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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Popeye...wonderful progress..... Now splash some fish guts around and bloody up that deck and she'll really come to life. Fine attention to detail. Rob
  2. I fully appreciate your intuitiveness in seeing the possibilities within common items that you incorporate into your build. It is not a common thing, for some modelers to be able to *see into* something and envision making it into something else...something needed for your ship. Fabrication of parts on an assembly line like fashion is a hard pressed skill....achieved only over time. You exhibit much skill in this. Experimentation coupled with an acute skill set and dextral ability is (IMV) a hallmark of a seasoned builder. I've enjoyed your build log and the adventure you have taken us on. Rob
  3. I made few more slight corrections to it and I still have some mods to make to the final look and finish....but it is pretty close to finished. Without photographs or builders drawing to know exactly how the figurehead was mounted...one must use an educated guess. I'm confident from what information I do have...it is as accurate as can be modeled. Rob
  4. Jeff..that is awesome. Fun thing about the GR is you can build her in her original state or her rebuilt state...and still be correct. I'll surely follow that log. Thanks for the like and fine comment. Rob
  5. Thanks everyone for all the likes and comments. I finished up the figurehead. Carved from dowel. Example of real figurehead and my attempt. Rob
  6. Thanks Omega...that aft rail was a booger. I had to laminate several pieces together while I was forming the curve(Off ship), then secure it to the stanchions while making adjustments before it dried...... Figurehead we come...... Rob
  7. I finished up the railing today...now I am going to carve the eagle head figurhead(that'll be fun) Rob
  8. I can't say much, but Steve is dealing with his mothers failing health and has taken time off from his modeling sites for a time. He also recently moved. Rob
  9. I used wood turned stanchions from Cast Your Anchor and strip mahogany for the rail. Rob
  10. I tried steaming...and I think I am going to laminate several extremely thin sections together to form the bend of the fantail rail. Rob
  11. Thanks Russ...I try. I wish my attention to detail was as good as some.....However the designer gave me lots to work with......(ie Donald McKay) Rob
  12. Steve is an email friend of mine and we converse as often as we can...he does a great job and is a great mentor. Good call to post his google site. Rob
  13. Thanks Patrick and Nils. I'm under the impression that a unique stand/display under your model accentuates the model....elevating it beyond a more traditional display. This is of course my opinion. Again..thanks for the fine comments..and likes. Rob
  14. Thanks Popeye. I wanted something magnificent..unusual, a stand that projected the model and made a statement in presentation. It is well balanced as is quite stable. It will receive another coat of tongue oil before I am finished. Now that the cable/chain rail is installed, I can focus on the turned stanchion rail that will complete the railing project. Rob
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