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Everything posted by J11

  1. Images of the work table cleaned off and of the progress on the ship. Tweezer tying is slow but has to be done considering all the obstacles I have to work around. I only have 1 mm pins to tie to so it has to be precise without breaking anything. I'll have some more images soon ..... working slowly away on her. As you can tell, now I have the room to move her around and install the boom sails. This also helps in not breaking anything as she rotates to be worked on.
  2. @Guyuti, here's an image of my chair workbench which is on rollers and works very well for my building purposes. I had a bad accident which many years ago damaged my lower back, so I have to sit in my lazy boy to work because hard chairs or stools just kill me with pain, so I designed this one and cost was about thirty bucks for materials. All the extra's was a bunch more money so I'm talking about just the table itself. Hope it helps. I'll post a complete image if you need it, it fits two inch's above my lazy boy for perfect working height. I'll try to get a better image in full if you need it.
  3. @Dart, just put the images here in my blog which would be better per MSW guidelines.
  4. @Louie da fly, thanks. Nice info on the guns, thanks for posting that. I was very surprised to find as much as I did after really going after the information. Helped me in understanding more on the style of these ships and loved the pdf reports. Great stuff!!
  5. @Dart, is this your model?? It's a very nice representation of her, and appreciate the image as I thought I had all the quality representations of her on my file images. I didn't have this one and really appreciate the posting. if you have more images of this one please post them! I have been getting parts in as the mail has been slow because of covid. Been doing a little on her and will be doing more today and this week; so should have some images. My blocks arrived yesterday and starting to put them in, but it's slow work along with a appreciation to "Syren" for making some more for sale!! I was in a panic ... arrghh none available!! LOVE these blocks and will always spend the money to place these on my ships from now on. Funny as working on her I don't know why I didn't realize how light this model is after all the work which has gone into her. I'ts barely two pounds!! Kinda give's you the reason why she's so fragile. And yes she does float in the pool ..... . Holler again soon with pics.
  6. Gentlemen, thanks for all the concern and well thoughts for my family, Really appreciate it, very kind of you. As starting to rig away; I discovered I'm out of my favorite Syren blocks and have to order more. Looks like I'll need another 100 more in different sizes. So will be ordering this morning and get those a moving in the mail to me. I'll be prepping the lines as best as possible without driving myself crazy keeping all the loose lines ready to go for attachment to the missing blocks. I look at it as good experience for the Wasa coming up on my next build. Along with a couple of smaller projects I need to finish up. Using the Bluejacket prints for rigging doesn't quite match up to Revell's model layout. So I'm having to add many more tie in eyes along with some cleats which I have to order more also. Be tweezers work and hemostat work in place for most of them which will be slow. Very fortunately my sweetie got me a whole set of hemostats for Christmas, they have already proven their worth. I have also completed the work space clean up for swinging the model around as I work on her. Plus with the boom sails coming up she will be getting really wide once their installed. I have a couple more images soon posted, and thanks for all the likes and interest.
  7. Hello everyone, during this season I didn't have any time to work on my ship build project, but was able to do more research on fifteenth and sixteenth century ships. I had come upon a wreck site info with detailed information, very interesting site found a few years ago. Thanks for the book link and info also! Links: http://patrimoniocultural.gov.pt/media/uploads/dans/TheOranjemundShipwreck.pdf https://nadl.tamu.edu/index.php/shipwrecks/iberian-shipwrecks/portuguese-india-route/bom-jesus-1533/ https://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/123 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257154918_Loading_and_stability_of_a_late_16th_century_Portuguese_Indiaman https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225112563_Maritime_Archaeology_and_Trans-Oceanic_Trade_A_Case_Study_of_the_Oranjemund_Shipwreck_Cargo_Namibia
  8. I along with others have been busy with the Holidays and in hopes all had a wonderful season. This time around we had another seven family members get Covid, all but an older member have recovered and are back healthy again. The oldest member has been hit hard and were not sure he will pull threw. Wishing this blasted mess would leave our family alone, tired of all the wasted time spent with it and seeing it hurt families. If someone says that Covid is a lie and it doesn't exist. their lying I assure you. We have been threw the ringer with it. Please protect yourselves and your families. Here's a updated image of work space cleanup going on in prep for the boom sails to be installed by next week; hopefully. Man; never knew I had stock piled so much material and tools till I started cleanup and organizing the workspace. Even had to order a roving drawer unit to help easy access. The fore main mast boom sail mounts have broken and I am working to put new stronger mounts on. Still have rigging also to work on and will be completing some today and this week. As I have inventoried my model span material for the boom sails I do have just enough to finish them from my measurements, so I'll be building sails again also. Well that's the plan for the next couple of weeks with her and will post images of course. Thanks for the patience again, as we all know "Rome wasn't built in a day".
