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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Welp, a new shipyard was a nice thought. With all that light and heat it's going to make a dandy seed/plant starting room. Yep, I can see it now. The Admiral will have that shipyard project redesignated come next spring.
  2. Nice start, Brian. Being serious when I ask, are you sure you're going to have enough lighting? What may work now you'll find inadequate in a decade or so. You can never have too much lighting.
  3. Eric, I saw this YouTube vid and immediately thought of you. This is episode #3, I can't locate episodes 1 and 2, sorry. The last episode is #11, hopefully there will be further episodes and we'll see the barn come to completion. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.......KB
  4. Gary, it's great to see you starting another build log and this has all the earmarks of another enjoyable FriedClams journey. A very informative introduction of history and setting, thank you.
  5. Aeneas, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  6. Charles, welcome to MSW. My deepest sympathies for the loss of your son. My son passed away a year ago next week, I know your pain. The below links are for the Cutty Sark model by Constructo with almost the same part number, in this case, con80838, scale 1:115. https://www.woodenmodelshipkit.com/?s=80838&post_type=product https://www.rocousa.com/Constructo_80838_1-115_Cutty_Sark_Kit
  7. What is/was the manufacture's name? I'm asking because I keep a mental list of things to look for while searching flea markets and websites and I'll gladly keep an eye open for you.
  8. Absolutely gorgeous work, Eberhard. Is it possible that the shrouds were tightened with bottle screws particularly since wire cable was used?
  9. https://www.victoryshipmodels.com/ship-model-kit-victory782-mantua-building-instruction-manual.html
  10. Beautifully done, Siggi. Where was the wood for the fire stacked/kept? The hearth size looks like it would consume a lot of wood.
  11. Very good, Scott. It's great to see you are continuing work on the restoration.
  12. Putting them on eBay is your best chance but unfortunately eBay is currently awash in model ships. Or you could put them up for sale in Facebook Market Place, neither model is going to bring real money. Your friends memory would be best served by either keeping them both and displaying or offering them to mutual friends where they can display to honor his memory.
  13. Pocojo, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  14. Congratulations on a beautiful build, Keith. It's been fun.
  15. True beauty runs deep below the surface. I love my ole gal unconditionally, I wouldn't have her any other way than the way she is. I admire the tired beauty of Cangarda and what she represents. i'm sure that in time, with your help, I'll come to love her as mush as Germania.
  16. Unfortunately she's gone to seed but her former glory is still present. Restoration cost could be as much as double the asking price. Someone with lots and lots of money needs to fall madly in love. Keith, will you model her as she is today or as she was when launched?
  17. We owned a 58 TR3A so I was bit particular how my hair was parted.
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