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Everything posted by CDW

  1. If I display the model at or near eye level, it will be visible. Otherwise, it's not likely anyone would look close enough to see it just looking down at it.
  2. I have that photo. But if you look closely, those masts are very different than the ones supplied in my Pontos kit, the kit ones likely a later mast variation. So I hear what you're saying, but the picture doesn't match what I've got. Historical accuracy is sort of out the window. I'm just trying to get it to look like I want it to look.
  3. Just testing here to see how high up I want to take the black/gray paint at the bottom of the masts. I think I prefer the mask at the higher level seen on the rear mast. Will adjust the front mast accordingly.
  4. Thanks Slog. I suppose there may very well be too much levity at times, and it that causes consternation for some. Will temper my future posts with that thought in mind.
  5. I like the really crispy fish and it must have malt vinegar on it, too. I don't know what it is about that paper cone, but somehow, the fish served in paper cones tastes so much better. Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips used to be served in a paper cone.
  6. Lol - My wife sure does not want raw sushi, but both of us love it. I don't care whether it's cooked or raw, but her's must be cooked. At home, I cook fish/seafood at least twice a week. Sometimes more. Both of us love it because it's good and good for you, too.
  7. I also find myself staring/looking carefully at the instructions for the very same reason you mention. Fore and aft are nearly identical in appearance.
  8. I only wish I had been able to find more/better reference material for Mikasa. My hobby shop owner/friend tells me that a local author wrote a reference book on Mikasa, and was published by Osprey, but I was unable to source a copy of it. Additionally, there is another reference written on Mikasa whose name I cannot recall, but again, was unable to locate one for my reference.
  9. Oh man, that is a really nice kit. Santa came early this year! Can't wait to see the model as you progress with it. What kind of figurehead does the kit include?
  10. Almost finished with the mast construction now and will get them painted up before the weekend's over (hopefully). Just dry fitting here for fit before painting. Top 2/3 of the masts will be a radome tan color as is seen on the foremast now, and the bottom 1/3 black/gray.
  11. You could test it by recreating an ELO "stain" on a scrap piece of plastic like maybe a sprue or something similar. But I believe the results will be negative. A clear coat will not hide the stain. If anything, it will probably intensify it.
  12. This has been a great ride, watching you build the Warspite. Loved every minute of it, and the final pictures are just icing on the cake. Thinking back to what you went through to get this model finished, I think it's a special accomplishment on your part. I recall when something (maybe sunlight?) deformed part of the hull and you had to work through all that to finish her. Lots of guys would have given up, but you hung in there and really made something special. Kudos!
  13. Thanks! I planned to do the 1:200 USS Hornet next, but have not yet acquired all the details pieces I want for it. The hangar area deserves a lot of love on that model, and lights, too. There's a lot that remains to be done before Mikasa is finished. Lots of small, fiddly pieces and parts. Particularly on the hull. All kinds of torpedo net rigging, booms, walkways, and the nets themselves. More guns, and lots of boats.
  14. Thanks for the nice comments, popeye. The wife was really impressed by how neat and clean everything was in New Hampshire, besides just the beautiful scenery. She came back a huge fan of fish chowder.
  15. All that prep work you performed pays huge dividends in a great finish. The hull looks magnificent.
  16. Thank you OC. Looking forward to getting some paint and rigging on the masts.
  17. Foremast preview. Still, much remains to be added to the mast, plus paint then rigging.
  18. Ha-ha...they went to "Santa Town". The wife really loved New Hampshire. Said it is bee-you-tee-ful. Our daughter and son in law took her on a grand tour. She came home saying she wants us to find a summer home there. I don't know about that. PS: now you know where my grandchildren get their blond hair.
  19. I picked up my Admiral from the airport this afternoon. She flew up and spent some time with our oldest daughter in New Hampshire this past week. Can you believe this beautiful bride I married so long ago is the mother of our 48 year old daughter as well as our other 5 children? Good genes.
  20. At this scale, Pontos does a fine job in it's rendering of the masts. This is the top half of the foremast. All the proper rigging tie off points are reproduced. Even the lantern/light on top of the masts are included. Very impressed with the attention given to the masts at this point.
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