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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Yes, I have done that. But he is so tight with his money, he squeaks when he walks. Besides, I think because he is a computer engineer who works for a company who build complex component parts and systems, he enjoys playing around with his own 3D printing equipment and making improvements to it himself. I am always kidding him about how much work he goes through with his RC flying models to just to keep the cost down a few bucks.
  2. I applaud you for what you're doing, HG. The finished results of your work is very impressive and i am sure there are people like me who would buy your files once you are ready to do that. There's no reason you shouldn't earn something in return for all the hard work you are putting into making these a workable 3D printing project. My friend has often mention the Thingyverse site you mentioned in another post. He's found many useful files there. The RC aircraft files he paid for. He said the finished models are a tad on the heavy side for RC flight, but doable.
  3. I'm probably too old to change. But if I was young and starting out fresh, technology would be the way to go. Opens up so many exciting possibilities. My concern is whether or not I will be willing at this stage of life to put in the hours required just to learn the software. Been there and done that before I retired with many complex software programs so I know and understand what is required to learn it well enough to be proficient.
  4. I just searched for Fusion 360 software and found that I can have my college student daughter download the program for me for free. Cool.
  5. Do you know of any ready-to-print 3D files of ship models out there? My buddy has found many ready-to-print files for RC aircraft, so I assume there might be some for ship models, too.
  6. It only seems like a lot to me because I have 0 experience with 3D printing. I really had no idea how long it might take. But if I was forced to venture a guess before you advised on the length of time required, it would have been a much lower guestimate. I am assuming your 3D printer is NOT a low-end printer like my friend bought (and is experimenting with). From the video, yours appears a higher grade and slightly larger than his.
  7. Wow...18 days straight is a sobering thought. What type of material are you printing with and what typer of glue is required?
  8. Looks like a great project. Being very interested in 3D CAD and printing, will eagerly look forward to your posts.
  9. I looked up at the last post from greyhawk and realized I could click on the pictures, them enlarge the image. In the enlarged view, it appears the planking sits a good 1 mm lower than the molded bow and stern pieces. Unless there is another, 2nd layer of planking, it's going to require a lot of filler and sanding.
  10. Doris, How long does it take for you to sculpt one of those decorative figures?
  11. How much work will be required to make the hull planking match the bow and stern pieces? I can't see how well they match up in the photos. Overall, I love this model...one of my all time favorite modern war ships.
  12. When I used to enter model shows/contests, it was always a challenge to get the models to the show without damage. Supplies to make emergency repairs upon arrival was always a must. You always hope you don't need to make any sudden stops or changes of direction that might upset the model, and anything could happen but probably won't. Good luck!
  13. Well, it IS true...that GE was the only ones I had seen do it. That is what I said. But you taught me something I didn't know - that Shapeways can 3D print in gold or silver.
  14. Wow, it would take some advanced technology to 3D print in metal. General Electric are the only ones I've seen do it, and that was to prove the concept of 3D printing jet engine parts. They actually 3D printed a functional jet engine using advanced layered alloys. But the cost is astronomical for a modeler.
  15. Very impressed with Model Monkey's offerings. He's really done some work to come up with a list like that. Ive been researching the availability of 1:8 scale model car parts. They are out there, but man, they are pricey as hell.
  16. Many moons ago, airbrushes and compressors were way out of the price range most modelers could afford (me included) and most all of us did all our paint work by brush or either did no paint at all. Today I am spoiled with airbrush finishes but still resort to the brush from time to time.
  17. I love this model. If they offered the series here in the USA, would subscribe in a heartbeat. The planking looks great.
  18. Where I worked, we were encouraged to save our sick time by them promising to pay us in full for the first 1040 hours of accumulated sick leave when we retired (30 years service). The second 1040 hours went back to the employer, but anything over 2080 hours total, they paid us half rate. I ended up with close to a year in pay as a severance from the sick leave accumulation.
  19. Great looking job you did when drilling and filing the blast bags. Not sure if you are aware, but a modeler should take precautions with appropriate respirator/filter when sanding or filing resin. Resin dust can cause severe problems with the lungs. Lots of people actually wet sand/file resin, just to avoid the resin dust.
  20. That's a good idea Mark, and might be fairly simple to do using the resin ones as a guide to shape them. I would try using some Milliput and see how it comes out.
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