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Steve 12345

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    Steve 12345 reacted to DSiemens in USF Constellation by DSiemens - Artesania Latina - 1/85th - Finishing Hull and Rigging   
    Also gun ports are done on the port side.  
  2. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to DSiemens in USF Constellation by DSiemens - Artesania Latina - 1/85th - Finishing Hull and Rigging   
    Well I kept the rigging basically as the plans dictate.  I found the stem juts out to far to do what I was thinking so I just went with it.  Got the spar built and in place just need to do the lanyards to the catheads.  Then the bowsprit will be pretty much done.  I'll leave the sail off the yard.  Even if there's technically room I dont think they would have used one.  Not with the stays and everythong else going on there.  There's not really room for it.   

  3. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to DSiemens in USF Constellation by DSiemens - Artesania Latina - 1/85th - Finishing Hull and Rigging   
    Popeye yeah my projects appear to be piling up.  Quiet literally.  The other big ship is a Cutty Sark.  Some one came into the club a while ago and was giving away kit's to whom ever thought they would finish them.  I initially kept it with an idea of doing a club model.  One I could bring in and every one could work on here and there if they wanted.  No one really took that on so I've been piddling away at it here and there.  I've had a long going ship in bottle commission so it hasn't gotten a lot of attention. 
    As far as the gun ports I do know what I'm doing with those.  The upper deck I can get the cannons free and out of the way and I've been able to file them square.  Go to do the forecastle yet but those are pretty much done.  The lower deck I framed and painted the inside of the framing black to make it appear to be go into a dark hull.  You can see a side by side above.  This has worked out rather well.  I have the port side done and it looks a lot better for it.  I'll have to get more photos posted tonight. 
    I see what your saying about the yard.  That is helpful.  From what I'm seeing there's stay lines going through the yard so I'm guessing it was more used for stabilization then an actual sprit sail.  With the martingale lines going beneath it there's really no space to use it as an actual spritsail.  I wonder if the creators of the kit got in wrong in that way.  They do have stay lines going through the yard which I think would defeat the purpose of the spritsail because it wouldn't be able to be adjusted for the wind.  They also bring the martingale lines way up to make room for the sail which defeats the purpose of the martingale because in that configuration it doesn't keep the bowsprit from flexing upward.  I'm starting to think I should leave the sail off.  Rig the martingale as it should be going all the way back to the stem and include the yard as a stabilizer and not a spritsail.  In the long run I think this saves me time since I'm not attaching the sail and rigging lines.  What do you think? 
  4. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to DSiemens in USF Constellation by DSiemens - Artesania Latina - 1/85th - Finishing Hull and Rigging   
    Yeah.  I'm seeing that.  There were a lot of steps missed or done incorrectly that I'm having to find creative ways to correct.  Like the gun ports.  If I were to venture a guess I'd say he built the hull which is done pretty well.  I understand he had family members who tried to help and that started at the deck furniture and masts.  These dont quiet have the same level of craftsmanship.  I could spend a lot of time redoing things but I don't have time.  At this point my mantra is, it doesn't have to be perfect it just needs to be done. 
    I'm really debating what to do with the bowsprit.  I've got it partially rigged but the rigging the kit asks for is a little ridiculous.  This forum and my club has spoiled me as far as seeing whats realistic and whats not.  Fort it calls for a sprit sail.  In all the photos and drawings of this ship, 1797 and 1856 versions, they have never had a sprit sail.  My understanding is spritsails fell out of use with the invention of the jib in the early 18th century almost 100 years before this ship was built.  So...do I keep it as planned or change things up?  I'm still deciding but I'm curious about what every one thinks.  
  5. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to DSiemens in USF Constellation by DSiemens - Artesania Latina - 1/85th - Finishing Hull and Rigging   
    I tried to cut the cannon ports with a small saw and a file but I risked tearing the planking apart.  So I went back to an old ship in bottle technique.  I framed the gun ports and painted the inside black.  It isn't as nice as open gun ports would be but it's nicer than torn up planking or no gun ports at all.   

  6. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to DSiemens in USF Constellation by DSiemens - Artesania Latina - 1/85th - Finishing Hull and Rigging   
    This build has a bit of a backstory to it.  I'm currently the Skipper for the Rocky Mountain Shipwrights an incredible ship modeling club in the Denver area.  I sometimes get calls from outside the club requesting help with models particularly fixing up old models.  I try to help them best I can and there's a couple of us that don't mind helping people with that sort of work.  Well I got a call from a lady that needed some help.  Her father was trying to complete a ship model but his hands had gotten to shaky.  I told her I'd come have a look.  So I go and meet this man and have a look at the ship.  He told me he had some family member's helping him out but they didn't have much time or knowledge.  He had wanted to get the model done by his 97th birthday and that was two weeks ago.  He was a marine and model builder though I think his expertise was in river boats.  He has a model in the Cincinnati library if any one is around there.  All the models he built he had either sold or were given away.  This was to be his last model and I suspect the only one to be passed down within his family.  Well my heart went out to him and I agreed to finish this model as soon as possible. 
      So I took it home and started digging in.  It had a few problems to fix right off the bat.  The mast doublings were facing to the stern so I had to turn those around and the port holes were drilled in some cases just wide enough for the cannon and nothing more.  There's a lot of deck fittings missing.  So I've gone to work.  This build is a race against time.  He's 97 and I want him to be able to enjoy this model for as long as possible. 

