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Everything posted by MartinB

  1. Attention to detail and workmanship. Truly inspiring Robert.
  2. But, after all that work, a ships lines begin to appear. Looking just like they are supposed to. Keep it going Vlad. Cheers Martin.
  3. That lantern all the way up there. Very, very nice. Martin.
  4. I enjoyed this journey Vladimir. You successfully captured the spirit and form of Cutty Sark. Excellent modelling. Cheers Martin.
  5. Hi Vlad, The carved (3D) one is much better, more realistic, and more suited to a model of your size. Even without gold paint. But maybe consider to make it a bit more gold somehow, highlight it maybe? Cheers, Martin
  6. You are correct Vlad. Longridge states that "the wooden deck was bolted directly onto the beams, and the bolt holes filled with dowels". All he mentions with regard to the deck house roofs is that he believes they were originally roofed with teak planking and caulked like the deck. Not much to say really. Cheers Martin
  7. Vladimir, Further information. Longridge also mentions the holes as being .8mm diameter (and 3mm in from the butt end of the plank) in 1:48 scale. Adjust this to your scale. Cheers, Martin
  8. Hi Vladimir, I have a copy of Longridge's book on the Cutty Sark. He states, "each plank had a dowel in the centre of its width wherever it crossed a deck beam, and one close to each end to secure the butt from rising." I guess the answer is one treenail in the centre of the plank. Cheers, Martin.
  9. I am not a fan of the new layout either. But I will try your suggestion, Chris. Thanks.
  10. This scale certainly allows some great work on attaching the deadeyes. Very nice. You have got me thinking Vladimir, maybe its time for me to move up to the larger scales. The deadeyes in the first photo remind me of the painting "Scream", by Munch. Weird, I know. Fair winds, Martin
  11. Nice metalwork for the mast fittings. Good to see that it is a true representation of Cutty Sark. This is good work Vladimir. Keep going. Fair winds Martin
  12. Much better at the Knights head. Rework was worth it. You got the proper Cutty Sark look now. We'll done. Fair winds. Martin
  13. This will be an epic model. So large. I look forward to following your build. I am also a Cutty Sark fan (tragic). Fair winds. Martin
  14. Mark, Your planking, always looks superb. A pleasure!! Regards, Martin.
  15. Deck looks good Chris. I also do not know how correct this is, but, looks the goods. Just don't muck up the simple sanding job! I have also sworn off 0.5mm planking or using anything under 1mm. For something different, I scraped my last 0.5mm deck with a 1" wide wood chisel. No going back, a much better result. Cheers, Martin
  16. You always seem to find such great videos. Thanks, much appreciated. Martin
  17. Hi Bill, Why not go for one of the earlier vessels that had an initial impact on the US revenue service. Absolutely choose one that has plans or some such available. You obviously know how to model. Choose well and start the build. I'll pull up the chair. All the best Martin
  18. Not so serious that we need to worry about a post from 18 months ago., Really!
  19. And still, no book. Service is seriously lacking. Martin
  20. Congratulations Bob, she really looks the business. All the best. Martin.
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