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Posts posted by rafine

  1. Another few items completed in the waist. I've made and installed the hatch, the barricade and the two ladders.The hatch has a boxwood coaming and uses the kit laser cut grating. The barricade is made up from boxwood posts and the laser cut cross piece from the kit. Using the kit part simplified things considerably, because it has the square holes for the posts cut in it. I chose to paint this assembly black and pinned and glued it to the deck. The ladders are boxwood. 


    This completes the work in the waist, with the exception of the waist rails which are very fragile and will be left for a later time. I'm now working on the quarter deck area, doing the limited deck planking and the bulwark planking.







  2. A few items of progress to report on. First, I added the minimal amount of deck planking that I'm going to do in the waist. As usual on this build, the planking is holly with pencil "caulking" and golden oak filler for "treenails". There is planking to frame the hatch and scuttle and to provide a base for the railings. 


    Second, I made and installed the cap rail in the waist. This was done with boxwood strip bent to shape with a piece of half round molding glued to the outside edge and the assembly painted black. The molding extended beyond the cap rail and formed the first portion of the plank sheer molding. Third, I added the aft portion of the plank sheer molding, made from black painted half round. The forward portion won't be done until I do work on the head assemblies.


    Next will be the hatch, barricade and ladders in the waist.











  3. Thanks guys for the generous comments and the "likes". They are all appreciated.


    Wq3296 -- The lodging knees, carlings and ledges generally follow the deck framing plan set out in AOTS Essex. I took some liberties with the plan, but the shape and size of the knees and the landing of the ledges are very much in keeping with that plan. BTW, to my knowledge, that plan is not unusual in that respect.



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