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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. I save the dust and mix it with diluted white glue and use it to fill gaps or build up low spots. Just a variation. I brushed dust into the gaps of the watchtower before dealing it with matte varnish. I think resizing to 1/87 is a great idea. The construction and the block sizes then fit into scale. I'm realizing that with my 1/200 Towers of Rochelle I'm going to end up with a recognizable model of the real thing but it won't pass close scrutiny for detail.
  2. With the river valley there is scope for watchtowers, a mill maybe a small boat yard These kits definitely stimulate the imagination. I plan to upgrade the harbour part of the Rochelle Towers with an attempt at water effect rather than using the blue paint provided in the kit. Then a couple of boats under sail. I was thinking today about trying to retrieve the illumination plan. Maybe it would be possible to snake some fibre optics through the card formers.
  3. Stellar progress and looks very nice. it's making me a bit more determined to make progress on the Towers. I had thought about adding lights but I didnt think the lead outs through the card formers well enough so it will have wait for the Loarre castle kit which is next up Alan
  4. I think the bricks are a standard size across the kits. I built the ruined medieval watchtower which seems to be about 1/72 scale and I'm now building the Towers of Rochelle which is 1/200 and the bricks are the same in both kits. The watchtower went fairly quickly but I'm very slow building the Towers. The shapes of the main tower require sanding almost every brick to fit. It's still fun but I need to take a break now and then and build something else. I'm not sure why the picture of tower is the wrong way up. It's resisting my attempts to flip it
  5. I looked at the shop site and promptly placed a $100 order! I placed the order at 9pm last night and it's already packed and in transit. Great recommendation. Thanks Mike Alan
  6. Harrier 809 looks like it's going to be a great book. The link has some interesting Sea Harrier / Falklands tidbits. https://www.aerosociety.com/news/21-things-i-discovered-while-writing-harrier-809/?utm_source=aerospace_insight_ebulletin&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2_october_20 Great model of an iconic aircraft
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