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Everything posted by Bossman

  1. Mikko, welcome, it looks like you are well on your way to a Muncie looking model.
  2. Mark, looks like a good start! Go slow, it makes for a more melodious outcome. Mark
  3. Why do I like warships? I have to ask myself this every time I frame gunports! Not to mention assembly and rigging of cannons. The quarter deck uprights are installed. I measure the opening with calipers, mark and then cut. Works pretty good. Most times I don’t even have to sand a little. The template for the gunport positions is great! Thanks Chuck. So far everything is going smoothly.
  4. Finally finished with the sills and lintels. Everything is faired pretty close. Now to define the gunport frames then on to the sweep ports! If anyone sees something amiss, I’m all ears. Thanks all for the thumbs up. It is encouraging!
  5. Oddball, welcome to the forum. You are looking at months, if not years to finish the model. Just look at the dates on some of the build logs. Are you willing to but in the time? You are the only one that can answer that question. Is it a historically correct model? In a word, no. Could you produce a nice little model that your friends will ooh and ahh over with some patience and skill? Yes. Let’s face it, most folks wouldn’t know a brig from a cutter. Another kit to start with would be wise if you can swing the money. “Honey, I really want to a good job on this and these experts say I need to start with something else.” That would be my line. If not, give it a go. I’m sure you will get lots of help here if you have a question. And you will have lots of question! Good luck and hope to see you get started, Mark
  6. Bruce, I feel your pain! Getting close to finishing the sills and lintels and glad I am almost finished. Nice work!
  7. A small update Ladies and Gents. I am coming along with the gun port framing on the main deck and hope to get the quarter deck framing in a few days. I almost forgot to plank the inside of the beakhead bulkhead. The clamps used there are scrap PVC pipe cut in 1/8” and 1/4” widths.
  8. Captain, you have done a wonderful job on this ship! Not taking away from the ship by any means but the rigging is very impressive.
  9. Congratulations on a beautiful model! Do you have another in mind? Thank you again for the log.
  10. Jeff, you have received excellent advice. The tool arsenal Tim shows is exactly what I used to build my 1st. Only exception was I used the cheap xacto saws. Still do! Good luck and ask questions.
  11. Chuck, thank you very much Sir! You did a wonderful job in designing this kit. Edward, if the Confederacy cranks your tractor, I would highly recommend it. Very good plans. Chuck’s instruction’s are very thorough. And as you say, she is just one sexy ship. I hope I can do her justice.
  12. A little more work in the shipyard today. Main deck port sills. These are laser cut but require trimming. A few suggestions for anyone building this kit. As you can see in the photo I put an arrow pointing towards the stern before removing from the sheet. Some of the curves are very subtle and this helped me keep it in the right orientation while marking, trimming and find sanding. Also I used the paper clips, set on my level pencil mark so that the sill is level and not tilted up or down. Came up with this one after some excess glue obscured my mark. So far so good.
  13. Doris, your work is absolutely the best. Truly a master! We mortals can only hope to obtain such results.
  14. Cri-Cri, very nice work! Thank you for the build log. It has been very helpful.
  15. Thank you for the warm welcome folks! My sea bag is packed for the journey. The build log on the Confederacy has started.
  16. the planking of the beakhead bulkhead is done. Just need to clean it up a bit. I milled some planks from my 20 year old stash of boxwood. The deck planking is kit supplied. I am using scrap basswood from the bulkhead sheets to use as bow fillers as I am comfortable with this. The stern will be done in the same fashion. The decision to use treenails or not will have to be made soon. Make em’ or fake em’ that is the question! Any helpful criticism is appreciated and thanks for the thumbs up!
  17. A happy New Years to all. Thanks to one of your fellow modelers I have reopened the shipyard after many years. I was a member of Model Shipwrights and this previous site many years ago. Currently working on the Confederacy from Model Shipways. The talent I have seen on the current build logs is inspiring and daunting at the same time! I retired 2 years ago so now have the time to indulge in my hobbies of leatherwork, woodwork, 1/32 scale WWI aircraft and now sailing ships. That is when I am not taking care of horses and fishing. How did I ever find time for making a living. My past ship builds are the Royal Louis and Royal Caroline. I have forgotten the makers of these two kits. Also a scratch built Gunboat Philadelphia. Im looking forward to learning from this group and participating. All the best, Mark “Bossman”
  18. Good day Gents. After a long absence from ship modeling, I am back in the game. I am new to the log business so my apologies in advance to the moderators if there is something amiss in the log but here goes. The Model shipways kit is so far been very nice to work with. I have finished the framing so we will start with the false deck. The center bulkead and all the frames went in without a hitch. I encountered a problem with the 2 quarters of the false deck. I read in another log and I think it was the same problem but figured it out with a little coffee and thought. The laser cut center line is about 1/8" off to the right. The hatch layout is correct. The formast hole and forward scuttle is centered on the laser cut which makes them wrong. Here is my fix. No harm no foul. I hope from this point on I can stay up to date. Thanks to all who who have posted their build logs on this ship. They have been a great help.
  19. 👍 This technique never failed me.
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