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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Anpther thing you can do is buy some PVC adapting couplers. One size to the vacuum and the other side to the saw. David b
  2. The reason for this is the properties of silver solder. Each time the solder is heated certain elements are used up and this will raise the melting temp. I have soldered joints right next to each other and the previous joint never came lose. David B
  3. Nicely done. Once you clean them up they will look perfect. Once you learn how to silver solder you will find many uses for it. Just remember the adage cleanilness is next to holiness. This makes the cleanup easier. Good work. David B
  4. Putting sails on a model depends on the modelers choice. I think it depends on what you are building and how you want to present your model. As for furling sails I will cut the sail in half and the result is a very realistic bundle. David B
  5. Poplar is a good wood for modeling. It is a little a little harder than bass and is easy to work with. It will take stains and can made to resemble scale oak. David B
  6. Years ago I was in Milwaukee and was able to observe the planking of the replica Dennis Sullivan. The plank was put into a steamer cabine and left for a set amount of time. It was then taken out of the cabinet and placed and clamped to the hull until it dried. The palnk was very pliable as well as very hot. David B
  7. Another method is to wet your plankng strips and wrap them in plastic wrap and nuke them for about 2 minutes in your microwave. They will be flexiblle enough to clamp on to your hull. Let the plank dry and you have your shape. Be careful caue the wood will be hot. David B
  8. Can you tell us the brand name amigo? David B
  9. I used to use Floquil years ago. But now I use acrylics. I like the easy clean up. As for airbushing just remember that acrylics dry very fast and will clog your aribrush if you do not clean it every now and then as you use it. David B
  10. Joe, I use these chisels with my Sherline all the time. Just use the proper tool rest. It takes a little practice but well worth the effort. David B
  11. I picked up these chisels at Wood craft a while ago and found they are pretty good right out of the box for micro wood turning David B
  12. Congratulation you have done a wonderful job. Now if you want I will call the boys in the white coats to escort you to the nearest bar for a stiff drink. Seriously a very nice job. David B
  13. Stay away from coffee and tea. After a few years they will make the line deteriorate. Use a dye like Ritt or Minwax stain David B
  14. Nicely done bravo. David B
  15. You forgot to mention Sherline, which is made in California. I have been using one for over twenty years and love the way it works. David B
  16. Great looking tool. I bet you had fun building it. David B
  17. My optiviser and a bright light are the most important tools I have. I need to see the part I am working on.\ David B
  18. Great use of a moto tool and imagination. I like the set up. David B
  19. I have seen Toni's model up close and have taken pictues that do not do it justice. David B
  20. This I would serioulsy doubt as the pices in question would be inserted against the drums rotation. All you have to worry about is the kickback. David B
  21. Stick with diluted pva glue. If you use ca for your knots the line may become brittle and snap. David B
  22. I agree with Mike. This book is a fantastic read. It is put out by Seawatch one of our sponsors. David B
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