  9. Many thanks @Keith Black, and in hope's your family also had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
  10. Appreciate the compliments @luponero, working to finish her out will be posting a update today.
  11. Thank you @Bob Fraser, will have some more images soon and get this one under glass.
  12. Thanks @popeye the sailor, hope to have her done soon.
  13. Rigging is going slow but I have chosen the flags for her and sizes to be custom made: By next week I hope to have some rigging images. With Christmas coming up might be a little slower as we all have things to do and take care of during the holiday season.
  14. Fantastic job with the barrels tie down. Looks very historical! An Excellent build to be proud of!
  15. @Gahm, I am pleasantly surprised how she's coming along with the sails as I was concerned it would be to much for detailing over kill. Thanks for the admiration. Many thanks for all the likes also gentlemen, really helps with all the problems I have had with her construction. Here's some of the historical flags I am considering for her final detailing work. Might load her up and have four total mounted, We'll see.
  16. Good morning, More progress images, will be rigging for the next week or two. I'll start the boom sail work probably next week for the drafting table and individual sail builds. I have to finish all inside rigging completely so I can work the boom sail rigging threw them for placement. This rigging process will be a little slow as not to damage any more parts or piece's, plus I will be using different color rigging for enhancement. I'll post more images when I'm close to completing the rigging, so far she's looking like a civil war ship! I'll also be ordering special printed flags for her, possible five of them but I need a little bit more research to determine.
  17. @EJ_L, @DanielD, @popeye the sailor, thanks for all the compliments and likes gentlemen. So far she is holding together with; believe it or not, a tighter torque on the front mainstay. Was pleasantly surprised at the mainstay tightening which also straightened out the mainstay yard better when I worked to fix another breakage. But that's the max I can do on utilizing the rigging as a stronger support base and any more and she will explode in many piece's. I'll have some images tonight later on as my camera is a charging. I'll finish up on the sails I have made by tomorrow and then start all the other rigging with tweezers and rigging tools and watching my hands as I weave threw all the yards, masts and detail piece's in the way for tie downs. One decision on the rigging is the color for definition and enhancement of colors for her. Either white to really accent the rigging or tan to golden brown or possibility of using them all. Been pondering for awhile on it and am open to suggestions. Once the rigging is in place it will stay , no turning back or redo's as would be a dangerous operation for this fragile model. Then to work on the boom sails a making, heading into the final completion phase of this rascal and immediately put on the mount board then under glass. Then image's of final finished model and on the model shelve she goes ...woo hoo! I'll be drunk finishing night so no phone call's please. So I am almost there. One interesting item is the rigging placement as I am using three to four different sets of plans to finish the rigging off. Bluejackets plans, Revell's plans, and also older Alabama plan's from A.J Fisher; ( Michigan) along with builder, Captain, and plans book by Summersell; to rig this baby out right. Plus some historical wood cut images for reference and paint finish detailing. Pictures soon.
  18. Yves: an inspiration to us all to detail our sub models! Congratulations! Maybe one day we might see you build out a US Gato sub the same way. Really enjoyed you're historical research along with implementation in detailing work.
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