Arbeitsraum. If my translation is wrong, here it is in English An incredible achievement my dear friend. Bloody fantastic mate and any place that you put her is far richer to have this model there. Give her a prize place in your living room, not your work room. Congratulations on an amazing achievement. havagooday Greg
  11. G'day Mark I havta agree with everything that has been said before me, but Pat has it slightly wrong. There would be SMOKE not sawdust. Glad to see you back my dear friend. Happymodelling Greg
  12. Just brilliant Marsalv. Bloody marvelous indeed. Havagooday Greg
  13. G'day Dave Been under the weather for the past week or so. Your model is coming on at a great pace. All things are brilliant and I'm sure you will still have some hair left after this model is done. Havagooday my mate Greg
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