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Everything posted by Wishmaster

  1. Although ship isn't finished a cargo certainly is :DD My friend cut planks for me so i started with planking. Good news is that I'm going tomorrow to get my saw and after so much time she gets only minor improvement so I'm not sure how she will work. In meantime i made some cargo hope it will not sink her I made some kind of jig for wet planks to get shape
  2. Great build Mark. I like Hahn's plans and Licorne is one of them. Beautiful ship!
  3. Real enjoy. Looking for forward. Thank you very much for sharing
  4. Real beauty. Great build log. Thanks for sharing
  5. Great build log Alex! Beautiful ship. It's interesting that both bracera's are waiting for table saw I really like a shape of hull, you did great job and also great idea with cargo bay. I will definitely try to copy this idea on my bracera!
  6. Thanks Anja and John. John grapnel is correct word - thank you
  7. Absolutely amazing. Beautiful work and model. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Thank you Michael, Hrvoje and John. Its my pleasure to be a part of this great forum and I'm glad you like start of my build log.
  9. Thank you Wayne for kind words. Thank you Anja also. About sprit sail - i'm not expert ? Really don't know. I assume that you are right. About proxxon, thing is that my little proxxon table saw is older version and it use a small rubber belt which is expensive and not easy to find. I decided to ask my friend which is engineer to reconstruct saw to work without that belt. But he had his own company, also fabricate a guitars (fender licence) etc. I have to wait
  10. Hello everyone. I'm starting build log of bracera (brazzera) traditional croatian coastal vessel. Scale is 1:20 and plans are from 1981 - Tehnodidakta, Pula. It's pretty simple vessel and maybe ideal for beginners as I am I don't know how fast will be this build because my table saw proxxon is broken and it's on service-reconstruction almost for about 5 month. I use all blocks and strips of wood and improvise as much as i can till i get my saw. I can't make a planks for hull, deck etc... Wood i will use is domestic pear and cherry. Thank you all and suggestions, comments etc. are welcome. Parts on paper Parts for cut on wood Glued That's combination of pear and wood. I used only flax oil. I think it will be nice combination - not to big contrast.
  11. Very nice. Great build log and beautiful model. Thanks Juan for sharing
  12. Simply beautiful. Beautiful ship and model and excellent work. Thanks Johann for sharing this.
  13. Congratulations Karl. Beautiful beautiful beautiful masterpiece. Can you picture both parts together if its ok. I miss part one and it will be interesting to see them together. Thank you
  14. Absolutely amazing workkkkkkkkkk. Ilhan i really enjoy in this build log and specially in metal work You are truly master modeler but absolutely you are top top top in metal work Thank you!!!
  15. Karl, i don't know how many time did i wrote this : Absolutely amaaaaazing model. You really doing us a favor sharing this beautiful pics. Thank you Karl. You are top master craftsman!
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