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About killickthere

  • Birthday 05/01/1957

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  • Location
    SE Connecticut, USA
  • Interests
    Competitive skeet shooting, sports cars, modeling, my two Cattle Dogs

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  1. Unbelievably beautiful. I wish I had the talents and patience, (and lack of ADHDLMNOP), to attempt a model of this caliper.
  2. Looking good. Bringing back fun memories. Keep up the good work.
  3. Good luck with your build. It's a fun ship to build and large enough to have nice detail. I also build the ship. Although my log is not any where near as good as the two you mentioned, (I used then also), there may be some methods or ideas for you. Following...
  4. WOW, just found out about the Indy from Facebook. I love the Hornblower tv series. I certainly would love to attempt her, (need to finish rigging the Alert), but I'm not so sure my skills are worthy. But you don't know until you try!
  5. Thank you David. Sorry I just saw this post. I just received my kit today, yippie! I will probably rig the guns. Thank you for the info.
  6. I ordered my Alert kit Tuesday. I'm finishing up my Bounty launch, (the small amount of rigging). Looking forward to starting the Alert. Good luck on the build.
  7. Hello David, I'm very interested in building this model after I finish my Bounty launch. Your build is beautiful. One question... I noticed the cannons are not rigged. Any particular reason? Does the kit not come with the blocks and cordage to rig them? Thanks!
  8. Subscribed. Wow thank you Glen for the fantastic tutorial on the Alert. I am working currently on the Bounty launch and have been looking for my next build. With your log I may just attempt the Alert! Thank again!
  9. A beautiful build Tom. I've had your build saved for a few years now and the kit for as long. I needed to finish my viking ship first and got that done last year. I am going to start the kit within the next week or so. Interesting seeing new posts, (sorry for the circumstances!). Thank you for the build. I know I'll be referring to it daily! Mark
  10. Oh no! It was just a method that worked for me. The work is just very monotonous. But as you see the hull coming together it's worth the work certainly! That's very cool. Yes the figure is 75mm which would put him at 7'4", too big for the ship. That's why he is not on the ship. But he looks good beside it. I found 54mm figures but they would have been too short. I'd rather have a larger figure than smaller as they are Vikings after all! My goodness your ship building is impressive. Unfortunately I don't have the patients to build something like the Sovereign of the Seas. I'm building the Bounty Launch soon. I would like to try the Constitution maybe one day.
  11. Well then... Welcome to the hobby! You'll find a wealth of information on the forum. I wish I was half as good as most of these guys but as I said I pick and choose the battles I think I can do really well. Thank you again. Adding nails is a painstaking process but adds so much to the model. Ask the eBay seller to give you the head diameter. Seems to me to get the smallest head I had to purchase longer pins but the excess just snaps off. Be careful snapping them as they go flying. I would stick my thumb in front of the pin as I snapped. The snapped off section would shoot ride into my thumb sticking in it. They are so small didn't hurt so I'd just pull them out lol. Here's a pic of the solution I used. Experiment with time.
  12. Thank you all for the kind words. The anchor was a really fun little aside from building the ship. Going out and finding a suitable rock then messing around with the fit, (for the better part of the day!). Squaring the holes for the wedges etc. Louie thank you for the pictures yes they do need pommels. Bulclutha75, they are something like that except I purchased mine on eBay. I tried to go back to my purchasing history for them but that only goes back to 2018. I don't remember if they were nickel plated or not. I do remember though that I soaked them in an electronic etching solution for various times. The longer they soaked the more rusty they became. If you want the name I still have the solution.
  13. One more pic. I ordered the warrior from a Ukrainian fella on Etsy. He's pewter , (really heavy), and had an artist friend of his paint it. I gave her artistic license and think she did an awesome job.
  14. Yes am/was a huge fan. Although I haven't watch the last season. I've got all the episodes recorded. Thanks for the info on the new series that's great! Oh and my brother has dibs on the ship HAHA. That's if I give it to him. I'm becoming quite fond of Puffe!
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