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Everything posted by Tallshiptragic

  1. Thanks ulises, it's a great kit to start with as a base to correct certain things or to build out of the box. I still think it's the only kit with the closest hull shape to that of Van der Velde. The clamp I used is a Stanley quick loading table vice clamp. A very useful bit of kit and has soft rubber edges so doesn't damage any woodwork.
  2. Sjors she's looking good my friend. Hi ulises, I'm actually building the original Sergal version - not the mantua version but modified to match the Van der Velde sketch. A link is in my signature so you can see for yourself and compare. I'm only just started the second planking but should give you an idea of the kit at least.
  3. She's looking great Ken! It's surprising how fast the first planking goes on when you have prepared the framing correctly. The best bit of finally seeing that hull come to life!
  4. Hobby tech on south st is what I'd suggest. They're quite a large shop compared to standbridges or Perth hobby and I know hey have a few ranges in stock. Decent website also
  5. Just a few simple wishes from myself, Prince Royal - England 1610 as built, being a large complex vessel similar to the Sovereign. Wood POB around the 1/72 scale is nice to work on and not too large. Would pay up to $1000 (AUD) this would again be more of an advanced ship I'm assuming? Brederode - Netherlands 1644 - Tromps flagship of about 60 guns, Wood POB (would be interesting to see POF but the dutch built their hulls at this time, planks first then set in the frames so very different to a typical POF look and while not impossible, possibly too costly to produce in commercial form) again 1/72 range (1/100 I find too small for details and 1/64 is nice but can be too large for display purposes) price again up to $1500 AUD (advanced) Sophia Amalie, Danish/Norwegian 1650, 108 gun ship of the line, built to surpass the Sovereign of the Seas. Wood POB 1/72 $1500 (advanced) De Zeven Provincien - Netherlands 1665 - 80 gun flagship of De Ruyter, Wood POB, 1/72 up to $2000 AUD (advanced) Preussen, Germany 1902 - steel five masted ship rigged windjammer. Wood or plastic/fibreglass hull POB 1/72 or 1/100 between $1500-2000 if at larger scale (advanced) With the improvements in 3D printing, apart form the higher costs, it could be possible to see decorations made in this fashion - like the plastic decorations from billings etc showing more crisp detail. I use 3D printing in a lot of my modern builds mixed with PE parts especially on modern RC warships with great results (these of course being scratch built I can spend as much or as little as I feel though not sure how it would go in a commercial kit)
  6. I'd say caldercraft HMS cruiser or even the bomb vessel Granado. Both attractive but still medium sized vessels. Cruisers hull is pretty similar in the simple curves to that of the Virginia.
  7. Oh and by dead reckoning I believe the actual scale of both the Sergal/Mantua model, the Amati and part work models are in fact closer to 1/80 scale. The measurements are slightly out due to incorrect overhang of the stern galleries on sergal/Mantua and too long bowsprit compared to the measurements in John Sephtons book. Hmmm... perhaps I should also get the part works castings..... just have to build a fantasy ship later to use up the left over carvings!
