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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Thank you, Keith. Golly that seems like eons ago. Again, thank you, Kurt. Undoubtedly Eric is correct. Now that we've beat that horse to harness it'll be much easier for me to replicate the steering mechanism. A hearty thank you to everyone that joined in on the steering discussion. Because of your input I'm the better for it.
  2. Hey, now. Don't be dragging me to the stocks because of your procrastination. All kidding aside, Bob, it's good to see you doing lots of quality work.
  3. Kurt, thank you for chiming in on Lula's steering. In all your travels have you seen another similar steering arrangement?
  4. Paul, now that you've pointed it out, yes, there is something there! it could well be the necessary hinge Eric spoke of. Thank you for spotting it.
  5. Thank you, Paul. I think what you're seeing is one one of the paddle boards. Thank you, Eric. I'm guessing that this type of rudder design would have made it easier to replace a rudder if damaged.
  6. Eric, no need to for the drawing, thank you for your willingness to do so. I understand what you're saying.and I believe you're correct. The consternation is due to the bastard setup of the extra long rudder post supported that high up wheel wall. Another question while I've got you on the phone........the fantail doesn't extend to the back of Lula's wheel, it stops just astern of the axle. That's a bit abnormal also isn't it?
  7. Eberhard, to work as viewed it would have to be. The control arms would be forced up against the opening sides causing the the rudder post to swing to the opposite side of the force applied? Unless what we're looking at are the supports connected with a hinge and the actual rudder steering connection is below as normal?
  8. Eberhard, thank you for adding your input. Eric, I don't see any means of support. i enlarged the photo on our iMac 27 to the point of pixilation and I don't see diddly. Before asking the question I figured it was the rudder post but because of the lack of another example, the length of the rudder post, small openings, and the lack of supports I thought maybe it wasn't the rudder? I can't think of it being anything else but the setup doesn't make a lot of sense
  9. Eric, thank you. Now that you've explained the why of things, it makes perfect sense. Thank you again for taking the time to be of assistance.
  10. Thank you to everyone for the comments and likes. Thank you, Pat. The head is going to be simple, two wall divided one holers. I doubt that there was toilet plumbing on an 1870's sternwheeler supply boat. I finally made some sawdust, Lula's hull is on the ways. I've only got basic shapes at this point but it's the first step.Tons of refinement required before I get to planking. I ordered The Western Rivers Steamboat Cyclopoedium by Alan Bates. Way past time to better educate myself on this subject. I also placed a fitting order with Cornwall Model Boats and Modelers Central. Hopefully I'll have enough pieces parts to last for a few years. Question, are the arrows pointing to the rudder arms? If not then what are the arrows pointing to? If it is in fact the rudder arms, the ferry Lula is the only example I've seen done like this. Thoughts, please. Thanks to all for following along. Keith
  11. Wowie kazowie, Keith. The hull gets more beautiful with each new post. I have a feeling if I asked how many more coats you're gonna apply the below would be a good guess "How many coats must man lay down before you can call a hull done? The answer, my friend, is how much is left in the can the answer is what's left in the can"
  12. Roel, sorry for being late. What you've done so far looks great and I know she has to be a tiny thing but would you please put something next to her so we'll have an idea just HOW tiny she is.
  13. Welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  14. Keith, you haven't missed much, mostly myself showing my ignorance. Your official Lula membership card is in the mail.
  15. Regarding the head.... going through @Ras Ambrioso Zulu build and viewing this photo I think I can justify placing the head between the two cylinders. One wouldn't lack for privacy.
  16. Thank you, Keith. The cheap display case is temporary as once it's joined by Lula that case will be much too small. Ole Bob, I keep wondering what will become of that man? Regarding the tug, please see the below.
  17. That's some kinda crazy right there. To spend that much money for nothing and then destroy it just wigs me out. There are a ton of great charities out there that would benefit greatly from a 5.2 million dollar donation.
  18. thank you to everyone for the comments, likes, and for following along. Eric, I didn't draw the water tank that's built into the hull as it won't be seen on the model, you'll just have to take my word that it's there. The water tank is 40' L x 18' W x 4' H holding 21,500 gallons weighing 90 tons. It will be placed forward of midship to counter balance the weight at the stern. I've asked Mr Google repeatedly what the weight of the boiler and steam engine were but I've yet to find an answer. If I knew those weights I could say how much forward the water tank would need to be placed. I think this will be another one of those "you'll have to take my word for it" items. I envision the head being up against the stern engine room wall on an enclosed raised platform between the two cylinders. I've been mentally spitballing this issue (along with Lula's daily operating cost) since last night. I have to view more photos before I can safely justify placing the head there. Keith
  19. Golly that hull is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship and your little granddaughter is also beautiful. It seems like only yesterday that you hung her picture on Germania's passageway wall, she's growing up fast. I do hope you'll post a photo of her latest treasure once it's finished.
  20. I was thinking about the advantages of the walkway above the wheel and realized I haven't made any provisions for a head.
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