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Everything posted by Tallshiptragic

  1. Thanks EJ yeah that was my plan well using something similar. Will also need to build a Jacht at the same scale now too
  2. It does look good with the resin water. If I'm to go this route I'm thinking more of a build up of styrofoam, plaster then resin as a final top. I don't necessarily want to cut the hull down.
  3. My gf threw an idea at me while I was looking at one of the paintings of sovereign from 1660 with a yacht alongside her and sails aback. She said it would be cool to see that as a diorama. Anybody have any thoughts or suggestions?
  4. Haha but then kinda defeats the message Back to the Sovereign, I've started the port side second planking.
  5. Looking superb EJ! I love the rigging stage even though it can take as long as the hull itself. I've still a long way to go on my Sovereign before I can think about stepping the masts
  6. Thanks for the comments guys, for an old kit she does present some challenges not found in modern kits but I'm happy with the results so far.
  7. Starboard upper hull planking complete. I haven't simulated caulking above the upper gun deck as this planking will be painted black as the backdrop for the carvings. I'll complete the port upper hull first before sanding and tree nailing the planks - I'll use the pin hole and filler technique for this and have to source correct size nail heads to represent the iron bolts. The gun ports will need final cleanup of the second planking and a final sanding of the lining to the correct thickness. Once both upper hull sides are complete I'll turn her over and begin the lower hull. This will be painted white and not left natural wood as I prefer the model to replicate the actual vessel.
  8. Thanks EJ, I'm very happy with her appearance. For the scarf joints I use a template to cut them so they will always or should at least always lineup.
  9. First upper wale which is profiled. This is a brass profile strip supplied by sergal and is perfect even though it's not wood it measures up nicely so I'm happy to use it.
  10. Have done a little more second planking today. I do like this colour of the planks. I will have to adjust that upper most wale forward as it sits just a tad too high, but this isn't an issue.
  11. I think it's a sign haha I do have the plans for her so I might just have to build her once Sovereign is ready for display. I just have to decide on a scale, the plans I have are at 1/100 so it would make a model at 1.92m my Arleigh Burke is 1/72 and 2.1m in length so smaller than her but if I went 1/72 she would make a length of just over 2.5m large but would fit in nicely with the other models to display. My gf has already said we'll just rearrange the house to display her haha at least she's on side.
  12. Flew in last night for my week rnr and came home to a lovely present from my girlfriend! It's a framed colour print of a cutout of the Dutch passenger ship Willem Ruys, and it's an original from 1947! This is the ship that took my father and his family from the then Dutch East Indies back to holland in 1950. It was also a ship my father worked on as a signals officer in 1957-58! This ship would then become the Achille Lauro for Lauro line and was the first ship I sailed on a voyage in 1987 haha so this ship means a great deal to me. I do have the plans for her in the hope of building her one day.
  13. This Anzac Day, April 25th 2017. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morningWe will remember them. Lest we forget
  14. Good work, looks like you're having a blast. Thats correct about the steps, they weren't common place until the later half of the 17th century and disappeared at the beginning of the early 19th century. Even then usually only found on larger ships. With those types of items like the steps and the channels I like to use fine pins inserted through the piece leading into the hull. This will give it more 'teeth' it help keep it in place.
  15. Yeah that's the modern Mantua incarnation of the kit which is what stopped me buying the current kit in the past. Luckily while older my kit is the original Sergal kit which is all planked and no scribed plywood ( like the marketed box photos) Saying that I've bought new planks anyway so you could spend the extra 50-100 for replacement deck planks and just used the scribes as a guide. I still think it's a great base to start with. I do agree though for a 1500 kit (AUD) we're more accustomed to the quality of Euromodel Como and Caldercraft Jotika kits of similar price range.
  16. That's right. Steps for crew to climb the hull from small boats to the upper deck.
  17. I've taken measurements of my hull length (corrected hull length with the stern galleries overhang reduced) and that of the waterline and main gun deck and draught compared with that of the known measurements of the sovereign as built. These calculations show that both models are in fact 1/80th scale. The old once upon a time Amati kit that was produced is also at the same scale (though the most inaccurate hull lines available in plan form) can't comment on the part works kit but Sergals spar dimensions are also out. Not much but a noticeable difference.
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