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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Thanks again for all the positive and encouraging comments. As for the photo backdrop and lighting, no purchase has been made as of yet, but I am inclined to go the route described by Dubz and others who suggested a separate, improved backdrop with LED lighting as required or even natural light outdoors. I guess I am too impatient and lazy to wait for daylight hours and /or good weather to photo my models by depending upon natural light alone. My work on the torpedo net continues as I look for appropriate material to create the net. I'm just not sold on using the photo etch net in it's entirety as it comes from the Pontos set. On the other hand, my experiments for a suitable material to replace the photo etch has not yielded the results I want yet. My search continues. I did acquire a set of IJN battle flags from this company: http://becc.co.uk I like what I received from them.
  2. Neat, clean, and professional. The Pontos set adds amazing levels of detail to an otherwise good model without any aftermarket at all. I have yet to find any other photo etch sets that come close to the realism that Pontos provides. You're going to have a lot of hours invested in this model when it's finished. Doesn't it make you glad we are not getting paid by the hour to build model ships? I'd probably be earning about 10 cents per hour.🙂
  3. But they look SO good. These boats will add a lot to your finished model. You've done a superb job on them to this point.
  4. I'm trying to figure out how I will attach the all torpedo net booms so that they hang level. It seems I need to devise some type of jig to keep them all uniform. The booms attach to the hull by means of a hook/swivel at their base point against the hull, then by cables at the top that serve to "adjust" their level. However, the cables are not functionally adjustable, rather the adjustment takes place when they are glued to their attachment point on the hull. It seems to me that what I need is a strip of some material (probably wood) that runs parallel to the length of the hull at the elevation/height needed to attach the torpedo net.
  5. You're a brave man, Channell. My wife would knock knots on top of my head faster than I could rub them.
  6. How much thought have you given to where you will display your model when it's finished? I have a few ideas of how I might display my large scale ship models, but that's another project all it's own. Very soon, it's going to be a necessary undertaking for me.
  7. These are sections of the catwalks, provided in the Pontos update set. Each side of the ship gets seven catwalk sections to finish a side. These are the last three I assembled and are now ready to be attached to the ship, completing the tedious catwalk assemblies. Once these are installed, along with the torpedo net boom assemblies, it becomes more obvious why I decided early on that these assemblies must be among the last assemblies installed to finish the ship. Once they are added along with the props, handling the model becomes much more difficult without inadvertently knocking something off and possibly losing it. At this juncture, my mind is made up to go ahead and install the extended torpedo nets and booms. I thought maybe I would not, but have changed my mind. I was concerned the nets may easily be broken off if the ship was handled, but I now believe the boom assemblies are sufficiently engineered to support the extended nets. Hope I'm right, we shall soon see.
  8. Yeah, but if I had one, I couldn't afford to launch it. About 20 years ago, it cost around $250 per trip to go fishing in my 21' open fisherman boat. Fuel, oil, ice, bait, maintenance, etc. Can you imagine what it would cost to go out in a boat the size of those launches? I shudder to think. About the only way it's affordable is to have an extra person or two who are willing to go out with you and share some of the expense. The big outboard engine/s on my boat sucked down fuel like crazy.
  9. The launches look great. You're going to have lots of fun painting them. The larger launches look like they would have made beautiful pleasure/fishing sport boats....however, the Fuhrer would have likely disapproved. 🙂 About those cranes...are those aftermarket or kit parts? In either event, they look superb.
  10. Welcome aboard, Pete. What a nice haul of models and painting equipment to get your new hobby kick started! Sounds like you hit the marriage lottery with your new wife. Hope you and she spend many happy decades of life and love together. Looking forward to seeing your work. Hope you post your build threads. Will be happy to add anything I can to help you along the way, even if it's just positive encouragement. Cheers! CDW
  11. I just caught up with/found this build thread and began looking through your latest progress photos. All I can say is wow...beautiful! Now I'll be going back to look through the entire thread. She's a beauty, Dennis. My wife and I stayed a few days at the Rising Star casino in Indiana. Their casino is built upon one of these riverboats. Your model reminds me of our stay there. By the way, they had a gorgeous model of the Rising Star casino boat in their showcase. I thought I had taken photos of the model, but can't see to put my hands on it at this time.
  12. Thanks for the photo input. Much appreciated. I have not purchased anything yet, was just waiting for input just like what you have provided. Would much rather spend less and keep it simple. However, I do need to buy some lighting. Will be sure to watch for and buy something labeled for "daylight". What's the idea behind the umbrella-looking devices. Is it used to diffuse the light, similar to placing a piece of tissue paper over my flash? Do I need something like that?
  13. Very nice work, OC. Can hardly keep up, you are working through this model so quickly. It must be a sign that you are enjoying the build of it.
  14. Thanks for all the kind comments. No new model photos this time, but I am very near completion now with small details in the works and still waiting for my flags to arrive from England. I ordered and received this display case from a vendor on Amazon. Inside measurements are 33" x 14" x 25". It's much larger than I need for the Mikasa, but when I found it on sale for a mere $99 (w/free shipping), I could not pass it up. it does not come with glass, so now I have it at the glass cutter's shop waiting for the glass to be installed. Total cost for my display case including the glass is $158, so I felt like I got a real bargain. If I find a smaller case more suited for the Mikasa later on, I will just use this larger one for a sailing ship and that should be perfect.
  15. A very interesting idea. Never have seen anyone else do this before now, but I like the looks of your results.
  16. So I don't know too much about cameras and photography, but I've been thinking I would like to have a better setup for backdrop and lighting when I photograph my models. Looking through Amazon, I found this setup, and hoped some of you more experienced photographers out there could give my your opinion of this set: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HTLT8EG/?coliid=I6GEYPNG6G89G&colid=1T4TM1TOH7YS5&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it I know the backdrop probably exceeds the size of most ship models, but probably isn't too far off for 1:200 scale modern warships, and I would guess it would be better to have more backdrop than not enough. Thoughts?
  17. All the railings and ship boats have been installed. Next the ensign staff, some more rigging, and the torpedo net booms. I ordered some flags from England, just have to be patient to get those delivered in the mail. I also ordered a display case that should be here sometime next week.
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