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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Thanks Patrick...I really appreciate that. I feel I spend more time in research then on the build itself. I was prefabricating parts for the spider rings that hold belaying pins around the mast feet. It's funny how it all comes together in a convincing manner, when it feels sometimes that I'm rushing...comparatively speaking. Actually I like working fast......My 1/96 hybrid build of the Cutty Sark on her repair ways(getting a new rudder)...took me 3 months to build. So in retrospect...this is one of the longest builds I've engaged in. 3 months to build this....
  2. Fantastic! I always tried to build faster then dust can accumulate........ Hepa filters and an army of miniature dusters...helps.... Great job.. Rob
  3. Final note: So many examples of this vessel show the hapless error of many builders who mixed elements of the rebuilt Great Republic with the *Original* built version. Namely the number of sails per yard. She had larger and fewer sails as originally designed...but mistakenly she is modeled with 6 per mast as her original make up...plus the height of her masts are sometimes erroneously fashioned. Is my version perfect...by no means... I just try to do my homework. Again...thanks. Rob
  4. Yes..the spanker mast does seam an after thought...and eventually the Germans who owned her last did indeed remove it. This lithograph of her entering New York on her maiden voyage is the most accurate of her original masting design...envisioned by McKay. From this and many other sources I fashioned my version. Thanks for the fine comments. Rob
  5. I'll be riggin away..rig rig riggin away.......Yeah. Once I fix the last items I mentioned I'll glue the masts in place then begin the shrouds and fore and back stays. OH boy..oh boy. Somewhere in there I'll also place the top deadeyes as well. When the mast get on the bench for final work...I'll cut in the lift sheaves for all the yards.....an fix all the blocks to the masts at that time. That's best done with the masts off the model. Rob
  6. Before I fix the masts in place....I still have to devise and finish up the rest of the spider rings around the mast feet and the mast boots. It feels good to get some work done. Rob
  7. I had a couple hours today to work on the Great Republic and so I finished the masts...Here are some pics.
  8. Fantastic ingenuity. My kinda work......Love it. Rob
  9. Well, when compared to the beginning time frame you are nearly finished...IMV I just haven't had any time to work on the GR......so two years from now I might be looking at a 6 month finish time frame..... Rob
  10. Nils....I encourage you to stay focused....and only when this fabulous ship is complete and on my mantle..should you even think of what model is next on the drawing board. I made that mistake and I have 3 unfinished clippers...because the *Next* vessel couldn't wait to get from my mind to the drawing board to the bench. Rob(I reap what I sow)
  11. My motto is an abridged version of yours...*When in doubt, rip it out.....but.... if it took weeks to install or no one or their brother will ever see or notice it....Let it slide...Paint it if you have to. Rob(Master of camouflage )
  12. Wefelck....I cannot see your pictures....? Rob
  13. Fantastic job on the guy wires Nils. Good work practice to test alignment first, before fixing the permanent wires. Saves a load of headaches. Rob(Launch date is soon arriving ....)
  14. Don't feel so bad about the frequency of log entries or time spent on the model......I work in stints.....times of rapid progress and times of inactivity. Currently I'm in the latter. Too much family things prevent model work. Love your build and look forward to further entries. Rob
  15. Wonderful work...... My wife doesn't have the time to allow me the time to spend the time required to accomplish what you have done so skillfully. Amazing work indeed. Rob
  16. I like the early years...you can forgo the radar and life raft casings...and stick with period life rings and boats. Love it. Rob
  17. John....I agree with the direction you're taking.....when grappling with two paintings of the same vessel with dissimilar details...it helps when dates of pertinent events can help narrow down the direction and look you are wanting to go and are looking for. It has to be noted that vessels changed appearance when captained by different captains. His preferences and possibly damage corrections can alter a vessels appearance. One would hardly know that the Cutty Sark from her original appearance to that of when the Portuguese owned her and renamed her the Farriera and changed her rig due to an accident was the same ship. Follow your gut. Who's to argue. Good luck and following seas. Rob
  18. How exciting. It is an excellent way to sharpen your scratch building skills and interpretive ability when modeling a ship after a painting. Probably the most exciting part is the historical implications of the vessel and personal family ties to it. I'll look forward to this log. Rob
  19. Ed...as I've said it before...you are my example...and going before me...you lay down the standard and give the teachers example to follow. Rob
  20. To bad that he rarely builds any more...he focuses on his writing now. Robert builds magnificent miniature diorama builds. I think I have one of his last copies of his book...signed by Him. Love your build. Rob
  21. Fine job Jeff...have you ever checked out this site for miniature builds....great stuff...I have his video and book. Lots of miniature building techniques. http://miniatureships.blogspot.co.uk/ Rob
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