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Posts posted by SomethingIsFishy

  1. So it starts! This kit is a birthday gift from my wife, and I've been looking forward to starting the build for a while now. The kit arrived a few weeks ago, and I did open the box for inspection purposes when it came, but decided to wait to start the kit until my birthday.


    I do need to pick up some paint, but was going to start trimming flash from the hull and deck parts. I say "was" because I promptly buried the exacto knife in my thumb. I feel dumb because I know how to handle sharp tools, but still manage to slip and cut myself... Grrr... So I decided to take a break for today...


    Noel C L Hackney's book on the mayflower was recommended in another one of my threads, and has been ordered, hopefully it will be a help in building this ship...

  2. Upper decks added and upper hull "planking" laminated. The upper hull planking can be seen from the inside in several places, so there are two pieces for each side that are glued back to back.




    There is one issue that I found. The foremost bulkhead for the upper rear deck is plain white for some unknown reason. They do, however, include a printed part for the inside. I chose to use this inside piece on the outside instead...




    I don't know about you, but I can't tell it's white on the inside...



  3. Well, it's official... I printed the advanced version tonight. I'm just not happy with the way the easier kit came together. The advanced kit uses laminated cardstock to build a frame just like a plank-on-frame wooden build. My hope is that doing it that way would make it much easier to get a properly shaped hull... Gotta pick up the right glue for laminating the cardstock, then I can start building...

  4. I was looking for something to work on while waiting to start my next build/birthday present, so I downloaded the kit for this ship from the museum's website. I then picked up a pack of cardstock and proceeded to dig out my printer, only to find that it wouldn't work with my desktop. Was able to get it to connect to my laptop, but the ink cartridges were completely dried up. Decided to just upgrade to a better printer, so I could finally print the kit!!


    I have the stand done so far... I tried to start the hull, but soon found that my glueing was not nearly precise enough. Oh well, good practice... The nice part about card is I can just hit "print", and start over again.


    I don't think I will have this ship done by my birthday, so at that point I will bounce back and forth between the two kits as the mood strikes me...


    I will post pics as soon as I have something worth posting pics of... I'm done for tonight...


    Thanks for looking!!


    Edit: is it museam or museum?? Museum looks right to me, but neither one set off spell check...

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