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  1. Hi! Just found this build log. Your build is looking great. Keep up the excellent work!
  2. How to Make Clipper Ship Models by Edward W Hobbs This is a book, available at different sites. Just Google the book.
  3. It looks like it's been a year since the last post. Are you still working on the Sea Witch restoration?
  4. Congratulations!! Beautiful model. First I've ever heard of a Scientific model clipper ship being completed. I've wondered for years if anyone has ever completed a Scientific kit.
  5. Rob, Thanks for that tip. Yeah, I was going to pound on the wire directly.
  6. Rob, Thanks for the reply. Sorry to hear of your loss, but happy for you having grand children. I thought about smashing some round wire flat but assumed I wouldn't be able to get uniform results. I will try your method. Again I say thanks.
  7. Hi Rob Back in early August 2016 chain plates were being installed. Can you tell me what size brass strips were used?
  8. Hi Ed, not only is your work beautiful and meticulous, it is also inspiring. In part 245, with regard to the yard arm holder it looks like the verticals areplain clothesline. What are the metal pins in the verticals for?
  9. Rob, isn't it the results that matters and not what was done to get thoose results? Also, are you happy with the results? I would be very happy with the results of the panelling.
  10. Hi Elijah. Your Pantom is looking very good. I'd like to point out something in Chuck's Practicum. On pg. 16 he talks about the cockpit. Chuck points out that the floor of the cockpit should be 1 foot below the adjacent deck. I've seen some Phantom's where the cockpit floor was lowered and they look alot better than those that didn't lower the cockpit floor. Look at Chuck's cockpit on pg. 17. The ship's wheel is up against the grating. By lowering the cockpit floor there will be a gap between the ship's wheel and grating. Regards.
  11. Nice work Elijah. What is the purpose of the sheet of paper with the lines drawn at an angle? See post # 287/
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