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Everything posted by J11

  1. Hello BeeWee, welcome on board to MSW! Your choice in air brushes kinda depends on your budget, there are many to choose from. Look around in "Painting, finishing and weathering products and techniques" blog and post your question there. Many on board will help along with quality answers. Post your build on a new blog also, so we all can see your craftsmanship and follow along. Look forward to seeing your build.
  2. tomwiberg, I would be very interested in the Kearsarge model. My personal email is POA@tutanota.com, holler at me and let me know what you would like for her?


    I am now doing the CSS Alabama at a highly detailed level and have been thinking of finding the Kearsarge and do the same. I going to assume the kit is in a good condition, not really worried about the box just contents.


    Thanks for your time and offer!





  3. @Louie da fly, wow that's some hunting down information. I first thought along the same lines as the ship being much larger also. Then going over the video and it's information as how they used historical barrel measurements of the time to compute the basic dimensions of the ship I understood it was a smaller size ship. But I would love to one day build a huge Super-Carrack style ship as some of the historical paintings and line drawings show. What a masterpiece that would be! Now to talk my sweetie into a thousand dollars worth of specific modeling wood. :-)
  4. Welcome Randy, great to have another modeler come on board!
  5. @Louie da fly, appreciate your input on the Museo Naval model. Here's a closeup of the rear of the model, and if I am following you right it would still need to be more rounded than what is shown? Then here's the S.M. model: Which has a small amount of difference. Using the two I still am leaning toward this model for a reference guide incorporating the Museo Naval model. Basically using the hull design as a template below. Your two points as illustrated help in understanding the differences around the forecastle. I have contacted the Museum and have gotten back an application wanting some very personal information which I will not be sending them for security reasons. But thanks to @Peregrino and his flicker images of the model I feel I have enough data to start a preliminary set of plans in the future. Plus the video he posted also provided some excellent reference's on how they determined their model representation. Plus @woodrat work from his blog (Thanks for posting) gives an excellent reference on how to tackle this new model representation and get it a little closer to historically accurate as possible from today's information. Those rounded hull's are very unique and beautiful in design during that time period; I can see how they would hold up to long ocean voyages for such a journey as Magellan had accomplished. So in the future I'll start drafting out the hull plan a section at a time then post them when I have a fairly accurate workable plan. It will be awhile and in the meantime I'll continue to look for more references also. Many thanks to all whom have contributed to my request.
  6. Here's a couple of reference images for barrel tie downs: You've done a wonderful build, been enjoying the blog.
  7. Many thanks, yep with this one it's 1 step forward 5 steps back. As we all know precise work with big hands does cause problems sometimes and that's my main problem along with weak old plastic. I was encouraged with the rigging at first as all went well and tight, now I'll definitely have to be real gentle with the future rigging. I'm also concerned about the boom sails as the yard mounts don't seen to be strong enough for me to mount them so I'm thinking of beefing up those mounts when they are added, just have to see how the rigging with the mounts will work in strengthening. I should have just made all the booms and masts out of wood and probably wouldn't have had this problem. Oh well that's what you get sometimes with a antique kit from the 70's.
  8. I have a success in repairing and will have to be very careful with the boom sail installs to make sure I don't break anymore parts. A couple of small repairs need to be finished but the central fore mast boom gaff sail is finally installed. Here's some images after repairs and another sail installed. I'll be working on the main mast gaff sail today also and might have some images by tomorrow. Plus doing some minor repairs, glad I have the Maxi cure glue as this is whats really helping in repairs, I'll have to do touch up paint after awhile to hide some repairs, and blend them in.