  8. G'day Sjors, Havent seen dolphins today but did have three 6m long manta rays come for a visit so I knew that Amati has plans available at the same scale as the part work Sovereign at 1/84... apart from a couple mm its the same dimensions as the sergal 1/78... though I know and it has been mentioned before that Amatis original version wasn't as correct as the Sergals basic hull design. However they did make the majority of the stern carvings correct! So seeing as the kit cost me next to nothing I've ordered the casting set by Amati. Apparently Amatis side carvings are completely incorrect comparing to the Van der Velde sketch using what appears to be stock items, how's some of the sergal/Mantua side carvings are. So I'm hoping to use a mixture of the two to get the correct carvings and will have to sculpt/carve my own of the ones that aren't provided. This of course could be a total waste of monies but again for what I initially paid for the kit, so far with my added investment into this model I'm still only in about $550 AUD. I can justify the cost... don't let my gf know! Haha not that she'll care but haha
  9. Haha I know!!! The Agie! Nelsons favourite ship, but then I compare it to Amatis vanguard... ok yes different scales and different class but to have both... I think too similar. Oh and I will build more kits it's more what will come next after Sovereign
  10. I have done so similarly in the past. My gf grandfather who has just turned 92 was one of the four surviving members of the HMS Quorn a hunt class destroyer of the Second World War. So am planing on building her in 1/72 and RC to fit with my task force 72 models but after ordering the plans 2 months ago... I've still yet to see or hear anything from that company which is a shame as it's the only I've found that produce those plans in a large scale. Sovereign was purely by chance as the kit was advertised at a rediculous price on a second hand website in Perth so I just couldn't say no. Batavia, Duyfken and Endeavour as with Leeuwin are or were planned as I sailed as crew on all these replicas - so far Leeuwin I've built and Endeavour was built by my father so Endeavour I'm not planning to build again. As as for those kits... I just like the looks of the ship and find them either appeasing or the history interesting. My heritage is Dutch Indonesian and my Dutch family went to Indonesia with the VOC in the 1600's so I am biased wth Dutch ships. However having a whole fleet of only Dutch vessels may be a little boring in my eyes haha
  11. The kit does look like she'll be a pleasure to build after seeing it develop on Chris page here. It's probably the one I'd pick if I do get another kit after the SOTS. Like when I finished Diana my next model was the ship I was working on the Leeuwin. Even though it was a complete scratch build, it didn't have the large amount of gun ports! Haha so i tend to go from large and complex to something simplier before building another large or complex build.
  12. Haha so true Scott! My gf had it in the house saying I was wondering what was in it:.. not much from the looks of it haha im back at sea now so no progress until I get back for my week off unfortunately. But plenty of time to read up on a few books about the ship. The other problem being up here is I can't help myself from looking up future projects... should I build something from my mountain of plans I have and scratch build or buy another kit! So euromodel Royal William, caldercraft victory, Amatis Vanguard, The large 1/84 Amerigo Vespucci.... bugger hahaha i have found a Friesland on eBay but $1000.... and it's not a $1000 kit so will pass at that asking price. If the Winchelsea from syren happened to be in production I know I would get that over anything else. However much I prefer scratch building it's hard in Perth as we just don't have the suppliers over here. I firmly believe we should become the republic of Western Australia and break away from the hindrance of the east coast hahaha perhaps then more would be available!
  13. Hi Sjors, Its a little prominent on what I've done but once a final sand and clear coat, it will or should come out nice. If you remember my HMS Diana from years ago, I also did the same to her hull. Looked great I thought, though even more subtle on her as I gave her hull sides a wash in yellow. My idea is to have SOTS in a cleanish possible straight after refit look... saying that her sides would have been darker in real life as they would have coated her in a mixture of Stockholm tar on the hull sides - like Endeavour, Duyfken and Batavia replicas - interestingly the Batavia is almost black now from the weathering and constant applications of tar on her timbers. I don't know how they look after the Batavia compared to Duyfken and Endeavour as we would scrape the hull sides before applying new coats in refit. Thanks mate, yeah they do add more dimension to the model. To be honest I have to look if sergal even suggest to do it?!? Haha but they were obviously there so I just do it. The first sailing warship I built with these was caldercraft Diana and this is only the second warship I've built since. My Friesland i built and the Vasa were built in the years before I knew of the website so never even thought of including them - though the Friesland being mamoli used the cast metal openings which while needing a hell of a lot of cleanup, saved a lot of work.
  14. My replacement planks have arrived! Haha a lovely tube of wood I've layed the first few planks above the main wales. I do prefer the colour compared to the walnut provided. Also rather than pencil I've used art liner (black marker) on the edges to simulate the caulking.
  15. I think wth the much higher bulwarks and narrowing of the stern, she easily reflects the standard of the early 17th century and similar to that of the La Couronne, Vasa and Batavia.
