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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Actually the error occurred when gluing the lower 3 lobed trim to the metal hood. I actually cut the hood the correct width, but as I placed the trim, it slid from on top of the hood face to the lower leading edge. Since I was using CA glue , it stuck immediately and I could not get it to relocate without totally damaging the metal hood. It took a lot of work to create the hood and the tricky shim work underneath against the hull and the rolled edge at the hoods termination by the howes hole. Once I noticed it a great deal of thought went into it and I decided it wasn’t that great of an issue to tear it all up and clean things up and redo it all. So I opted to leave it as a builders anomaly. We all have them…….even my most ardent critics. Rob
  2. Thanks Michael. Im moving out now. There is a great amount of pressure to be faithful to a resurrected beauty as is Glory of the Seas Rob
  3. His correction was not what we discovered, but my execution. Here is the image and the correction marked on it. Rob
  4. I agree entirely Did you get the email from Mike? Apparently I did make some Naval hood errors according to our Australian friend. I see his point, but there is no turning back on that one. See……no body is perfect …… especially me. Rob
  5. Thanks Rich. Here are a few pics after the doors and ladder were added. Rob
  6. Rich. I can’t think of anyone better to spearhead an article on the subject for publication in the Nautical Research Journal. Your literally and descriptive skill set would be well employed at such a task. Personally , I am going to miss the continual updates and thrill of watching Vlad’s model come alive. Like everything, models do have finish dates. Mine’s probably a year or more down the road. Rob
  7. I set the house backwards on the model accidentally to take the picture. No worries. Just have to finish the aft doors for the donkey engine room and the addition of the boat skids. And finish painting trim. Rob
  8. Vlad, Congratulations on the finalization of your build of Glory of the Seas. Your hull represents what so many hours of study, measuring and hard reconstruction looks like. You should be proud of yourself. I could have never come as far as I have without your instrumental help in gaining the bulkheads and framing for my own build I have copies of all the frames and I would have had to hand cut them all, if it were not for your generosity in having them laser cut. I hope you will keep us informed with the history and what’s in store with your magnificent Glory of the Seas I’ll be moving along with my complete build and I hope you remain a vigilant viewer and contributor. This has been great fun. Rob
  9. That is correct. when I get home , I’ll get to the rest of the house. I hope to finish it up today. Rob
  10. I plan on adding the windows probably tomorrow. The donkey room doors are next. Then the roof and it’s details. Rob
  11. I have wood from model railroading scratch built stock. But I think Model Shipways produces scored deck sheets that are easily used for this purpose. Rob
  12. Pop off a good picture of how she looks right now. Im celebrating 37 years of marriage, so it’s going to be epic. Have great weekend yourself. Rob
  13. WOW! Vlad...you are cooking now...so much work is finished and you even made some corrections....Just like me. I hope you are not offended with me, If I ever made any judgements concerning your build. You've done so well and followed your own path. You have much to be proud of. I do have one question: You said you wanted to build her as she was originally built on the ways at Donald McKay's yard. If that is true, then the chicken house would not have been erected at that time. It followed the 1872 refit/remodel. Personally, I don't have any problems with it being there.....it looks nice and you did so well constructing it. I say this NOT as a criticism, but as an historical fact. The main hatchway would have been there. Honestly, I'm very impressed, your copper work is stellar as is much of everything else. I have to up my game and get a few more things finished. I did draw out the main cabins footprint on the deck, if that counts for anything....... Rob
  14. Vlad...I'm assuming your efforts to have her printed are not on the table any longer? No problem...like you said, you put for the effort and you tried. that is all one can expect of themselves...and why should anyone expect any different. From some of your photos, I can see all the houses represented....di you ever get a full shot so I can see how she is looking thus far? Rob
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