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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. I think he wants to try getting a job on some kind of a barge? At least that's what he told me. I tried getting more details but he just stared at me with that wooden expression of his.
  2. Tom@tmj, Rick@Rick310, Pat@BANYAN, Roel@Javelin, Keith@KeithAug, Gary @FriedClams, and Jay @Jay 1, thank you for your kind comments. Current work is painting the figures to be placed in those areas that will no longer be accessible once the main's main yard is in place and the brace lines run. Ole Bob' was recently found redundant with the addition of the Shapeways figures. I found a special place for him in my glassed bookcase as we fought a lot of sizing battles together over the years. I miss ole Bob. Thank you to all for the comments, the likes, and for following along. Keith
  3. Ian, 0/15 is usually the smallest size available locally unless you have a dedicated bead shop in you area. Serious beaders don't normally buy beads at craft stores because of the quality and limited sizes. They buy from bead shops or online. Ask me how I know.
  4. Rick, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  5. Glen, 0/24 is the smallest seed bead size. You can still buy 24's from Japan but below is a link for antique Venetian beads. The Banshee is incredible. https://www.treefrogbeads.com/product/size-24-0-antique-micro-seed-beads-in-mohogany-brown/
  6. Gary, you never cease to amaze. Great realism. Regarding there only being four bunker plates, possibly the flexible tube was inserted through the plate and moved from one fish hold to its adjoining neighbor?
  7. Eric, I can see reworking the pitman arms but leave the opening as you have it. One photo in the early history of the Peerless doesn't mean that at some point the opening wasn't enlarged for ease of access and maintenance, exactly as you have it portrayed. I would think the structure on those old boats was pretty fluid.
  8. John, welcome to MSW, hopefully you'll be able to locate someone to undertake the restoration of your grandfather's model and a fine looking model it is. Glad to have you aboard.
  9. The constant nagging question, If I do THIS will I be able to get my hand in THERE? John, the restoration is coming along nicely.
  10. https://modelshipworld.com/search/?&q= bounty&quick=1&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy
  11. My very worst nightmare. I got the 6X glasses specifically to paint the figures but now I use them all the time when working on the Tennessee. The ole 2.75 reading glasses don't hack it anymore. The 6X work so well I'm considering buying a pair of 8X. Glen, great job on the shrouds and ratlines.
  12. Equals .047, rounded up. At 1:24 a fastener would be visible at arms length viewing distance but replicating a fastener head detail would be a tall order. I admire Tom's detail work on replicating caulking seams but that's a running length, not a single point. Tom, it'll be interesting seeing your solution.
  13. Thank you to all for the comments and likes. Tom, the 6X glasses make a huge difference. The starboard side ratlines are woven in. Next up is CAing the main's main yard in place and then running the rigging. Before I'm able to run the main yard braces I need to place what figures will be going on the flying bridge. Once the main is completed I need to strop the deadeyes for the fore's lower shrouds. It's going to be awhile before I can get to those lower shrouds. and thank you to everyone for following along, Keith
  14. Felix, welcome to MSW but I don't speak french. Glad to have you aboard.
  15. Chuck, at scale would a 1.125 nailhead be visible? Of course it depends on what scale you'll be working in. I see too many extremely well built models with fine wood details only to be spoiled (IMHO) with treenails/nails/spikes that are visibly out of scale. One can't see the plugs on a wood deck standing ten feet away. Once again, IMHO, new builders see a great model done by an older/experienced hand done with treenails so they think they need to follow suit and out comes the pencil. They're try to replicate treenails with a pencil because their skill level doesn't allow them to actually make treenails to scale and in the end they make a dog's lunch out the task. It seems to me to be fashion and builder's preference.
  16. Joanne, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
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