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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. The ratlines look good, Phil. Did you use the weave method?
  2. Brother Tom, those look great and that's a lot of work. Yes, do as much off model mast work as possible attaching the spars to the mast. It's so much easier, do you have a table top vice? My B&D Workmate bench top vice proved to be invaluable (thanks again to @rwiederrich) for doing off model work. Here's a eBay link for one at a great price. https://www.ebay.com/itm/326180611770?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20231107084023%26meid%3D68cd33138caa4d7284a621ac4a276bed%26pid%3D101875%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D375500335234%26itm%3D326180611770%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2332490%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuWithLambda85KnnRecallV1V2V4ItemNrtInQueryAndCassiniVisualRankerAndBertRecallWithVMEV3EmbeddedAuctionsCPCAutoWithCassiniEmbRecallManual%26brand%3DBLACK%2BDECKER&_trksid=p2332490.c101875.m1851&itmprp=cksum%3A32618061177068cd33138caa4d7284a621ac4a276bed|enc%3AAQAJAAABgP9d%2BMZSXlztIfYFu3kI%2B7ft0VcQix7rTrUVdiJwc2upzwLfM%2B2UEqu0ZqdXqu2qWe6up6s9MSEY%2BWikIwEh4xLkizL%2BG%2Fyhg6cdW4xfkbb75erVQBYYISNxGN1au%2BE0eJ778JYYSAyLJRupNiZky3B2UHpMsaEp7JRgW9fuueOszPlG9eCPE4mSzJx4EejjZE0v1xx3s4HgKujjhEB3s6n3rVM74tXr%2F3IePxzpUMK1eP7655q8enVEHXpfbSIUTWQDNEZ%2BV3iSAOL1%2B1OEcY3M0wq4YZnJpkZbM0m2sUP8%2B6QHYeDmryoe8C1eNpvCBFz1Hv%2BdGYxWil5kGzBwyPNE3IOWbw65qbOzeYo8kHEj9NwAymyhJEpr%2Ffu%2B0fiXIOgNVbkzp2fkFUCvR%2BYm5NPIYGnDnE27NP4LWjW89G%2FIAxLXZCYGeqkG7ZVEPJJulLEQzib26iy92TGpXPJSbVXO3%2FovDTPspVyEML%2FXA7r6Pw%2Fwi3YP%2BQ2tZnB4NFVB0A%3D%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2332490&epid=28030358934&itmmeta=01J1JSEP84HQ2KF40PA6QQHTQX
  3. Rob, it could well have been used to lower and raise the fore's main yard should it have needed repair or replacement.
  4. Incredible work, Ian. Regarding coating, I used Minwax Polyurethane satin and it's some pretty shiny stuff. I recently tried Minwax water based Polycrylic matte and it's has some sheen to it. I then tried the flat and it has a lot less sheen but still a tad shiny but not bad. I was working out of the can (Polycryclic dries quickly) and started forming a skim on top within 45 minutes of open can use.. I've yet to test Polycrylic on top of Polyurethane to see if the two are compatible.
  5. See @FriedClams (Gary) build. link below, page 13, post 387. Some clutter but not so much that it detracts from the model.
  6. Welcome to MSW, glad to have you aboard.
  7. Please tell her 'welcome to SIBSPC' (SIB Suggestion Probationary Club) and that 2025 isn't that far off.
  8. Andrew, so sorry to hear that Belle passed away. Our little furry children are as much a part of families and lives as the humans, it's a tremendous loss and my heart goes out to you. Then on top of that to have a heart attack. ☹️ I hope your recovery continues to go well, welcome back. Keith
  9. I've said before that the Kraken was my favorite till you built the Lost Jenny but now I think I'll be changing my favorite yet again. That's some great stuff right there, Glen.
  10. I don't wanna see funnel smoke that badly, Glen. May I suggest Raid as a SIB friendly alternative?
  11. Welcome, glad to have you aboard.
  12. Not much carrying capacity in the ship's boats, Glen. You might, might be able to crowd three wee black ants aboard if they all hold their breath. They look sharp.
  13. Dan, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  14. Amazing that you were able to paint in that much detail at that scale, Eberhard. I was spending three plus hours per figure trying to paint in detail and in the end I was very displeased with my efforts. My hat is off to you for succeeding.
  15. https://www.shapeways.com/product/KVS8JDNSF/six-1-32-scale-vickers-machine-guns?optionId=301091122&li=marketplace https://www.shapeways.com/product/A94KRLFCL/two-1-30-vickers-machine-guns?optionId=299287528&li=marketplace https://www.shapeways.com/marketplace?type=product&q=1%3A33+vickers+gun I searched Shapeways for Vickers sight and they have one that about the size of the model so I came up dry on the sight but they do have vickers guns. Chris, I don't know if any of the above will work for you? Being 3D resin they're probably more robust than paper and adding a sight might be easier on one of them because they are 3D resin?
  16. Roel, your detail work is just incredible. Each update leaves me shaking my head in admiration.
  17. Gnomer isn't as dumb as he looks. For those that enjoy making ship's boats, God bless you. I'm with Bob, a hard pass thank you very much. 3D resin ship's boats sounds lovely. Bob, the King is looking really good!
  18. Simon, I dare say it was the length of the steam box that controlled plank length more so than tree height. I think 24' would have been the limit in plank length?
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