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Everything posted by Tallshiptragic

  1. Haha thanks! I'll keep it in mind. I was wandering what had happened to mamoli. They have produced some beautiful and interesting vessels.
  2. Thanks mate, very happy with the shape of the hull also. Couldn't resist myself after deciding to break away from the sergal depiction of the carving (stern at least) and have ordered the book 'Sovereign of the seas - the 17th century warship' by James Sephton which will hopefully arrive in a week: the store is over in Sydney and apparently in stock though from past experiences... even though stated in stock, not always the case. Quite an informative book on the Sovereign I believe.
  3. If I can't I do have plans for De Zeven Provinciën so I could just scratch build that one hahaha Perth Hobby did have a beagle a while ago.
  4. Tempted to buy another of these after seeing yours. I remember the kit I did build years ago was plagued with problems but perseverance paid off. The main problems with mine were the gun ports! Not one of the notches lined up so I had to redo them on the frames. It was an old kit left over from my father which from memory was bought in the late 80's in Holland
  5. So the daunting task of marking out gun ports. The sergal plans so the lower ports to roughly match up with the Van der Velde sketch though the rest are out completely and the upper deck follows the sheer. I've started to mark out the ports to match with the Van derVelde sketch, keeping all three gun decks level also having larger ports on the lower deck to suit the larger caliber cannon. A mention though the last ports on both lower and middle decks step down a step. This is only the first marking, though no cutting until I'm absolutely sure. I'll also draw in the positions of the wales and the quarter galleries to ensure they match up as best I can.
  6. Hi Grant, cheers mate. The Ozito is a cheap bit of kit at $40 but works fine for me. Obviously on the model I only use light pressure rather than too much heavy weight on it - too be honest if you need to really sand something off I'd say an angle grinder with variable speed is the better option - so the pads stay on fine for me. I also only use it for the initial sand with a 60 grade pad then by hand the lighter grades.
  7. Both sides have now been sanded. Started with 60 grade down to 120 grade. Only a couple spots need filler which is good even though it'll be covered by the second layer of planking. For the filler I use a timber based wood filler called timber mate which is also water based for easy clean up. This stuff is designed for furniture and comes in various colours for easy clean up e.g. Oak, maple, ebony, mahogany to name a few. I used the oak as it's just a light creamy yellow colour. Ill leave her for now for the filler to set and then give her another sand for a nice smooth finish.
  8. Haha sorry Mermaid Marine Australia. Well actually agency as everyone else in the industry but always on MMA vessels for the most part. Drill tenders and supply vessels supporting the oil platforms.
  9. Thanks Steve, know I haven't worked on Duyfken for quite a few years now. Most of the tallship guys I've sailed with are like me slightly older generation than the current young ones coming through hahaha I work off shore now with MMA time to earn some coin again. Tall ships are lovely but after 15 years I realised it was time to move on haha.
  10. As for the rigging... well very simplistic and some inconsistencies when compared to the engravings and sketches of the actual vessel. Rigging though was an ongoing development process and would change as better methods where introduced. Having worked as a bosun on tall ships I know first hand how the position and method of running rigging does change, so using this knowledge I will rig her as best as I can deduct from known practices of the middle 17th century. I have sailed on the Duyfken Replica (technically 16th century), the Batavia replica - early 17th century, the Endeavour replica - late 18th century and various modern tall ships which rigging is based on methods from the 19th century. All very, very different yet similarities are apparent.
  11. The carving should be ok as I'll do them piece by piece. If that fails to look as I want them too I'll sculpt them instead. I'm quite confident with sculpture in clay and have done this for other models like my HMS Diana - the log was lost to the never never of the MSW 1. As long as I have some decent boxwood I'll see how we go. As for the sergal plans, they are a good rendering of the Sovereign of the seas after the Greenwich museum model with the different stern decorations. The other thing Sergal did was to have the run of the gun ports in line with the sheet of the ship curving up towards the stern especially the upper gun deck. This was the fashion of earlier ships including the Prince Royal of 1610. It's interesting to note though that it's also mentioned after the 1660 rebuild the SOTS received flatter decks... perhaps they did originally follow the sheer line of the hull rather than cut through the wales. Though saying this both the Payne's and Van der Velde engravings/ sketch show the gun ports on all three gun decks running straight with the lowest two aft cutting down a step (this was common on Dutch ships were the last couple ports were on a smaller deck a step down which was also the same deck as the guns found on the lower transom). I have attached Van der Velde sketch showing the guns cutting the wales a copy of one of the Sergal Mantua plans - same as mine though mine do not have mantua on them. Paynes engraving of the sovereign believed to be as built (closely resembling Van der Velde's sketch. Three Pics of the Greenwich model, one of the Prince Royal model from Greenwich and a print of the Prince Royal showing the run of gun ports as common at the beginning of the 17th century and 16th century.
  12. First layer planking completed and the first milestone reached. I have decided to change the transom and quarter galleries to more closely resemble that of the Payne and Van der Velde sketches. So will focus on the transom shape next, I've already trimmed the top gallant poop deck and the 11th and 12th frame to thin down the width. As the transom appears to be thinner than that of the sergal depiction. It's also quite a bit higher as it rises much higher above the poop than what sergal provides. This is all very easy compared to the new carvings.... hahaha what have I done?!? Ah well.
  13. Haha thanks guys. Sascha is her name (the dog) and yep that's King Edgar above the seven kings for the figure head. The sanding will come soon. I want to close in the top sides which will probably be done today and then the mess of sading will begin!
  14. Thanks, that is the main living area around the kitchen, there's a few more boats and things in the front room. She's a malamute only 18months old now so very much still a puppy but such lovely natured. The RC sail do look good on the water, she received some minor damage during the move into this place- only been here since January- so all the electronics are out for a full clean up haven't sailed her in ages but may again soon. I had her in the pool of our last place and the girls also loved watching it and as it's quite large a couple barbies sat on her fine haha
  15. Sovereign on the kitchen bench. I don't normally build here but the girls want to see the progress and it's safer than the shed. My model of Leeuwin 1/56 is just off to the left and a 1/16 Emma C Berry is just off to the right. The Emma C Berry is an RC scale sailing model also.
  16. Getting close mate! I can't wait to see the smooth hull after the top layer is planked😃 Thanks mate. So do I, can easily appreciate the tumblehome and sheer of the hull.
  17. Having built her myself she is a personal favourite. Great to see another builder from Perth also!
  18. Just an update on the planking. Been busy the past few days and the majority of the lower hulls first planking is complete, soon to start on the upper hull.
  19. Very crowded indeed. The guns on deck (small bore so not technically cannons) were rigged fore and aft at sea. We did the same on the replica when sailing back from the U.K. To Australia. We even had goats, sheep and chickens on board. Love a good goat curry! Haha Also we did the same on the Duyfken replica. Guns rigged fore and aft for sea stowage and re rigged for 'action' when coming into harbour.
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