    Here she is after I got the masts in the right direction. 
  7. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to ken3335 in Royal William by ken3335 - FINISHED - Euromodel - Scale 1:72   
    Hello Everyone,
    It's been a while since I posted a picture from my area. As I've mentioned I live on a peninsular that is opposite Liverpool, it is a different world, it is very old, quite rural with plenty of coastline, you wouldn't think that there was a city nearby. Anyway here's a taster of what I have to put up with, well somebody has to.

  8. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to ken3335 in Royal William by ken3335 - FINISHED - Euromodel - Scale 1:72   
    Hello Everyone,
    Not much going on today but still moving forward.  I tidied and touched up the bow section, made up and fitted the knighstheads and a collar for the bowsprit. That's it I'm afraid.

  9. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all and welcome back to my penultimate post on HMS Bounty
    another milestone reached is completion of the running rigging  I thank you guys for the suggestions on the stay line distortion issue I had
    I stiffened the line with the white glue and water mix and played about and redone the lines several times Im know going to conclude I believe some distortion is normal maybe not so much on the real ship but it is just rope and any pulling on it at all will of course distort it so I think I can live with that .
    We still ofcourse haven't reached completion there still remains my achilles heal on this ship, the ships boat and rope coils

    with completion of the running rigging I am now going to let myself begin the rc aeroplane build
    but your can be dam sure ill be back with a ships boat and rope coils to claim my sought after FINISHED badge in the title
    so with some sadness the shipyard is deconstructed and now converted to a hangar

    until then thanks guys for viewing liking and commenting

  10. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from coxswain in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all and welcome back to my penultimate post on HMS Bounty
    another milestone reached is completion of the running rigging  I thank you guys for the suggestions on the stay line distortion issue I had
    I stiffened the line with the white glue and water mix and played about and redone the lines several times Im know going to conclude I believe some distortion is normal maybe not so much on the real ship but it is just rope and any pulling on it at all will of course distort it so I think I can live with that .
    We still ofcourse haven't reached completion there still remains my achilles heal on this ship, the ships boat and rope coils

    with completion of the running rigging I am now going to let myself begin the rc aeroplane build
    but your can be dam sure ill be back with a ships boat and rope coils to claim my sought after FINISHED badge in the title
    so with some sadness the shipyard is deconstructed and now converted to a hangar

    until then thanks guys for viewing liking and commenting

  11. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to Worldway in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Nice job Steve.  BTW, your shop is way too neat and tidy.
  12. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to popeye the sailor in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    yea,  it's really tough to get away with no deflection in the rigging........you have a bisecting line pulling on another......veery well done!   she's looking great Steve...you really got her to a point to be proud of     love that picture of dusk......superb highlights  
    you know you want to get into that plane.......don't you?!?!?!      do you have a log on it yet?
  13. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to reklein in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Nice work Steve.  You're gonna love building and flying that cub. Friends of mine built it years ago and it was really fun to watch flying around low and slow.
       PS get the set of floats for it,even better.
  14. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from russ in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all and welcome back to my penultimate post on HMS Bounty
    another milestone reached is completion of the running rigging  I thank you guys for the suggestions on the stay line distortion issue I had
    I stiffened the line with the white glue and water mix and played about and redone the lines several times Im know going to conclude I believe some distortion is normal maybe not so much on the real ship but it is just rope and any pulling on it at all will of course distort it so I think I can live with that .
    We still ofcourse haven't reached completion there still remains my achilles heal on this ship, the ships boat and rope coils

    with completion of the running rigging I am now going to let myself begin the rc aeroplane build
    but your can be dam sure ill be back with a ships boat and rope coils to claim my sought after FINISHED badge in the title
    so with some sadness the shipyard is deconstructed and now converted to a hangar

    until then thanks guys for viewing liking and commenting

  15. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from Old Collingwood in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all and welcome back to my penultimate post on HMS Bounty
    another milestone reached is completion of the running rigging  I thank you guys for the suggestions on the stay line distortion issue I had
    I stiffened the line with the white glue and water mix and played about and redone the lines several times Im know going to conclude I believe some distortion is normal maybe not so much on the real ship but it is just rope and any pulling on it at all will of course distort it so I think I can live with that .
    We still ofcourse haven't reached completion there still remains my achilles heal on this ship, the ships boat and rope coils

    with completion of the running rigging I am now going to let myself begin the rc aeroplane build
    but your can be dam sure ill be back with a ships boat and rope coils to claim my sought after FINISHED badge in the title
    so with some sadness the shipyard is deconstructed and now converted to a hangar

    until then thanks guys for viewing liking and commenting

  16. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from Jack12477 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Interesting suggestion do you think I could try pulling the kink out of the line with a temp line and painting the stay line and yard rigging with the glue and water then remove temp line ? 
  17. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from Mr Whippy in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    hello all thanks again for viewing and commenting I need to ask some advice please before proceding .
    this evening I managed to fit two of the yard arms but I am not happy with how they distort the stay sail lines is this normal or do I need to consider rigging a different way from the billings illustration please see photos and advice would be much appreciated

