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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Sterling...I am a Glory fan and am currently building her myself... Love to talk. Rob
  2. If you're ambitious Nils...after you pour the mold... gently hold it against a palm sander a couple of times..and the vibration will easily release the bubbles up and out...just that easy. Just be careful not to over vibrate...you'll shake everything loose. Rob
  3. Nils...as you discovered..an ample application of a separating medium is needed to reduce the surface tension...so bubbles are not captured in the casting. Your attempt worked out very well with split casting. The real test will be when you finish the mating surfaces and the two halves mate perfectly along the keel. It was logical on your part to produce a double ended boat...so your process would work well. Nothing worse then trying to mate two sides of a boat if you cast a bow and a stern for both sides from the same mold. Great job! Rob
  4. I thought I'd present this image of of the Down Easter (John Rosenfeld). She is seen here run aground on a reef. Note the Iron strapped built masts....similar to those on the Glory. ...the Glory was considered a *Down Easter*..because of her *Medium* full bodied design...even though she is also considered one of the last American clippers. Kind of a hybrid. Rob
  5. Thanks Albert...I appreciate that. I spent an hour or so working on the Glory's rigging...and finished up the mizzen backstays. Rob
  6. You're very welcome. Yes Ed's YA is amazing..but I'm convinced your build will hold an honored place of its own when its build reaches completion such as Ed's Your wood working skills at this scale are truly enlightened...and a joy to behold. Rob
  7. Not sure if you discussed this earlier Nils..but if you are going to cast the boats..are you casting them hull and cover as one? A split mold? If so..I have lots of experience in this..being a certified dental laboratory tech(In my past life). Any questions just let me know...... Rob
  8. A man after my own heart. My very reason as well... I am captivated...and Bruce's Lightning is among the best representations I have the pleasure of enjoying. Rob
  9. OH yes..you *clean as you go*. Your skill is second to none and the results have no equal. I may have missed this in an earlier post..but, how long have you been at this build? Rob
  10. Albert..I see no mess...no shavings...no evidence of a model shipwright. How do you produce such impeccable results without the expected mess? Rob
  11. One rarely sees the level of precision that you have exhibited here in this build....very impressive. Rob
  12. Unfortunately I do not...but if you look at it this way.......once the tape tarp is made..you then glue small eyelets to each canvas strap...then use these to pass line through. At this scale..you could even simply glue the ropes to the end of the straps...paint the joint brown or black and then tie off the rope leads to the opposing rope lead. Not much tension is applied to the canvas strap because it is tape and simply laying the rope under the boat hull with mild tension works. The idea looks similar to your own example...but the ropes do not pass through the straps and the tarp looks and fits more like real tarps. Sorry about the lack of pictures, but I hope you see the process I'm trying to describe. Rob
  13. Nils...I pray my suggestion was not accepted as a criticism of your example. You are doing magnificent as usual. What I did on my version is to glue rope to the ends of each canvas reef point(Not run it through) then tie them off with the opposing line. One example was to glue wore loops to the canvas through which the line passed. Many ways to skin this cat...you'll find what works best for you. I just suggested the tape because of ease of use and its similar look as the real thing. Good luck. Rob
  14. Nils...good start...I like where you are going with this. However, I may suggest a thinner material as has been also suggested. Personally I used double wide regular tan masking tape. I would take the metal one you made and transfer it to the tape and cut one out and try that. It even has a texture that mimics canvas and when painted it is quite convincing.....big plus, it contours to the boat well......plus you can rub the edges that follow along the ribbed boat edge and it looks very good. If you can get a molding kit for cake making and fondant work..they work well as burnisher for this type of work. Good luck my friend. Rob
  15. Great work.....! It almost appears like you made 2 curved plate brackets..because the space required for the bend around the *A* frame and the location of the mounting holes does not appear to match from the original bracket you made and showed. The buff wheel brushed one doesn't appear to have long enough wings to wrap around the wood and then strap to the side based on the image of the finished un-mounted bracket. I could be wrong but it appears this way from your images. Regardless of my observations(Or what I think I observe)...your work is impeccable. Rob
  16. Jeff....I found this and thought of you.
  17. I think I posted this before, but, I wanted to put the Donald McKay in big water..but not so big she could not be displayed. I used this painting of the Cutty Sark as an example...and plenty of film of ships traversing big water. I simply placed the hull in a wooden box and filled it full of expanding foam. First I positioned it..then I cut the foam to suite the look and I then covered that with fast set dental plaster. I then carved the waves and created the final look. Then came the real trick...painting the waves to mimic the translucency of deep green water. I then capped off the white caps with extreme white. I detailed the waves with the tell tell signs of foam and exaggerations one would expect from active moving ocean water. Here are some images. The closeup was taken before the final white and gloss was added(Note the tape around the hull to prevent it from being captured by the plaster. Rob
  18. Thanks Gentlemen. Since there are only a few clipper plans on the market and those are numerous and copiously built...I decided I wanted to build several Donald McKay clippers from scratch from the builders models and period photographic evidence. The open ocean diorama is the Donald McKay..coming out of the trough of a huge wave. I hope to get back to the Glory very soon....too many family issues as of late. Rob
  19. If that is true......Then I haven't had a day off in months.....
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