  9. Sadly, what I am trying to do with this older plastic kit is almost impossible. The fragile plastic pieces incorporated with wooden pieces held together fairly well with just a few mishaps. But when sewing the sails onto the yards and masts it has broken in three major places along the mast and the yards. If someone in the future want's to do this to the plastic kit as I have done, I don't recommend it at all. Work with a wooden CSS Alabama kit which will be much stronger to work with than older fragile plastic piece's. I won't give up on this assembly, as I am now working very carefully to repair the broken parts and will have some images of the completed sail which has caused the breakage, but it will take many more hours of careful assembly to get this section done. Hence why I have not uploaded anymore images in the past few days. I have completed one major repair and waiting for other piece's and parts to dry before I attempt to repair the broken yard and mast attachment areas again. So
  10. Alejandro, great post and very informative video. Again, thanks for posting this information which give's an excellent insight to the ship along with how they were able to surmise construction of the model. Can be easily converted to English subtitles for those interested and I highly recommend the part 1 video on Magellan's ship model.
  11. @Peregrino, many thanks for posting the flicker link. Fantastic you imaged so many pictures of her and help tremendously! Do you know of any plans there at the museum for Magellan's ship??
  12. WOW!!! Extraordinaire!! Congratulations on a job well done.
  13. Here's a complete image of the model:
  14. I have found this image from: https://armada.defensa.gob.es/html/estatico/HISTORIA_DE_LA_ARMADA_WEB.pdf From what Spanish I know it seems to say a actual model of Magellan's ship. Can someone translate the complete image?
  15. Been having trouble with personal emails but have gotten around the problem for now. These images were suppose to be posted last night but failed coming threw my files on emails. So a couple more images of the front sails installed with better detail:
  16. @Gahm, thanks glad you like them. Not to shabby for a first timer. Many hours have gone into putting them together along with research to try to get them as historically correct as possible. The trick is going for the rigging placements as this will be a surgical operation to intertwine proper placement along with block mounting threw all the tiny block holes without damaging the model. Will probably slow down to a crawl to get these right when I start. Luckily I feel I have all the tools I need to get er done. Might have some more images later on today. Thanks for all the likes and interest everyone!
  17. Quick update, fronts sails are on, rigging will commence later on: I'll post some more hopefully by tomorrow night.
  18. I appreciate your critique on the reconstruction of that life size ship. Along with the other info you have provided. It helps in narrowing down a general basis for his ship. I'm curious as to what the archive has and will post any info I get from them hopefully this week. Also thanks everyone for all the added info and posts.
  19. Interesting on the decor model. Seems it went for a steep price. That's 161.00 Euro's on the other model. I have always admired the carrack from http://www.marisstella.hr/gotovi_modeli_galery.php?id=118&tip=2 This one seems to me, a excellent basis to work from as a bash kit for possible Magellan's ship. But scratch building one like Woodrat's would be much more of a challenge given correct info on Magellan's ships. Oh course piecing together era info with assumptions is a lot more fun.
  20. Thanks @shipman, dogs dinner surroundings? You got me there? But I will image at a better location for final completion images. The glass case is going to be rather large for her as I make them myself. Figure it's a couple of months off till competed, thanks for following and your interest.
  21. Fore mast and main mast competed, working on front sails today and will hopefully have a couple installed by tonight. The boom sails will be worked on also for measurements since I have the main masts completed and can take my measurements accordingly. I can't believe I might have to order more silkspan as it looks like I don't have enough for the booms sails but will have the amount figured out soon. Looking like a fine sailing vessel and pleased with the outcome so far:
  22. Interestingly I have found a kit for Magellan's ship: https://www.fundacionnaovictoria.org/shop/en/nao-victoria/35-nao-victorias-model.html Looks nice and detailed but research is still ongoing as this image shows a early carrack model I have found on a auction site: https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/more-furniture-collectibles/collectibles-curiosities/nautical-objects/antique-european-wooden-hide-replica-sailing-carrack/id-f_1686682/ I do also have the info from a museum that has a full replica of another style carrack named Magellan's ship: https://www.google.com/search?q=nao+victoria+museum&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiCiMzuyYLtAhUHHqwKHYXzC0wQ_AUoAXoECAoQAw&biw=1236&bih=606&dpr=1.1 Also many more references to his ship and others which i will post when the data is completed.
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