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Everything posted by Paddy

  1. Those frames and filler blocks are looking good Pete. Noodle huh? This should be interesting.
  2. Russ and Pete, Thanks for checking out the jig. Before I went off to the bunk last night I realized I could have a small problem when stacking the second set of futtocks for gluing but sometime during the night a simple solution appeared. We’ll see. Hope to start the glue-up of the “C” frame today. Anxious to see how it goes. Thanks again gents for looking in.
  3. Welcome Martin. You've thrown in with a good squadron and looks like you're off to a great start.
  4. When I start the glue-up we’ll see what anomalies occur with the fixture. This is the framing jig I came up with. Everything is positioned with clamps to make it easy to mount each frame drawing and cover with kitchen wax paper. The frame in the jig is a dry run only at this point. When I start the glue-up we’ll see what anomalies occur.
  5. Hello Anthony. That's a good looking rabbet on the keel piece and I like the contrast between the keel and the false keel. The best of luck to your project.
  6. What a pleasant way to start my morning…… a cup of tea and reading your log. Gives one the inspiration for their own work. Again, love your work Grant.
  7. I had been assuming that all of the beams, Gun Deck and Lower Deck, were of the same cross section dimensions but after studying the "Cross Section Inboard Works @ 48:1 Scale" drawing I stand corrected. It made me realize that I should not jump to any conclusions looking at photographs. Getting curious about the Beam Arms is what lead me to this particular plate. It looks like it's time for me to print all of the plates for study now. See the attached photo for my notes and please correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Thanks for posting that Pete. Looks to me that you have a good technique going. Man, we seem to be a ways from warming up here. I’m still waiting for 60 degree weather so I can put the sealer on my gantry building board. They’re talking snow again tonight.
  9. Outstanding Larry! I'll sure try to duplicate these when I reach that point.
  10. That's beautiful planking to have to pull up but I'll bet you recover just fine.
  11. qwerty, looking good and what self respecting ship would not have cats aboard. Keep up the great work.
  12. Looks to me like you have a good start on the frames Bob.
  13. Top drawer Larry. You're doing a grand job!
  14. Ron, looking good and good for you installing the new Limber Boards.
  15. This is a new experience for me also and I have been enjoying this grand group of folks. I'm sure you will too. Welcome.
  16. Larry: Thanks very much for that. Christian: No one has ever accused me of being very observant. I apologize for that. AP works too.
  17. Russ, Ben and AnobiumPunctatum, thanks very much for your comments and suggestions. P.S. AnobiumPunctatum, do you have a shorter name that you are known by?
  18. Started on the aft portion of frame "C" and thinking I should pause at this point and work out the fixture that I will use to assemble and glue-up the frames now. I have some idea also of the care I’ll need to take in cutting the keel and keelson notches. After roughing out the notches with the scroll saw I used a small file set and hobby knife for the clean-up and fitting. Kind of slow going but I enjoyed the work.
  19. Pete, thanks for showing us the care you've taken to insure accurate frames. Being the apprentice here I have only a gut feel for the question you ask about when to treenail the frames. So, I'll just watch and listen to what the group thinks. A point I believe you are getting close to is fairing the frames to the proper bevel and taper from the keel to the deck clamp area and questions are starting to come to mind about the best approach to accomplishing this. I'm looking forward to how you'll be going about this task also. Enjoying you log all around.
  20. Lovely, lovely work Rusty. I've been wondering what the sequence of cutting the notches would be.
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