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    markjay reacted to Lee J H in Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Lee J H - Euromodel - 1:48   
    Draw the gunport and start the drilling work.

  2. Like
    markjay reacted to Lee J H in Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Lee J H - Euromodel - 1:48   
    I made a Carrige on the Gun Deck. These are hidden by the Main Deck and are not visible, so I made it simple.
    I also made a door frame and attached it.

  3. Like
    markjay reacted to Gus M in HMS Indefatigable 1794 (prototype) by James H - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - FINISHED   
    Well deserved!!, congrats @James H
  4. Like
    markjay reacted to rlb in HMS Indefatigable 1794 (prototype) by James H - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - FINISHED   
    Congratulations James! 
    And whatever was the impetus, I am deeply indebted to you for starting this site.  Thank you.
  5. Like
    markjay reacted to mtaylor in HMS Indefatigable 1794 (prototype) by James H - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - FINISHED   
    That's excellent news, James.   
  6. Like
    markjay reacted to James H in HMS Indefatigable 1794 (prototype) by James H - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - FINISHED   
    For your info, my HMS Indefatigable build will be published as a two-part article in the Model Boats magazine, with the first part available in this month's mag.
    It's the Model Boats mag that first drew me into this hobby with Keith Julier's period ship builds. If it wasn't for him, then I doubt MSW would exist, and my interest in this hobby. 

    Here's the intro pages for Part 1 of my article.

  7. Like
    markjay reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Cheers, Guys.
    Post Fourteen
    Before I fitted the central strake of three I used a micro saw to remove the gunport sections of the upper strake.

    I used a length of 8mm x 1.5mm limewood strip to fill in the central gap, a little tapering towards the bow and stern and the fit is good.


    I glued the plank to the frames and along the edges of the adjacent planks.

    The gunports were the fully opened-up before re-fitting and gluing the pear patterns into place.

    The blurb indicates areas where glue should not be applied, relating to the extensions to the bulkheads which will later be removed.
    I added double sided tape to these areas to temporarily secure the patterns in the upper areas.

    Speed gluing and clamping is the name of the game.

    In this shot she looks more 64 than 44, what a lovely chunky beast.



    Fitting the patterns concludes this section of the build.
  8. Like
    markjay got a reaction from Keith Black in Hello from Niagara   
  9. Like
    markjay reacted to Glenn-UK in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Glenn-UK - Vanguard Models - 1:64   
    First Planking – Planking Garboard
    Yesterday I had to attend to a plumbing issue as the water in our kitchen sink disposal unit was not draining away. After removing the unit and cleaning it there still seemed to an issue with the water drainage, so I ended up buying and fitting a new unit. I was therefore unable to spend much time in the shipyard.
    Having completed planking under the stern counter area today I decided to add the garboard plank. I was very pleased with how the first three planks looked around the bow area.

    The stern area is only being planking up to the dead area which avoid the need to taper the keel.

    I am working with an inverted Indy which is resting on two spacers to stop the bulwarks resting on the work bench.

    I am using pins to secure the planks to the various bulkheads However I am also using clamps to ensure the plank edges are aligned which should reduce the amount of sanding required.

  10. Like
    markjay reacted to mjcurtis in Boston Whitehall Tender by mjcurtis - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:14 (7/8"=1') - first build   
    This will be my first attempt at a wooden model ship.  I have been fascinated by intricate wooden model ships for most of my life but never dared attempt one.  The Boston Whitehall Tender was chosen not because it's an exciting ship but because it was rated as an entry-level kit, and the price was right.  I am a perfectionist and know that the best way to fail miserably with extreme aggravation is to take on too tough of a build.  With that said, the Whitehall Tender does have an historical legacy.  It looked like a good option for my first build.
    In my youth, I built a vast collection of plastic model aircraft.  All were 1:72 scale and covered various types, from WW I biplanes to modern-day jets.  I attempted one plastic ship model of the USS Constitution but was disappointed.  The final product lacked the realism I desired.  I was incredibly disappointed in the plastic rigging and molded sails.  It just did have the realism that I expected and was able to impart to my aircraft models.  So began and ended my only other foray into model ship building.
    Now 4-1/2 decades on, I will give wooden shipbuilding a try...  stay tuned to see how this unfolds.

  11. Like
    markjay reacted to B-Ram in Galley Washington Plans from NRG - by B-Ram   
    Hi Kurt,
    Thanks for the information and the quick reply. I have no idea where I got the idea that there was a CD included with the plans. I guess I was looking at too many things in the internet. 
    I have been looking for a first POF project. I have gotten several sets of plan and monographs that were described as being good for a first POF build, but I found them too difficult to understand. I have been looking at some very nice build threads for the Washington and the plans along with the monograph appear to give a good opportunity for success.
  12. Like
    markjay reacted to kurtvd19 in Galley Washington Plans from NRG - by B-Ram   
    There is no CD provided.  The 10 sheets of 24" x 36" plans are mailed rolled to the purchaser - not folded.  The monograph, lumber list and flag are PDF files that are downloaded from our store -  you can download this information at any time - check it out if you are deciding if its a project for you.  The monograph is meant to be printed out by the purchaser as needed.  Many download and print all the pages at one time and put them in a binder.  Others print the pages out as needed.
    Whatever you choose to do I highly recommend you read and understand all 64 pages of the monograph BEFORE you start the construction.  I also recommend that you save the monograph on your hard drive for ease of use.
    Take care,
  13. Like
    markjay reacted to Glenn-UK in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Glenn-UK - Vanguard Models - 1:64   
    First Planking – Planking Stern Area
    The method I used to plank under the stern counter area has evolved as I have progressed with this task. With the first couple of planks I worked from bulkhead 9 and used my plank crimping tool to add the bend around the stern counter.
    I was not totally happy with the above method particularly with getting a nice smooth bend. It was also tricky to trim the end of the plank to fit under the stern frames. Therefore I decided to try working from the stern to bulkhead 9 which has worked out to be much better. The first task was to trim the plank end to the required angle.

