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Everything posted by CDW

  1. The model looks big until it's along side of the Yamato. Looks very authentic.
  2. Are you going to build it to fly or for static display? Either way, it should be a lot of fun.
  3. Capt Slog You are being far too hard on yourself with respect to the railing. It looks super nice to the modeler who observes your work (me). But I do understand the tendency to strain at the smallest faults as I often do it to myself as well. It must be a modeler's disease. My older brothers would often ask me if I needed glasses yet while I went into my 40's. It became annoying. Then one day it seemed to happen with a bang, my close-up vision went tango uniform. Distance vision is still perfect, just close-up needs correction.
  4. Interesting. Thanks for sharing that picture for clarity. Do you know...do they just remove the platforms, or the entire strap assembly around the barrel?
  5. Looks great, Greg. What are the pieces you see strapped on the Japanese gun barrels close to the blast bags?
  6. Trust me, I will not start this model until I get at least two simpler card models finished and under my belt. I may not find another one of these and don't want to screw it up. I have your tutorial all lined up with my sheets printed out and all supplies, except I am waiting on a precision hole punch tool to arrive from Micro-Mark. That should give me a good start then I'll do something a little more complex before starting the "shiny horse".
  7. I saw an online build review of this 1:200 Scharnhorst kit and had to find one for myself. This fellow is an extraordinary modeler and does great justice to this kit: http://www.shipmodels.info/mws_forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=155972 After I began searching for the kit, I realized it is currently out of print. But I was lucky and found the kit at GPM, along with all the photo etch, metal barrels, props, and anchors. The only thing they didn't have were the laser cut frames. I next ran across a shop named Freetime Hobbies in the Ukraine. They had the laser cut frames for this kit and I ordered them, but have not received them yet to photograph them. After reviewing the kit, I am glad I found the laser cut frames. They are extensive. As you will see in the photographs, the photo etch is extensive with this set!
  8. The 1:200 Scharnhorst items arrived in the mail today. Here are the turned metal barrels that came with my order from GPM.
  9. I'm really impressed with the way your Le Soleil Royal is turning out. It's going to be a stunning display when it's done. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well and hope you snap out of that, soon. Things have been rather hectic with me the past couple of weeks, particularly with the hurricane approaching, preparing, then dealing with the aftermath of it. As a consequence, I've gotten zero model work done. Right now, don't have a whole lot of incentive to get started back. Think I'll just sleep it off and get back to it when I feel like it. Amazing how a big event like a hurricane can make you rethink your priorities.
  10. I wonder what the commercial application is for that elastic thread. If we knew that, it might be more easily obtained than buying it from GPM. GPM's price for it is reasonable enough, but it seems like it takes forever to receive it. Ez line is readily available by mail order in the USA, cost is between 10 and 15 usd for a 100' roll.
  11. When I ordered the 1:200 Halinski Scharnhorst from GPM, bought all the extras including the barrels. As soon as I receive them, will take some photos and post. I have no idea what they look like at this juncture. But I think you are right, with a good clean up and primer, your barrels are going to look fine.
  12. That's a well thought out and beautifully executed railing. Threading those stanchions is a real eye test for me. Even with an optivisor, it's hard to get correct angle for focus sometimes. I remember how I used to laugh when my mother would hand me a needle to thread for her, or when my dad might assign me a task that required eagle vision. But now that I'm older, not laughing any more.
  13. After this tropical cyclone passes, I have to order a precision hole punch set to begin my journey building my first card model. Your model has helped in a big way to provide inspiration to do that. Beautiful work. Until recently, I would have never guessed that card models could look so great.
  14. Capt Slog I was out of luck for the color call outs because the Wave Models version of the Mikasa was produced for the Asian market and has all the written material in Chinese. I have no idea what color they call for and just went by sight. After my clear cote goes on, (and even now without it) it will look satin rather than flat. The red is hull red from Vallejo and the "black" is black-gray from Vallejo.
  15. 6 inch and 3 inch guns have been installed below the main deck. Main deck pieces have been installed. The hull has received some initial painting and awaits the addition of many details yet to be built.
  16. Our baby girl is now 20 years of age and in college. I take her to school every morning and pick her up in the afternoon. The commute back and forth is through some very extreme traffic conditions, and she is just not confident enough to make that drive herself. Plus, the campus has far more students than they do spaces for them to park. In the meantime, yard work has been high up on the admiral's agenda (when it's not raining). Between all these things, I work on the Mikasa now and then. Am going to try and pick up the pace a bit, soon. Thanks for dropping by to have a look.
  17. Being mesmerized by your 1:200 Scharnhorst part works kit (which I cannot buy in the USA), I am looking closely at buying the 1:200 Scharnhorst card model along with all the extras. It's probably way over my head as a card model, but I am bitten by the desire for one.
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