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  1. Lovely piece of research well presented and very interesting Tadeusz
  2. This is going to sound naff and i dont care, The Man is in the HOUSE beautiful work if i read right your an Englishman abroad with skill,s like yours i,d say Sheffield lol
  3. Hi Michael glad to Judy,s home best wish,s to you both and take care,i hope that mean,s you,ll be starting back on the model
  4. Hi Carlosgf i have download the plans for a later date thank you, i will be following your log
  5. HI Micheal are there any end,s to your talent,s spark plug look ACE sorry to hear about Judy send my regard,s, hint give her a big hug from all your follower,s we need you back in the workshop so we can learn more from a master craftsman, take care both of you.
  6. Hi Nil,s i,m having trouble opening your small picture,s in your log i have word and picture,s program,s but i still can't open them could you help please thank you
  7. Skilled work i will be following
  8. Everybody as said it already WOW i cannot wait till your next build, as for your homemade saw i will be looking into making one.
  9. Very nice model lovely detailed work you have a skill and it,s modeling
  10. Hi leo those cannon,s look very nice indeed 3d look,s like the way forward i shall be looking into it i will be following your log. In your log,s you keek saying tin do you mean (thin) just thought i,d mention it hope you don,t mind
  11. HI looking good so i,ll following all the way keep it up. Pritstik nice idea i,ll use it thank,s Nigel
  12. HI Vaddoc the hose idea is a good one and it will be pinched, i know this is cheeky will you be uploading any more plan,s so i can be storing away for the future, the build is looking good so far keep it up. i know it does n,t come up on my profile i,m Batley W/Yorks i dont know why my profile is not shown
  13. Hello Kevin i,ve just started to follow your log, well i,ve found the model i wont to build and it,s a skipjack so now i,m going to be scouring the internet for the plans to download iv,e already book marked the ext link,s.If there are any fixture or fitting,s you can,t find i know a man who,s machining skill,s are second to non and that,s Micheal in Canada, your craftsmanship is superb keep it up, by trade i,m a cabinet maker so i hope i can remember how to make a model it,s been quite a few year,s since i made one the last ship i made was the Victory so here,s hoping dont you just love the ext link,s who need,s a passport library the internet is a wondrous thing.John thank you for your site,s iv,e bookmark them as well
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