  16. Done a little planking of the stern piece this arvo. I've used some of the walnut planks which are surplied as the second planking but I won't be using these for the hull. Seeing as the stern will be painted beneath the carving, it was more of an experiment with colour to see if I was right in thinking it would look too dark planked overall in walnut. I've gone for a light maple plank which I'll use to plank the hull which while lighter I think will finish the hull off nicer. Also the walnut planks are 6mm wide so too wide for my scale planks of 5mm. I went for 5mm as with the placement of the wales, 5m planks will fit evenly between them. So anyway haha here's the stern planked in anticipation for the hulls second planking. Also for an experiment I've used pencil on the plank edges to simulate the caulking, I normally use a felt tip pen as after sanding the felt pen still leaves a nice clean 'caulking' line. I think with the walnut the pencil is too light and so not defined however I think I'll stick with my tried and tested way of simulating with felt tip pen.
  17. Hi Grant, thank you so much. I initially learnt this hobby after watching my father build ships as I was growing up and while learning the basics of planking and rigging etc I saw the limitations which kits provided and his frustrations haha but like me that would never stop him. He was a naval historian after he left the navy so many of his models where scratch built - (if you are to visit the shipwreck gallery and the Fremantle port authority - a few of his models are still on display. The port do rotate models around as they have or at least had a rather large collection.) and those he built from kits, simple modifications like carvings as blocks he would fashion and at most modify layouts to match known sources of the vessel at a particular time. He always said to me, if I'm to do something do it right the first time. Haha well I've still a long way to go to match some of the works of art to be found on this site but I do enjoy pushing my limits. I can't help but compare everything I do to his amazing commissioned builds and the ones still in possession by family and friends. What i I also like about this forum is when you have doubts about... right, should I or can I attempt this there is always a lot of guidance on here either through actual contact or just by watching other builders work and ideas. So I hope I can contribute even a little to that base. i thought I'd actually show the difference with the stern I've made - I've described it enough and it's easy to google both the Leys painting and that of the completed sergal models. So I've placed the provided stern pieces over my stern to show you how much of the hull has changed you can see how much the frames have needed to be cut down to suit the new hull shape. That upper stern piece is how the hull was meant to sit flush with the hull, the lower piece shows the outline of where the galleries would have sat if built out of the box. Far too low and possibly a little too low in length.
  18. She's looking good Ken, I like the use of the sheet behind for the guns, as you said gives you more room for play in the placement.
  19. Now from what I can tell, sergal had it part right. The lower part of the stern - the continuation of the galleries so both sets of windows actually sit just a touch further aft, not as prominent as the sergal kit but further out than just the flat stern piece. On the ley painting just below the effigy of victory is a small strip of 'honey comb' detail. This is the same detail as the three turrets on each quarter gallery.
  20. While I've been quiet for me I've not been idle. Cutting up the template for the new upper stern piece. Using the small piece supplied by sergal as a guide to the height as suggested I traced out the stern via the planking and begun sketching the stern from Leys engraving across. Marrying up with the position of the wales on the hull - the floors of the galleries are built around these - for the stern lights (windows) the carvings fit quite nicely. The only difference was to extend the height by possibly 5mm so I left 10mm and will trim down to correct height later. Also because I changed the shape of the transom to suit the ley and Van der Velde sketch I increased the lower part of the stern by 4mm. The ley painting isn't a plan but more than likely the most accurate depiction of the Sovereign's stern. I think my stern while not spot on to ley... pretty damn close and the carvings will fit nicely in proportion
  21. She's looking great Scott. Will you be bending on sails also?
  22. Thanks everyone and hi Hans! The movie was great, surprised that there hasn't been one earlier about that those battles but thanks to the Dutch finally haha. Hans my Leeuwin is 90% complete, long story she's on display but need to find the push to finish her. It was a hard year last year with a relationship associated with the ship so enthusiasm to finish her has faltered a little. Long story. I will finish her soon I hope, and she'll be presented to the foundation once complete. EJ I find the research as much and sometimes more rewarding than the building of the model itself sometimes! Haha Scott she catches me all the time.... 😂😂
  23. That's an interesting way of attaching the ratlines Scott. Especially to come out so uniformed and neat.
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