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Posts posted by Remcohe

  1. Thanks Nils, Greg.

    Oktay, I use Castello Boxwood, aka lemonwood for 95% of the build the rest is Swiss pear and Holy.

    Sam, I take that as a big compliment. Jan is right, I'm a perfectionist looking for the limits of what can be done with the materials I use. This sometimes results in redoing parts most of us would find just perfect (and they are right).


    For the moment no updates, life is getting in the way and the time I do get to spend in the workshop is devoted to a plastic kit I bought recently and some figure sculpting and painting.


    Sorry guys, Kingfisher will have to wait 



  2. Thanks guys. Urb, I've send you a pm.


    Here's the whole assembly with the crosspiece and I decided to make the short version of the cleat (this is the piece that supports the upped deck beam) 






    Still need to add some ironwork, not sure if I'll add the hook on the inside or the outside. TFFM shows two options (V1 p 276

     and p80 V2)




  3. Thank you for the compliments and the importand tip. I'm going to plank the lowerdeck but just a few bands, I'll make sure the bitt pin stays clear. Allthough I build the complete assembly now, getting it installed at a much later point will keep it from harms way while doing the rest of the decks.


    I'll post some pictures of the complete riding bitt this weekend.



  4. It's tricky, trying to keep in mind everything above the deck you are working on aligning properly later. I'm glad that you caught that earlier rather than too late!


    Trying is the right word, and then comes hoping you've got it all in the right spot. Glad this was an easy fix, further down it would have been impossible...


    Ed I now use a cup burr that works even better




    Here the third platform is partially complete and the riding bitt's are test fitted, hard to see but they taper quite dramatically towards the bottom of the hull. 


    This is one of those jobs where I would like to have 6 extra hands  ;-) 





  5. Thanks Scott, John.



    I had to rebuild the forward small platform as the deck pillar didn't line up with the deckbeam above. 

    More deck pillars and stancions added, a small portion of the bulkhead is made too. The upper breast hook was made using card templates and trimmed further until a snug fit was obtained.










  6. I finally found my way back to my workshop. Real life, other projects and a bit of modelers block got in the way. I finished beam 11 with the hanging knees and now I moved to the bow section to built the fore platform.

    The footwalling already has it's final finish so the bare wood looks light in contrast.






    Two more platforms coming up...




    ps Ben, nope I'm not a brain surgeon, nor something alike  ;-)


  7. Oh my, you really have been a busy beaver. It's great to see the hull taking her shape. At first I didn't understand why the bow is so much higher, but when I checked the drawings I understood, the deck structure needs to be build up on top of the hull. Are you going to show some details below the deck too?



  8. Thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments  :D


    So how did I do it, the how-to was indeed like Jan noticed in the first picture. The divider was used to scrape a thin line evenly spaced from the bottom of the gallow. Multiple passes with very light pressure were needed to cut through the grain. In the middle the cut was done free hand.




    Then I used a slightly blunted threading needle to make the molding, again multiple passes and the wood shaped nicely.




    And yes Piet  I do have some miniature 0.4 mm chisels made from hypodermic needles and thin steel but I use them elsewhere ;)





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