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  1. Insane details! Really great build and so much notes and well documented, nice.
  2. Hey again sailors After long break and bad weather its time to put the Corsair again to the shipyard. One side is done and the other is almost "closed". Sanding & putty coming soon hehe Regards, Rainbow
  3. Looking forward for that build as well - I myself was interest at it at some point but then decided that I need to finish Corsair first hehe.
  4. Hey folks, Steve, I'm interested in your log as well as in the model itself which I was considering to do in my break period from Corsair May I use this opportunity and ask you what do you think about the model quality? The instructions? Since eventually I'll pretty much just follow them and use what's inside the box and will be more than happy to get some feedback
  5. Hey guys, Small updates from the hot summer days There will be sanding as usual + I already got 250ml of wood putty hehe
  6. Good to hear you didn't gave up! I'm in a process of doing Corsair by OcCre but since it's my first build I can't compare it to others but nevertheless I also have a feeling of low quality :/
  7. Just a quick update - I didn't give up from the project just it turns out after spring I get very busy - new job, some vacation and stuff so most likely will continue the build in autumn-winter season hah...
  8. Hey Joe, Yeah I think as well I'll need some sander soon since it's annoying and really slowly to do this manually (feasible but still...). If you have such disk sander -> I see it's application but for example how I'll sand the planking (or balsa wood below it if needed) with it? Can't really imagine that. @Elijah - you mean hand dremel with some Sanding Disc/Sanding Band? That might be more useful I guess. Or might continue with this haha
  9. Thank you Joe! Much appreciated the good words I also use few time my clothes iron (+ soaking the wood when used). Such tool might be useful in the future as well I guess -> I'm also wondering is there cheap power tool for sanding because sometimes it's really annoying?
  10. You will Elijah! You've already read a lot about the process so I have no doubts about that
  11. Not the best job for sure but I'm happy that I finally have some progress with the planking Hopefully with improve it in the end by sanding + some filling and with the second planking.
  12. I made the final balsa wood filling and it's time to see what I can do about planking It won't be the best job you've seen around here but honestly I don't have more patient working around with balsa and fillers
  13. Lots of sanding and cutting but I think it looks much better now and should have let's say more easier and pleasant planking I guess
  14. I mean about the wood stripes for the planking - do I still need to soak them in water and then use the above bending tool or just use the tool right away From this video I get the idea I can get without the exposure to water
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