    Next I marked the area where the plank needed to be bent.

    I used my heated plank bender to add the required bend which did yield much better results.

    The bent plank was then clamped in position around the stern area so the plank could be trimmed to the right length at bulkhead 9. I found it beneficial to leave the plank clamped in place for a few minutes.

    After one final dry fit check the plank was glued in place. I found it better to use a clamp to hold the plank in place at bulkhead 18 and then pinned the rest of the plank at each bulkhead position.

    I have added 6 layers of planks. It is by no way perfect but this is my best attempt at first planking.

  14. Like
    markjay got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Nice curve and nice build at this point.
  15. Thanks!
    markjay got a reaction from Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Nice curve and nice build at this point.
  16. Like
    markjay got a reaction from Keith Black in Hello from Ontario   
  17. Like
    markjay got a reaction from mtaylor in Hello from Ontario   
  18. Like
    markjay reacted to Keith Black in ship stanchions   
  19. Like
    markjay reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Thank you Kevin, and Pavel.
    @ Kevin - I think 'only slightly ahead' is slightly understating it. 😁
    @ Pavel - Thankyou for looking in on my build.👍
    Post Eleven
    Fairing the Hull.
    This is such a big beast, I couldn’t quite decide the best way to approach the fairing business.
    Not easy to hold while fairing, altho’ holding at angles during the process is almost a certainty.
    I finally decided that having the hull inverted was the best approach, so I knocked up a simple jig to hold it inverted.

    This consists of nothing more than styrene packing material cut to fit snuggly inside the hull and hold it clear of the base during the process.

    The packing should protect the delicate bulkhead extensions.

    Battens were fitted to the board to hold the hull in place during the sanding.
    This arrangement will also double up for the planking and coppering of the hull.

    All the necessary stuff is assembled, but I won’t be doing the fairing in my workroom, too much dust.
    I need to wait for a quiet, mild day, without the gusting winds we have at present. The forecast for these ‘ere parts doesn’t look that brilliant over the next few days, so I may return to the small boatyard and Medway.
  20. Like
    markjay reacted to Jaager in Planking Fan Clarification   
    There is a fan that can be printed out in the Articles Database.
    The easy way is to use it with a tick strip.  The TS gets you the open distance at each frame (for POF) at each mould (for POB).
    The fan gets you the sub division of that distance.  
    There is no way to avoid distance creep during planking, so I advise measurement and subdivision after every plank is fixed to the hull.
    e.g  marking off 8 (for example) segments at the beginning and expecting that last 8th plank width to match what was expected at the beginning is profound exercise in wishful thinking.
    Three goring belts is usually enough for most smaller hulls.
    I would start the measuring of the goring belts and their subdivisions after the wale and the garboard are fixed.  The garboard is a special critter. It needs to be the size needed for it to do its job.  If it is not correct, the rest does not matter.
  21. Laugh
    markjay reacted to hollowneck in Grecian 1812 by James H - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - protype build of US Baltimore Clipper Privateer Schooner   
    I'm loving this model's development.
    The unique design of the schooner itself, the history. It incorporates many of Chris' most recent engineering innovations in a smaller "package" that'll comfortably fit into a unique presentation. I'm thinking the Grecian can possibly be set into my next diorama depicting a cutting-out action in the Chesapeake (now within a stone's throw to my new home near the same).
    I'm also thinking a completed model and diorama might be appropriately called: "Asleep At The Helm."
  22. Like
    markjay got a reaction from hollowneck in Grecian 1812 by James H - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - protype build of US Baltimore Clipper Privateer Schooner   
    Really nice work. Can't wait for the release. 
  23. Like
    markjay got a reaction from chris watton in Grecian 1812 by James H - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - protype build of US Baltimore Clipper Privateer Schooner   
    Really nice work. Can't wait for the release. 
  24. Like
    markjay reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening everyone
    Day 18 1st planking
    as soon as i left the make up of the hull, i have had to start thinking about things, and this has resulted in some redo's, lol no matter how much fairing you do, there is always more
    anyway the hull is is about 50% done and although bit messy in places, i have a sound basis  to work on
    and yes i am still missing one part number 29 stern post filler, and the one fitted need working on


  25. Like
    markjay got a reaction from Keith Black in Hello from the Mid Chesapeake area!   
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