  18. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from Mr Whippy in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    hello all with completion of all the rat lines on the main it was soon onto the mizzen

    the mizzen was fitted in the exact same manner as the previous mast main stay first

    then shrouds


    then remaining stay

    with that milestone reached its onto running rigging and the bow sprit has been rigged

    with the remaining yards 8 of them in total pre rigged I see only a few more evenings work to go here ,I did have a snag list ive been working on and only one item remains the ships boat .
    there will of course also be the final paint touchup and ropecoils
    thanks for viewing

  19. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from Robin Lous in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all and welcome back to my penultimate post on HMS Bounty
    another milestone reached is completion of the running rigging  I thank you guys for the suggestions on the stay line distortion issue I had
    I stiffened the line with the white glue and water mix and played about and redone the lines several times Im know going to conclude I believe some distortion is normal maybe not so much on the real ship but it is just rope and any pulling on it at all will of course distort it so I think I can live with that .
    We still ofcourse haven't reached completion there still remains my achilles heal on this ship, the ships boat and rope coils

    with completion of the running rigging I am now going to let myself begin the rc aeroplane build
    but your can be dam sure ill be back with a ships boat and rope coils to claim my sought after FINISHED badge in the title
    so with some sadness the shipyard is deconstructed and now converted to a hangar

    until then thanks guys for viewing liking and commenting

  20. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from coxswain in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all thanks again for the views and comments
    no apology needed popeye I thank you for your intervention and I am glad other billings bounty builders can see the reccomemded ten mm vrs the eight mm and decide for themselves how they would like to proceed  credit to don also for suggesting eight mm
    my goal for this evening was to fit the mainmast upper shrouds and make a start on the mainmast ratlines I smashed that and had a really progressive evening I hope to complete all the main mast ratlines by tomo evening then its onto the mizzen
    oh and hi Derek good to see you back buddy hope all is going well on the bluenose

  21. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to clearway in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Nice work steve. good luck with the airborn beastie
  22. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from Siegfried in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all and welcome back to my penultimate post on HMS Bounty
    another milestone reached is completion of the running rigging  I thank you guys for the suggestions on the stay line distortion issue I had
    I stiffened the line with the white glue and water mix and played about and redone the lines several times Im know going to conclude I believe some distortion is normal maybe not so much on the real ship but it is just rope and any pulling on it at all will of course distort it so I think I can live with that .
    We still ofcourse haven't reached completion there still remains my achilles heal on this ship, the ships boat and rope coils

    with completion of the running rigging I am now going to let myself begin the rc aeroplane build
    but your can be dam sure ill be back with a ships boat and rope coils to claim my sought after FINISHED badge in the title
    so with some sadness the shipyard is deconstructed and now converted to a hangar

    until then thanks guys for viewing liking and commenting

  23. Like
    Steve 12345 reacted to leginseel in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Fantastic work Steve and congratulations on a superb job . It may be finished but it will always my go to point of reference for my own build, thank you. 
  24. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from Charter33 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all and welcome back to my penultimate post on HMS Bounty
    another milestone reached is completion of the running rigging  I thank you guys for the suggestions on the stay line distortion issue I had
    I stiffened the line with the white glue and water mix and played about and redone the lines several times Im know going to conclude I believe some distortion is normal maybe not so much on the real ship but it is just rope and any pulling on it at all will of course distort it so I think I can live with that .
    We still ofcourse haven't reached completion there still remains my achilles heal on this ship, the ships boat and rope coils

    with completion of the running rigging I am now going to let myself begin the rc aeroplane build
    but your can be dam sure ill be back with a ships boat and rope coils to claim my sought after FINISHED badge in the title
    so with some sadness the shipyard is deconstructed and now converted to a hangar

    until then thanks guys for viewing liking and commenting

  25. Like
    Steve 12345 got a reaction from BenD in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all and welcome back to my penultimate post on HMS Bounty
    another milestone reached is completion of the running rigging  I thank you guys for the suggestions on the stay line distortion issue I had
    I stiffened the line with the white glue and water mix and played about and redone the lines several times Im know going to conclude I believe some distortion is normal maybe not so much on the real ship but it is just rope and any pulling on it at all will of course distort it so I think I can live with that .
    We still ofcourse haven't reached completion there still remains my achilles heal on this ship, the ships boat and rope coils

    with completion of the running rigging I am now going to let myself begin the rc aeroplane build
    but your can be dam sure ill be back with a ships boat and rope coils to claim my sought after FINISHED badge in the title
    so with some sadness the shipyard is deconstructed and now converted to a hangar

    until then thanks guys for viewing liking and commenting

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